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Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation: 17th International Workshop, PATMOS 2007, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 3-5, 2007. Proceedings

Nadine Azémard ; Lars Svensson (eds.)

En conferencia: 17º International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS) . Gothenburg, Sweden . September 3, 2007 - September 5, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Logic Design; Processor Architectures; System Performance and Evaluation; Arithmetic and Logic Structures; Memory Structures; Circuits and Systems

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Crosstalk Waveform Modeling Using Wave Fitting

Mini Nanua; David Blaauw

Crosstalk analysis has become an essential part of high performance design in nanometer technologies. Interconnects in nanometer technology have increased resistance and coupling capacitance due to process scaling. The crosstalk pulses are complex and require a new modeling approach. We show that current models such as triangular and Weibull exhibit as much as 31% error in propagated pulse for some crosstalk waves in nanometer technology. We present a methodology based on wave fitting as a model for crosstalk waves. We compare the accuracy of the wave fitting model proposed with existing wave models such as: Weibull, isosceles triangular and trapezoidal. We present the simulation results for different gates in 65nm Bulk CMOS technology and provide a comparison in error statistics for propagated crosstalk pulse. We demonstrate that our approach has a average propagated pulse error of less than 5% and improves the overall crosstalk analysis results by at least 67%.

- Session 6 - Low Power Routing Optimization | Pp. 211-221

Weakness Identification for Effective Repair of Power Distribution Network

Takashi Sato; Shiho Hagiwara; Takumi Uezono; Kazuya Masu

A procedure called box-scan search which identifies possible weakness in a power distribution network of an LSI is proposed. In the procedure, node pairs having large voltage difference but located in close proximity are considered as good candidates for improving connections using additional wire. The virtual box is the grid space in which the node voltages are compared. Scans of node voltages of the virtual box generate a prioritized list of the fixing point candidate. Experimental results show effectiveness of the proposed procedure for pointing out the node pairs which requires low-impedance connection.

- Session 6 - Low Power Routing Optimization | Pp. 222-231

New Adaptive Encoding Schemes for Switching Activity Balancing in On-Chip Buses

P. Sithambaram; A. Macii; E. Macii

has shown to be a successful approach to bus temperature minimization. The idea at the basis of this technique is that of periodically permuting the routing of input bitstreams to the various bus lines, with the objective of temporally and spatially distributing the number of transitions over the entire bit-width, thus avoiding high switching activities to occur always on a few lines, which obviously causes an unnatural increase in temperature.

In this paper, we propose new encoding schemes which improve the capabilities of the approach of balancing the switching activities over the bus wires. The solutions we introduce are adaptive and dynamic in nature, as they select what bitstream goes to what bus line based on the actual bus traffic, thanks to some on-line monitoring capabilities which is offered by some ad-hoc hardware unit which runs in parallel at the transmitting and receiving ends of the bus.

The experimental results show that, on average, the proposed encoding schemes improve the transition balancing capabilities of the technique by a significant amount.

- Session 6 - Low Power Routing Optimization | Pp. 232-241

On the Necessity of Combining Coding with Spacing and Shielding for Improving Performance and Power in Very Deep Sub-micron Interconnects

T. Murgan; P. B. Bacinschi; S. Pandey; A. García Ortiz; M. Glesner

In this work, the necessity of combining signal encoding schemes with low-level anti-crosstalk techniques like spacing and shielding is analyzed. It is shown that in order to increase the throughput improvement and/or reduce the power consumption, coding schemes should be integrated with layout techniques since methods like spacing and shielding can be regarded as very simple encoding schemes. On this basis, a theoretical framework for assessing the improvement in throughput and/or power consumption is constructed. Furthermore, several possibilities to integrate coding with classical anti-crosstalk techniques are discussed.

- Session 6 - Low Power Routing Optimization | Pp. 242-254

Soft Error-Aware Power Optimization Using Gate Sizing

Foad Dabiri; Ani Nahapetian; Miodrag Potkonjak; Majid Sarrafzadeh

Power consumption has emerged as the premier and most constraining aspect in modern microprocessor and application specific designs. Gate sizing has been shown to be one of the most effective methods for power (and area) reduction in CMOS digital circuits. Recently, as the feature size of logic gates (and transistors) is becoming smaller and smaller, the effect of soft error rates caused by single event upsets (SEU) is becoming exponentially greater. As a consequence of technology feature size reduction, the SEU rate for typical microprocessor logic at the sea level will go from one in hundred years to one every minute. Unfortunately, the gate sizing requirements of power reduction and resiliency against SEU can be contradictory.

