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Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention: MICCAI 2007: 10th International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, October 29: November 2, 2007, Proceedings, Part I

Nicholas Ayache ; Sébastien Ourselin ; Anthony Maeder (eds.)

En conferencia: 10º International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) . Brisbane, QLD, Australia . October 29, 2007 - November 2, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Computer Graphics; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Imaging / Radiology; Health Informatics

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Statistical Atlases of Bone Anatomy: Construction, Iterative Improvement and Validation

Gouthami Chintalapani; Lotta M. Ellingsen; Ofri Sadowsky; Jerry L. Prince; Russell H. Taylor

We present an iterative bootstrapping framework to create and analyze statistical atlases of bony anatomy such as the human pelvis from a large collection of CT data sets. We create an initial tetrahedral mesh representation of the target anatomy and use deformable intensity-based registration to create an initial atlas. This atlas is used as prior information to assist in deformable registration/segmentation of our subject image data sets, and the process is iterated several times to remove any bias from the initial choice of template subject and to improve the stability and consistency of mean shape and variational modes. We also present a framework to validate the statistical models. Using this method, we have created a statistical atlas of full pelvis anatomy with 110 healthy patient CT scans. Our analysis shows that any given pelvis shape can be approximated up to an average accuracy of 1.5036 mm using the first 15 principal modes of variation. Although a particular intensity-based deformable registration algorithm was used to produce these results, we believe that the basic method may be adapted readily for use with any registration method with broadly similar characteristics.

- Computational Anatomy - I | Pp. 499-506

A New Benchmark for Shape Correspondence Evaluation

Brent C. Munsell; Pahal Dalal; Song Wang

This paper introduces a new benchmark study of evaluating landmark-based shape correspondence used for statistical shape analysis. Different from previous shape-correspondence evaluation methods, the proposed benchmark first generates a large set of synthetic shape instances by randomly sampling a specified ground-truth statistical shape model. We then run the test shape-correspondence algorithms on these synthetic shape instances to construct a new statistical shape model. We finally introduce a new measure to describe the difference between this newly constructed statistical shape model and the ground truth. This new measure is then used to evaluate the performance of the test shape-correspondence algorithm. By introducing the ground-truth statistical shape model, we believe the proposed benchmark allows for a more objective evaluation of the shape correspondence than those that do not specify any ground truth.

- Computational Anatomy - I | Pp. 507-514

Automatic Inference of Sulcus Patterns Using 3D Moment Invariants

Z. Y. Sun; D. Rivière; F. Poupon; J. Régis; J. -F. Mangin

The goal of this work is the automatic inference of frequent patterns of the cortical sulci, namely patterns that can be observed only for a subset of the population. The sulci are detected and identified using brainVISA open software. Then, each sulcus is represented by a set of shape descriptors called the 3D moment invariants. Unsupervised agglomerative clustering is performed to define the patterns. A ratio between compactness and contrast among clusters is used to select the best patterns. A pattern is considered significant when this ratio is statistically better than the ratios obtained for clouds of points following a Gaussian distribution. The patterns inferred for the left cingulate sulcus are consistent with the patterns described in the atlas of Ono.

- Computational Anatomy - I | Pp. 515-522

Classifier Selection Strategies for Label Fusion Using Large Atlas Databases

Paul Aljabar; R. Heckemann; Alexander Hammers; Joseph V. Hajnal; Daniel Rueckert

Structural segmentations of brain MRI can be generated by propagating manually labelled atlas images from a repository to a query subject and combining them. This method has been shown to be robust, consistent and increasingly accurate with increasing numbers of classifiers. It outperforms standard atlas-based segmentation but suffers, however, from problems of scale when the number of atlases is large. For a large repository and a particular query subject, using a selection strategy to identify good classifiers is one way to address problems of scale. This work presents and compares different classifier selection strategies which are applied to a group of 275 subjects with manually labelled brain MR images. We approximate an upper limit for the accuracy or overlap that can be achieved for a particular structure in a given subject and compare this with the accuracy obtained using classifier selection. The accuracy of different classifier selection strategies are also rated against the distribution of overlaps generated by random groups of classifiers.

- Computational Anatomy - I | Pp. 523-531

Groupwise Combined Segmentation and Registration for Atlas Construction

Kanwal K. Bhatia; Paul Aljabar; James P. Boardman; Latha Srinivasan; Maria Murgasova; Serena J. Counsell; Mary A. Rutherford; Joseph V. Hajnal; A. David Edwards; Daniel Rueckert

The creation of average anatomical atlases has been a growing area of research in recent years. It is of increased value to construct representations of, not only intensity atlases, but also their segmentation into required tissues or structures. This paper presents novel approaches, which aim to simultaneously improve both the alignment of intensity images to their average shape, as well as the segmentations of structures in the average space. An iterative EM framework is used to build average 3D MR atlases of populations for which prior atlases do not currently exist: preterm infants at one- and two-years old. These have been used to quantify the growth of tissues occurring between these ages.

