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Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing: First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2006, Crete, Greece, October 1-4, 2006, Proceedings

Wolfgang Nejdl ; Klaus Tochtermann (eds.)

En conferencia: 1º European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) . Crete, Greece . October 1, 2006 - October 4, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computers and Education; Multimedia Information Systems; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Knowledge Fusion: A New Method to Share and Integrate Distributed Knowledge Sources

Jin Gou; Yangyang Wu; Wei Luo

This paper presents a new method to integrate and share distributed knowledge objects using fusion process. Knowledge objects are mapped to an ontology base and transformed to meta-knowledge set. A detailed knowledge fusion algorithm based on GA and semantic rules is proposed. Feedback mechanism is also discussed to optimize both the fusion process and knowledge space. Experimental results of a case study show the feasibility of design rationale in a knowledge-based service environment.

- Posters | Pp. 609-614

Ontologies to Support Learning Design Context

Jelena Jovanović; Dragan Gašević; Christopher Brooks; Colin Knight; Griff Richards; Gordon McCalla

This paper presents an ontology-based framework aimed at explicitly representing the context of use of a learning object inside of a learning design. The core of the proposed framework is a learning object context ontology that leverages a range of other kinds of learning ontologies (e.g. domain, user modeling, learning design etc.) to capture the context-specific metadata. On top of that framework, we develop the architecture of an adaptive educational system, in order to illustrate the benefits of our proposal for personalization of learning design. Finally, we reflect how two present educational tools (iHelp Courses and TANGRAM) correspond to the proposed architecture.

- Posters | Pp. 615-620

TENCompetence: Lifelong Learning and Competence Development

Christopher Kew

TENCompetence is an integrated project which will support individuals, groups and organisations in Europe in lifelong competence development by establishing the most appropriate technical and organizational infrastructure, using open-source, standards-based, sustainable and innovative technology. To achieve this, the project will conduct RTD activities to further develop and integrate models and tools in the respective fields of knowledge resources, learning activities and units of learning, competence development programmes and network data for lifelong competence development. The result will be the creation of new pedagogical approaches, new innovative software, and the integration of isolated models and tools into a common framework for competence development.

- Posters | Pp. 621-627

A Storyboard of the APOSDLE Vision

Stefanie Lindstaedt; Harald Mayer

The goal of the APOSDLE (Advanced Process-Oriented Self-Directed Learning environment) project is to enhance knowledge worker productivity by supporting informal learning activities in the context of knowledge workers’ everyday work processes and within their work environments. This contribution seeks to communicate the ideas behind this abstract vision to the reader by using a storyboard, scenarios and mock-ups. The project just started in March 2006 and is funded within the European Commission’s 6th Framework Program under the IST work program. APOSDLE is an Integrated Project jointly coordinated by the Know-Center, Austria’s Competence Centre for Knowledge Management, and Joanneum Research. APOSDLE brings together 12 partners from 7 European Countries.

- Posters | Pp. 628-633

Blended Learning Technologies in Lifelong Education: Lessons Learned from a Case Study

Konstantinos Liotsios; Stavros Demetriadis; Andreas Pombortsis

The combination of the traditional form of education and e-learning activities (blended learning) constitutes an important possibility for the higher education, so that they reach the flexibility which is considered to be necessary for their adaptation to the trainees’ needs within the frame of socio-cognitive needs created by the information society. We present the principles of the application of blended lesson designs in graduate level and of its evaluation by the students. Based on our experience we support the opinion that the blended design may constitute the most important example of the organization of education in the information society. Could cope also with the needs and characteristics of lifelong learning, as it seems to provide both the necessary flexibility and the support for the development of the skills for the management of technology and time which are not confirmed by the traditional designs.

- Posters | Pp. 634-639

iCamp – The Educational Web for Higher Education

Barbara Kieslinger; Fridolin Wild; Onur Ihsan Arsun

iCamp is an EC-funded research project in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) that aims to support collaboration and social networking across systems, countries and disciplines in higher education. The concept of an iCamp Space will build on existing interfaces and integrate shared community features. Interoperability amongst different open source learning systems and tools is the key to successful sustainability of iCamp. The content for this collaboration within social communities is provided via distributed networked repositories including, for example, content brokerage platforms, online libraries, and learning object databases. The innovative pedagogical model of iCamp is based on social constructivist learning theories. iCamp creates an environment for a new way of social networking in higher education that puts more emphasis on self-organised, self-directed learning, social networking and cross-cultural collaboration.

- Posters | Pp. 640-645

The Study on Effective Programming Learning Using Wiki Community Systems

Soo-Hwan Kim; Hee-Seop Han; SunGwan Han

This study suggests the effective learning programming method using the Wiki Community Systems. In an e-Learning setting, it is hard to expect the growing learners’ ability of thinking and collaboration when programming learning focuses on learning content. The Wiki Community systems we suggested, which are community-centered, however, can foster learners’ ability of algorithm thinking through processing of sharing ideas and collaborating on a work with learners. We applied learning programming method using the Wiki Community systems to the fourth-grade elementary students. As a result, learners could share their ideas about solving problems and collaborate on the entire processes of learning. Furthermore, this system makes learners’ knowledge for algorism to be more elaborate during learners are finding out the optimum algorithm and improve learners’ thinking power.

- Posters | Pp. 646-651

Analysing Graphic-Based Electronic Discussions: Evaluation of Students’ Activity on

Einat Lotan Kochan

is a graphic based electronic discussion tool developed for educational purposes. These purposes are varied: learning to argue and discuss, learning through argumentation and discussion, and creating shared knowledge, are only some of them. This diversity, together with the unique graphic activity that requires, makes the analysis of e-discussions more complex compared to the analysis of other types of e-discussions (e.g. discussion forums). Models developed by educational researchers for analyzing electronic discussions, turn out to be insufficient for the analysis of activities, as they neglect some of the distinctive learning aspects activities contain. We therefore decided to develop a new method of analysis. This paper describes our considerations at the beginning of the development process, while focusing on the problems and challenges identified so far.

- Posters | Pp. 652-659


Erica Melis; Jeff Haywood; Tim J. Smith

LeActiveMath (Language-Enhanced, User-Adaptive, Interactive eLearning for Mathematics) is an interdisciplinary European effort that develops an internationalized Web-based intelligent e-Learning system for mathematics that can be used in high school and university as well as for self study. The many technological innovations serve a moderate constructivist and competency-based pedagogical approach. LeActiveMath integrates a number of services and tools and advances the state-of-the-art in semantic search and other usages of semantic representations, presentation of maths on the Web, course generation, coherence of material, exercise selection, modeling of motivation, modeling of competencies, annotation and structure of exercises, feedback and tutorial dialogues in exercises, First evaluations are completed and large ones ahead.

- Posters | Pp. 660-666

Language Technology for eLearning

Paola Monachesi; Lothar Lemnitzer; Kiril Simov

Given the huge amount of static and dynamic content created for eLearning tasks, the major challenge for extending their use is to improve the effectiveness of retrieval and accessibility by making use of Learning Management Systems. The aim of the European project is to tackle this problem by providing Language Technology based functionalities and by integrating semantic knowledge to facilitate the management, distribution and retrieval of the learning material.

- Posters | Pp. 667-672