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Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing: First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2006, Crete, Greece, October 1-4, 2006, Proceedings

Wolfgang Nejdl ; Klaus Tochtermann (eds.)

En conferencia: 1º European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) . Crete, Greece . October 1, 2006 - October 4, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computers and Education; Multimedia Information Systems; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

An Approach for Online Assessment in the Multinational EU Project: POOL Project Organization OnLine

Anke Mündler; Frank McCurry; Peter Haber; Enrique Benimeli-Bofarull

This paper deals with the different kinds of assessment possibilities in a virtual environment, assessing engineering students’ project management knowledge, skills and competencies developed during online project management training. The first part will provide information about the EU Leonardo da Vinci II project: POOL, Project Organisation OnLine and the second part will focus on the assessment model, developed for the POOL project as well as the used methods.

In industrial projects it is widely common to have distributed teams, which have to communicate and work effectively. Therefore it is necessary to prepare engineering students to cope with real live project situations. As a matter of fact engineering students are not always aware of the possible cultural and virtual communication problems particularly in an international setting. They have to develop other skills for online communication and processing as in face to face meetings.

- Posters | Pp. 673-678

Extending SCORM to Create Adaptive Courses

Marta Rey-López; Ana Fernández-Vilas; Rebeca P. Díaz-Redondo; José J. Pazos-Arias; Jesús Bermejo-Muõz

Current e-learning standards have been designed to provide reusability of educational contents and interoperability between systems. Besides these features, content personalization is also necessary, although current standards do not fully support it. In this paper, the ADL SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) adaptation possibilities are studied and an extension to this standard is presented in an effort to create adaptive courses that should be personalized before shown to the student.

- Posters | Pp. 679-684

The AtGentive Project: Attentive Agents for Collaborative Learners

Claudia Roda; Thierry Nabeth

Attention, which intervenes at many different levels such as the perception of the environment and the allocation of cognitive resources, appears to represent one of the key factors of learning and working performance. This poster presents AtGentive, a project which aims at investigating the use of agent-based ICT systems for supporting the management of the attention of young or adult learners in the context of learning and collaborative environments.

- Posters | Pp. 685-690

Meaningful Pedagogy Via Covering the Entire Life Cycle of Adaptive eLearning in Terms of a Pervasive Use of Educational Standards: The aLFanet Experience

Olga C. Santos; Jesus G. Boticario

Learners have different learning styles, background knowledge, interests and alternative evolution of their learning over time, which makes ineffective offering the same packaged course to each learner. Learning should be a user-centred process focused on learning activities adapted to learner’s needs and preferences. However, authoring of adaptive courses traditionally requires massive customisations and complex design procedures. A methodological approach to support authors in designing reusable, platform independent, objective-based and adaptive courses has been defined at aLFanet project (IST-2001-33288). This proposal is only possible if educational standards (IMS-LD, IMS-MD, IMS-QTI, IMS-CP and IMS-LIP) are used. To test our approach, we have built a prototype which considers the full eLearning cycle (design, publication, use and auditing) based on pervasive use of the educational standards. In this paper, we describe the authors’ experience in aLFanet as well as the main lessons learned from running a course at UNED.

- Posters | Pp. 691-696

A Context-Aware Service Oriented Framework for Finding, Recommending and Inserting Learning Objects

Xavier Ochoa; Stefaan Ternier; Gonzalo Parra; Erik Duval

In this paper, we will propose a framework for finding, recommending and inserting learning objects in a digital repository, exploiting the user context that is captured from the Learning Management System (LMS). The framework we propose builds on top of the ARIADNE service oriented architecture for learning object repositories, abstracting from the technicalities of low level metadata and resource management. As a case study, the framework has been applied in a university learning management system (SIDWeb). The intent is to exploit contextual information from the learning management system in digital repositories.

- Posters | Pp. 697-702

Trialogical E-Learning and Emergent Knowledge Artifacts

Yannis Tzitzikas; Vassilis Christophides; Giorgos Flouris; Dimitris Kotzinos; Hannu Markkanen; Dimitris Plexousakis; Nicolas Spyratos

According to the recently emerged, (TL) paradigm, learners are collaboratively developing shared objects of activity in a systematic fashion. In this paper we propose a basic learning scenario according to the TL paradigm. With this scenario as gnomon, we elaborate the technical issues that are raised for supporting it and we propose a flexible novel method for defining various aspects of the group knowledge.

- Posters | Pp. 703-708

ARiSE – Augmented Reality in School Environments

Manfred Bogen; Jürgen Wind; Angele Giuliano

ARiSE is an exciting IST project funded under the 4th Call for proposals that will develop a new technology, the Augmented Reality Teaching Platform (ARTP) by adapting existing augmented reality (AR) technology for museums to the needs of students in primary and secondary school classes. Building on existing open platforms, the new technology will promote team work, collaboration between classes in the same school or even remote collaboration between schools in different countries in a learner-centered approach. Using 3D presentations and user-friendly interaction techniques will lead to better understanding of scientific and cultural content coupled with high student motivation.

- Posters | Pp. 709-714

Professional Learning in Europe and Beyond Structures for Sustainable TEL-Research

Martin Wolpers; Margit Hofer; Gunnar Martin

This paper outlines how the Network of Excellence in professional learning (PROLEARN) influences European and world-wide research in the area of technology enhanced professional learning. Two new European projects, iCamp and Prolix serve as excellent examples of the impact of PROLEARN. The establishment of the professional learning cluster (PRO-LC) that bases on PROLEARN and its results further proves the urgency for a European wide organization in the area of research in technology enhanced professional learning.

- Posters | Pp. 715-718