- Computational Anatomy - I | Pp. 532-540

Subject-Specific Biomechanical Simulation of Brain Indentation Using a Meshless Method

Ashley Horton; Adam Wittek; Karol Miller

We develop a meshless method for simulating soft organ deformation. The method is motivated by simple, automatic model creation for real-time simulation. Our method is meshless in the sense that deformation is calculated at nodes that are not part of an element mesh. Node placement is almost arbitrary. Fully geometrically nonlinear total Lagrangian formulation is used. Geometric integration is performed over a regular background grid that does not conform to the simulation geometry. Explicit time integration is used via the central difference method. To validate the method we simulate indentation of a swine brain and compare the results to experimental data.

- Computational Physiology - I | Pp. 541-548

Towards an Identification of Tumor Growth Parameters from Time Series of Images

Ender Konukoglu; Olivier Clatz; Pierre-Yves Bondiau; Maxime Sermesant; Hervé Delingette; Nicholas Ayache

In cancer treatment, understanding the aggressiveness of the tumor is essential in therapy planning and patient follow-up. In this article, we present a novel method for quantifying the speed of invasion of gliomas in white and grey matter from time series of magnetic resonance (MR) images. The proposed approach is based on mathematical tumor growth models using the reaction-diffusion formalism. The quantification process is formulated by an inverse problem and solved using anisotropic fast marching method yielding an efficient algorithm. It is tested on a few images to get a first proof of concept with promising new results.

- Computational Physiology - I | Pp. 549-556

Real-Time Modeling of Vascular Flow for Angiography Simulation

Xunlei Wu; Jérémie Allard; Stéphane Cotin

Interventional neuroradiology is a growing field of minimally invasive therapies that includes embolization of aneurysms and arterio-venous malformations, carotid angioplasty and carotid stenting, and acute stroke therapy. Treatment is performed using image-guided instrument navigation through the patient’s vasculature and requires intricate combination of visual and tactile coordination. In this paper we present a series of techniques for real-time high-fidelity simulation of angiographic studies. We focus in particular on the computation and visualization of blood flow and blood pressure distribution patterns, mixing of blood and contrast agent, and high-fidelity simulation of fluoroscopic images.

- Computational Physiology - I | Pp. 557-565

A Training System for Ultrasound-Guided Needle Insertion Procedures

Yanong Zhu; Derek Magee; Rish Ratnalingam; David Kessel

Needle placement into a patient body under guidance of ultrasound is a frequently performed procedure in clinical practice. Safe and successful performance of such procedure requires a high level of spatial reasoning and hand-eye co-ordination skills, which must be developed through intensive practice. In this paper we present a training system designed to improve the skills of interventional radiology trainees in ultrasound-guided needle placement procedures. Key issues involved in the system include surface and volumetric registration, solid texture modelling, spatial calibration, and real-time synthesis and rendering of ultrasound images. Moreover, soft tissue deformation caused by the needle movement and needle cutting is realised using a mass-spring-model approach. These have led to a realistic ultrasound simulation system, which has been shown to be a useful tool for the training of needle insertion procedures. Preliminary results of a construct evaluation study indicate the effectiveness and usefulness of the developed training system.

- Computational Physiology - I | Pp. 566-574

Anisotropic Wave Propagation and Apparent Conductivity Estimation in a Fast Electrophysiological Model: Application to XMR Interventional Imaging

P. P. Chinchapatnam; K. S. Rhode; A. King; G. Gao; Y. Ma; T. Schaeffter; David J. Hawkes; R. S. Razavi; Derek L. G. Hill; S. Arridge; Maxime Sermesant

Cardiac arrhythmias are increasingly being treated using ablation procedures. Development of fast electrophysiological models and estimation of parameters related to conduction pathologies can aid in the investigation of better treatment strategies during Radio-frequency ablations. We present a fast electrophysiological model incorporating anisotropy of the cardiac tissue. A global-local estimation procedure is also outlined to estimate a hidden parameter (apparent electrical conductivity) present in the model. The proposed model is tested on synthetic and real data derived using XMR imaging. We demonstrate a qualitative match between the estimated conductivity parameter and possible pathology locations. This approach opens up possibilities to directly integrate modelling in the intervention room.

- Computational Physiology - I | Pp. 575-583