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Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing: First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2006, Crete, Greece, October 1-4, 2006, Proceedings

Wolfgang Nejdl ; Klaus Tochtermann (eds.)

En conferencia: 1º European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) . Crete, Greece . October 1, 2006 - October 4, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computers and Education; Multimedia Information Systems; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

New Media for Teaching Applied Cryptography and Network Security

Ji Hu; Dirk Cordel; Christoph Meinel

Considering that security education needs to train students to deal with security problems in real environments, we developed new media for teaching applied cryptography and network security. They permit students to gain real-life security experience from virtual laboratories on CD, DVD, or online. The application of those media is helpful to reduce investment and administration costs as well as effectively support security experiments which previously had to be done in conventional security laboratories.

- Short Papers | Pp. 488-493

Initiating Technology-Enhanced Learning at a Public-Sector Institution in a Developing Country

Muhammad F. Kaleem

This paper describes the experience of the author in setting up a project for lecture delivery using electronic academic content with the aim of initiating technology-enhanced learning activities in a public-sector institution of higher learning in Pakistan. The project was aimed at undergraduate engineering students, and the author was the instructor of an engineering course. The paper will explain the background which influenced the scope of the project, and list out the objectives set for the project. The setup used for lecture delivery will be described, and the advantages and limitations of the approach will be highlighted. The paper will also present and categorize different problems faced during the project and highlight their impact on the project. Finally, the plans and work-in-progress to continue and enhance the scope of the project in the future will be presented.

- Short Papers | Pp. 494-499

Requirements and an Architecture for a Multimedia Content Re-purposing Framework

Marek Meyer; Tomas Hildebrandt; Christoph Rensing; Ralf Steinmetz

Production of Learning Resources is very expensive. Hence re-use is a common way to lower these costs. In contrary to a re-use ”as is” re-purposing means to transform a Learning Resource to suit a new learning or teaching context. We consider re-purposing to be a promising approach to improve the re-use of Learning Resources. As a basis for re-purposing tools, a re-purposing framework shall provide fundamental functionality in order to facilitate the development of re-purposing tools. This paper analyzes the requirements for such a framework, proposes an actual architecture and presents the current state of the implementation.

- Short Papers | Pp. 500-505

Developing a Reference Model to Describe the Personal Learning Environment

Colin D. Milligan; Phillip Beauvoir; Mark W. Johnson; Paul Sharples; Scott Wilson; Oleg Liber

How can we ensure that our educational systems evolve to better serve the needs of learners? This paper reports on initial work to create a Reference Model for a Personal Learning Environment, where the emphasis is on facilitating learning, in contrast to traditional Virtual Learning Environments which exist primarily to manage the learning process. This paper describes the rationale underlying the Personal Learning Environment concept and the advantages gained by specifying a reference model to define the PLE domain, before presenting a summary of the reference model itself.

- Short Papers | Pp. 506-511

Semantic Modelling of Learning Objects and Instruction

Claus Pahl; Mark Melia

We introduce an ontology-based semantic modelling framework that addresses subject domain modelling, instruction modelling, and interoperability aspects in the development of complex reusable learning objects. Ontologies are knowledge representation frameworks, ideally suited to support knowledge-based modelling of these learning objects. We illustrate the benefits of semantic modelling for learning object assemblies within the context of standards such as SCORM Sequencing and Navigation and Learning Object Metadata.

- Short Papers | Pp. 512-517

Context-Aware Workplace Learning Support: Concept, Experiences, and Remaining Challenges

Andreas Schmidt; Simone Braun

Workplace learning offers the unique possibility of the immediacy of purpose and real-world context. In order to leverage on this, we have developed a context-aware method to support workplace learning. In this paper, we want to describe the concept of context-steered learning, both from a content-driven and communication-driven perspective, and present corresponding system functionality primitives.

- Short Papers | Pp. 518-524

A Context-Model for Supporting Work-Integrated Learning

Armin Ulbrich; Peter Scheir; Stefanie N. Lindstaedt; Manuel Görtz

This contribution introduces the so-called Workplace Learning Context as essential conceptualisation supporting self-directed learning experiences directly at the workplace. The Workplace Learning Context is to be analysed and exploited for retrieving ‘learning’ material that best-possibly matches with a knowledge worker’s current learning needs. In doing so, several different ‘flavours’ of work-integrated learning can be realised including task learning, competency-gap based support and domain-related support. The Workplace Learning Context Model, which is also outlined in this contribution, forms the technical representation of the Workplace Learning Context.

- Short Papers | Pp. 525-530

Made-to-Measure Learning Materials

Magí Almirall; Muriel Garreta; Josep Rivera

This paper presents how we developed a solution to easily publish learning contents in the formats that best fulfill students’ needs at each specific moment of their learning process. The basis is an XML standard file from which different format outputs are generated automatically. The output interface is designed using human-computer interaction (HCI) methodologies and following e-learning and accessibility standards. We describe here the creation process of three different formats: a paper format generated in two sizes (pocket and folio), a Web format based on standards of e-learning and an accessible Digital Talking Book (DTB) format. This adaptation of the output format to meet students’ needs resulted in an increase of their satisfaction, not only regarding the interface but also the overall materials service. Therefore, by solely changing the output of the contents, students’ perception – as shown by satisfaction surveys – was that the quality of the contents had increased.

- Posters | Pp. 531-536

The Problem of LD Execution and the Need for an IMS LD Level B Ontology

Ricardo R. Amorim; Eduardo Sánchez; Manuel Lama

This paper presents an ontology describing the semantics of the level B of the IMS Learning Design specification. The ontology is aimed at supporting intelligent agents to automate the tasks involved during the execution of IMS LD documents. The work includes a taxonomy of concepts, a set of axioms formalized in first order logic, and a case study. The ontology was built with Protégé, represented in OWL, and finally translated in XML Schema for validation with the Reload tool.

- Posters | Pp. 537-542

Taking Teaching Context into Account for Semantic Annotation Patterns

Faiçal Azouaou; Cyrille Desmoulins

In this article, starting from MemoNote pattern functionalities enabling teacher to memorize semantic and personal annotations, our objective is to extend them with context-aware capabilities. MemoNote uses annotation patterns to deduce annotation semantics from the form chosen by the teacher. We specify the annotation context, its capture from elements of the teaching situation and we model it with ontologies. Annotation context model is then directly integrated into the previous pattern formalism in MemoNote, in order to obtain context-aware pattern. Therefore, MemoNote can deduce annotation semantics from the annotation form depending on the current context.

- Posters | Pp. 543-548