1) We consider the effects of gate sizing on SEU and incorporate the relationship between power reduction and SEU resiliency to develop a new method for power optimization under SEU constraints. 2) Although a non-linear programming approach is a more obvious solution, we propose a convex programming formulation that can be solved efficiently. 3) Many of the optimal existing techniques for gate sizing deal with an exponential number of paths in the circuit, we prove that it is sufficient to consider a linear number of constraints. As an important preprocessing step we apply statistical modeling and validation techniques to quantify the impact of fault masking on the SEU rate. We evaluate the effectiveness of our methodology on ISCAS benchmarks and show that error rates can be reduced by a factor of 100% to 200% while, on average, the power saving is simultaneously decreased by less than 7% to 12% respectively, compared to the optimal power saving with no error rate constraints.

- Session 7 - High Level Design (2) | Pp. 255-267

Automated Instruction Set Characterization and Power Profile Driven Software Optimization for Mobile Devices

Matthias Grumer; Manuel Wendt; Christian Steger; Reinhold Weiss; Ulrich Neffe; Andreas Mühlberger

The complexity of mobile devices is continuously growing due to the increasing requirements on performance. In portable systems such as smart cards, not only performance is an important attribute, but also the power and energy consumed by a given application. It is mandatory to accomplish software power optimizations based on accurate power consumption models characterized for the processor. Both the optimization and the characterization are carried out mostly manually and are thus very time consuming processes. This paper presents an environment for automated instruction set characterization, based on physical power measurements. Further, an optimization system is presented that allows an automated reduction of power consumption based on a compiler optimization.

- Session 7 - High Level Design (2) | Pp. 268-277

RTL Power Modeling and Estimation of Sleep Transistor Based Power Gating

Sven Rosinger; Domenik Helms; Wolfgang Nebel

We present an accurate RT level estimation methodology describing the power consumption of a component under power gating. By developing separate models for the on- and off-state and the transition cost between them, we can limit errors to below 10% compared to SPICE. The models support several implementation styles of power gating as NMOS/PMOS or Super-Cutoff. Additionally the models can be used to size the sleep transistors more accurate. We show, how the models can be integrated into a high level power estimation framework supporting design space exploration for several design for leakage methodologies.

- Session 7 - High Level Design (2) | Pp. 278-287

Functional Verification of Low Power Designs at RTL

Allan Crone; Gabriel Chidolue

Power is the number one constraint impacting today’s electronic designs. The need to minimize dynamic and static power consumption creates unique verification challenges. A common low power design technique involves switching off certain portions of the design (power islands) when that functionality is not required to reduce leakage power and restoring power when that functionality is needed again. This creates the need to save and restore state information with retention flops and latches, and to ensure the power island returns to a known good state when powered up.

Verification of correct design functionality of power islands within the context of a power management scheme has traditionally been performed at the gate level, if at all. Defect rectification at this level is costly in terms of resource and design cycle. This paper discusses the application of innovative techniques to enable power-aware verification at the RTL with traditional RTL design styles and reusable blocks.

- Session 7 - High Level Design (2) | Pp. 288-299

XEEMU: An Improved XScale Power Simulator

Zoltán Herczeg; Ákos Kiss; Daniel Schmidt; Norbert Wehn; Tibor Gyimóthy

Energy efficiency is a top requirement in embedded system design. Understanding the complex issue of software power consumption in early design phases is of extreme importance to make the right design decisions. Power simulators offer flexibility and allow a detailed view on the sources of power consumption. In this paper we present XEEMU, a fast, cycle-accurate simulator, which aims at the most accurate modeling of the XScale architecture possible. It has been validated using measurements on real hardware and shows a high accuracy for runtime, instantaneous power, and total energy consumption estimation. The average error is as low as 3.0% and 1.6% for runtime and energy consumption estimation, respectively.

- Session 7 - High Level Design (2) | Pp. 300-309

Low Power Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Maurice Keller; William Marnane

The designer of an elliptic curve processor is faced with many design choices that include the algorithm and coordinate system to be used. The power consumption of elliptic curve processors is becoming increasingly important as such processors find new uses in power constrained environments. This paper studies the effect that algorithm and coordinate choices have on the power consumption and energy per point multiplication of an FPGA based, reconfigurable elliptic curve processor.

- Session 8 - Security and Asynchronous Design | Pp. 310-319