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Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention: MICCAI 2007: 10th International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, October 29: November 2, 2007, Proceedings, Part I

Nicholas Ayache ; Sébastien Ourselin ; Anthony Maeder (eds.)

En conferencia: 10º International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) . Brisbane, QLD, Australia . October 29, 2007 - November 2, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Computer Graphics; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Imaging / Radiology; Health Informatics

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Geodesic-Loxodromes for Diffusion Tensor Interpolation and Difference Measurement

Gordon Kindlmann; Raúl San José Estépar; Marc Niethammer; Steven Haker; Carl-Fredrik Westin

In algorithms for processing diffusion tensor images, two common ingredients are interpolating tensors, and measuring the distance between them. We propose a new class of interpolation paths for tensors, termed , which explicitly preserve clinically important tensor attributes, such as mean diffusivity or fractional anisotropy, while using basic differential geometry to interpolate tensor orientation. This contrasts with previous Riemannian and Log-Euclidean methods that preserve the determinant. Path integrals of tangents of geodesic-loxodromes generate novel measures of over-all difference between two tensors, and of difference in shape and in orientation.

- Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Computing | Pp. 1-9

Quantification of Measurement Error in DTI: Theoretical Predictions and Validation

Casey Goodlett; P. Thomas Fletcher; Weili Lin; Guido Gerig

The presence of Rician noise in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) introduces systematic errors in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) measurements. This paper evaluates gradient direction schemes and tensor estimation routines to determine how to achieve the maximum accuracy and precision of tensor derived measures for a fixed amount of scan time. We present Monte Carlo simulations that quantify the effect of noise on diffusion measurements and validate these simulation results against appropriate in-vivo images. The predicted values of the systematic and random error caused by imaging noise are essential both for interpreting the results of statistical analysis and for selecting optimal imaging protocols given scan time limitations.

- Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Computing | Pp. 10-17

In-utero Three Dimension High Resolution Fetal Brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Shuzhou Jiang; Hui Xue; Serena J. Counsell; Mustafa Anjari; Joanna Allsop; Mary A. Rutherford; Daniel Rueckert; Joseph V. Hajnal

We present a methodology to achieve 3D high resolution fetal brain DTI that shows excellent ADC as well as promising FA maps. After continuous DTI scanning to acquire a repeated series of parallel slices with 15 diffusion directions, image registration is used to realign the images to correct for fetal motion. Once aligned, the diffusion images are treated as irregularly sampled data where each voxel is associated with an appropriately rotated diffusion direction, and used to estimate the diffusion tensor on a regular grid. The method has been tested successful on eight fetuses and has been validated on adults imaged at 1.5T.

- Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Computing | Pp. 18-26

Real-Time MR Diffusion Tensor and Q-Ball Imaging Using Kalman Filtering

C. Poupon; F. Poupon; A. Roche; Y. Cointepas; J. Dubois; J. -F. Mangin

Magnetic resonance diffusion imaging (dMRI) has become an established research tool for the investigation of tissue structure and orientation. In this paper, we present a method for real time processing of diffusion tensor and Q-ball imaging. The basic idea is to use Kalman filtering framework to fit either the linear tensor or Q-ball model. Because the Kalman filter is designed to be an incremental algorithm, it naturally enables updating the model estimate after the acquisition of any new diffusion-weighted volume. Processing diffusion models and maps during ongoing scans provides a new useful tool for clinicians, especially when it is not possible to predict how long a subject may remain still in the magnet.

- Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Computing | Pp. 27-35

Finsler Tractography for White Matter Connectivity Analysis of the Cingulum Bundle

John Melonakos; Vandana Mohan; Marc Niethammer; Kate Smith; Marek Kubicki; Allen Tannenbaum

In this paper, we present a novel approach for the segmentation of white matter tracts based on Finsler active contours. This technique provides an optimal measure of connectivity, explicitly segments the connecting fiber bundle, and is equipped with a metric which is able to utilize the directional information of high angular resolution data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm for segmenting the cingulum bundle.

- Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Computing | Pp. 36-43

Segmentation of Myocardial Volumes from Real-Time 3D Echocardiography Using an Incompressibility Constraint

Yun Zhu; Xenophon Papademetris; Albert Sinusas; James S. Duncan

Real-time three-dimensional (RT3D) echocardiography is a new imaging modality that presents the unique opportunity to visualize the complex three-dimensional (3 -D) shape and the motion of left ventricle (LV) . To take advantage of this opportunity, automatic segmentation of LV myocardium is essential. While there are a variety of efforts on the segmentation of LV endocardial (ENDO) boundaries, the segmentation of epicardial (EPI) boundaries is still problematic. In this paper, we present a new approach of coupled-surfaces propagation to address this problem. Our method is motivated by the idea that the volume of the myocardium is close to being constant during a cardiac cycle and takes this tight coupling as an important constraint. We employ two surfaces, each driven by the image-derived information that takes into account the ultrasound physics by modeling speckle using shifted Rayleigh distribution while maintaining the coupling. By evolving two surfaces simultaneously, the final representation of myocardium is thus achieved. Results from 328 sets of RT3D echocardiographic data are evaluated against the outlines of three observers. We show that the results from automatic segmentation are comparable to those from manual segmentation.

- Cardiac Imaging and Robotics | Pp. 44-51

Localized Shape Variations for Classifying Wall Motion in Echocardiograms

K. Y. Esther Leung; Johan G. Bosch

To quantitatively predict coronary artery diseases, automated analysis may be preferred to current visual assessment of left ventricular (LV) wall motion. In this paper, a novel automated classification method is presented which uses shape models with localized variations. These sparse shape models were built from four-chamber and two-chamber echocardiographic sequences using principal component analysis and orthomax rotations. The resulting shape parameters were then used to classify local wall-motion abnormalities of LV segments. Various orthomax criteria were investigated. In all cases, higher classification correctness was achieved using significantly less shape parameters than before rotation. Since pathologies are typically spatially localized, many medical applications involving local classification should benefit from orthomax parameterizations.

- Cardiac Imaging and Robotics | Pp. 52-59

Image Guidance of Intracardiac Ultrasound with Fusion of Pre-operative Images

Yiyong Sun; Samuel Kadoury; Yong Li; Matthias John; Jeff Resnick; Gerry Plambeck; Rui Liao; Frank Sauer; Chenyang Xu

This paper presents a method for registering 3D intracardiac echo (ICE) to pre-operative images. A magnetic tracking sensor is integrated on the ICE catheter tip to provide the 3D location and orientation. The user guides the catheter into the patient heart to acquire a series of ultrasound images covering the anatomy of the heart chambers. An automatic intensity-based registration algorithm is applied to align these ultrasound images with pre-operative images. One of the important applications is to help electrophysiology doctors to treat complicated atrial fibrillation cases. After registration, the doctor can see the position and orientation of the ICE catheter and other tracked catheters inside the heart anatomy in real time. The image guidance provided by this technique may increase the ablation accuracy and reduce the amount of time for the electrophysiology procedures. We show successful image registration results from animal experiments.

- Cardiac Imaging and Robotics | Pp. 60-67

3D Reconstruction of Internal Organ Surfaces for Minimal Invasive Surgery

Mingxing Hu; Graeme Penney; Philip Edwards; Michael Figl; David J. Hawkes

While Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) offers great benefits to patients compared with open surgery surgeons suffer from a restricted field-of-view and obstruction from instruments. We present a novel method for 3D reconstruction of soft tissue, which can provide a wider field-of-view with 3D information for surgeons, including restoration of missing data. The paper focuses on the use of Structure from Motion (SFM) techniques to solve the missing data problem and application of competitive evolutionary agents to improve the robustness to missing data and outliers. The method has been evaluated with synthetic data, images from a phantom heart model, and MIS image sequences using the da Vinci telerobotic surgical system.

- Cardiac Imaging and Robotics | Pp. 68-77

Cardiolock: An Active Cardiac Stabilizer

Wael Bachta; Pierre Renaud; Edouard Laroche; Jacques Gangloff; Antonello Forgione

Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is still today a technically difficult procedure. In fact, the mechanical stabilizers used to locally suppress the heart excursion have been demonstrated to exhibit significant residual motion. We therefore propose a novel active stabilizer which is able to compensate for this residual motion. The interaction between the heart and a mechanical stabilizer is first assessed in vivo on an animal model. Then, the principle of active stabilization, based on the high speed vision-based control of a compliant mechanism, is presented. In vivo experimental results are given using a prototype which structure is compatible with a minimally invasive approach.

- Cardiac Imaging and Robotics | Pp. 78-85