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Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention: MICCAI 2007: 10th International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, October 29: November 2, 2007, Proceedings, Part I

Nicholas Ayache ; Sébastien Ourselin ; Anthony Maeder (eds.)

En conferencia: 10º International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) . Brisbane, QLD, Australia . October 29, 2007 - November 2, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Computer Graphics; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Imaging / Radiology; Health Informatics

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Automatic Segmentation of Bladder and Prostate Using Coupled 3D Deformable Models

María Jimena Costa; Hervé Delingette; Sébastien Novellas; Nicholas Ayache

In this paper, we propose a fully automatic method for the coupled 3D localization and segmentation of lower abdomen structures. We apply it to the joint segmentation of the prostate and bladder in a database of CT scans of the lower abdomen of male patients. A flexible approach on the bladder allows the process to easily adapt to high shape variation and to intensity inhomogeneities that would be hard to characterize (due, for example, to the level of contrast agent that is present). On the other hand, a statistical shape prior is enforced on the prostate. We also propose an adaptive non–overlapping constraint that arbitrates the evolution of both structures based on the availability of strong image data at their common boundary. The method has been tested on a database of 16 volumetric images, and the validation process includes an assessment of inter–expert variability in prostate delineation, with promising results.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 252-260

Characterizing Spatio-temporal Patterns for Disease Discrimination in Cardiac Echo Videos

T. Syeda-Mahmood; F. Wang; D. Beymer; M. London; R. Reddy

Disease-specific understanding of echocardiographic sequences requires accurate characterization of spatio-temporal motion patterns. In this paper we present a method of automatic extraction and matching of spatio-temporal patterns from cardiac echo videos. Specifically, we extract cardiac regions (chambers and walls) using a variation of multiscale normalized cuts that combines motion estimates from deformable models with image intensity. We then derive spatio-temporal trajectories of region measurements such as wall motion, volume and thickness. The region trajectories are then matched to infer the similarities in disease labels of patients. Validation results on patient data sets collected from many hospitals are presented.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 261-269

Integrating Functional and Structural Images for Simultaneous Cardiac Segmentation and Deformation Recovery

Ken C. L. Wong; Linwei Wang; Heye Zhang; Huafeng Liu; Pengcheng Shi

Because of their physiological meaningfulness, cardiac physiome models have been used as constraints to recover patient information from medical images. Although the results are promising, the parameters of the physiome models are not patient-specific, and thus affect the clinical relevance of the recovered information especially in pathological cases. In view of this problem, we incorporate patient information from body surface potential maps in the physiome model to provide a more patient-specific while physiological plausible guidance, which is further coupled with patient measurements derived from structural images to recover the cardiac geometry and deformation simultaneously. Experiments have been conducted on synthetic data to show the benefits of the framework, and on real human data to show its practical potential.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 270-277

Statistical Shape Modeling Using MDL Incorporating Shape, Appearance, and Expert Knowledge

Aaron D. Ward; Ghassan Hamarneh

We propose a highly automated approach to the point correspondence problem for anatomical shapes in medical images. Manual landmarking is performed on a of the shapes in the study, and a machine learning approach is used to elucidate the characteristic features at each landmark. A classifier trained using these features defines a cost function that drives key landmarks to anatomically meaningful locations after MDL-based correspondence establishment. Results are shown for artificial examples as well as real data.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 278-285

False Positive Reduction in Mammographic Mass Detection Using Local Binary Patterns

Arnau Oliver; Xavier Lladó; Jordi Freixenet; Joan Martí

In this paper we propose a new approach for false positive reduction in the field of mammographic mass detection. The goal is to distinguish between the true recognized masses and the ones which actually are normal parenchyma. Our proposal is based on Local Binary Patterns (LBP) for representing salient micro-patterns and preserving at the same time the spatial structure of the masses. Once the descriptors are extracted, Support Vector Machines (SVM) are used for classifying the detected masses. We test our proposal using a set of 1792 suspicious regions of interest extracted from the DDSM database. Exhaustive experiments illustrate that LBP features are effective and efficient for false positive reduction even at different mass sizes, a critical aspect in mass detection systems. Moreover, we compare our proposal with current methods showing that LBP obtains better performance.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 286-293

Fuzzy Nonparametric DTI Segmentation for Robust Cingulum-Tract Extraction

Suyash P. Awate; Hui Zhang; James C. Gee

This paper presents a novel segmentation-based approach for fiber-tract extraction in diffusion-tensor (DT) images. Typical tractography methods, incorporating thresholds on fractional anisotropy and fiber curvature to terminate tracking, can face serious problems arising from partial voluming and noise. For these reasons, tractography often fails to extract thin tracts with sharp changes in orientation, e.g. the . Unlike tractography—which disregards the information in the tensors that were previously tracked—the proposed method extracts the cingulum by exploiting the statistical coherence of tensors in the entire structure. Moreover, the proposed segmentation-based method allows class memberships to optimally extract information within partial-volumed voxels. Unlike typical fuzzy-segmentation schemes employing Gaussian models that are biased towards ellipsoidal clusters, the proposed method underlying the classes by incorporating nonparametric data-driven statistical models. Furthermore, it exploits the nonparametric model to capture the of the fiber bundle. The results on real DT images demonstrate that the proposed method extracts the cingulum bundle significantly more accurately as compared to tractography.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 294-301

Adaptive Metamorphs Model for 3D Medical Image Segmentation

Junzhou Huang; Xiaolei Huang; Dimitris N. Metaxas; Leon Axel

In this paper, we introduce an adaptive model-based segmentation framework, in which edge and region information are integrated and used adaptively while a solid model deforms toward the object boundary. Our 3D segmentation method stems from Metamorphs deformable models [1]. The main novelty of our work is in that, instead of performing segmentation in an entire 3D volume, we propose model-based segmentation in an adaptively changing subvolume of interest. The subvolume is determined based on appearance statistics of the evolving object model, and within the subvolume, more accurate and object-specific edge and region information can be obtained. This local and adaptive scheme for computing edges and object region information makes our segmentation solution more efficient and more robust to image noise, artifacts and intensity inhomogeneity. External forces for model deformation are derived in a variational framework that consists of both edge-based and region-based energy terms, taking into account the adaptively changing environment. We demonstrate the performance of our method through extensive experiments using cardiac MR and liver CT images.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 302-310

Coronary Artery Segmentation and Skeletonization Based on Competing Fuzzy Connectedness Tree

Chunliang Wang; Örjan Smedby

We propose a new segmentation algorithm based on competing fuzzy connectedness theory, which is then used for visualizing coronary arteries in 3D CT angiography (CTA) images. The major difference compared to other fuzzy connectedness algorithms is that an additional data structure, the connectedness tree, is constructed at the same time as the seeds propagate. In preliminary evaluations, accurate result have been achieved with very limited user interaction. In addition to improving computational speed and segmentation results, the fuzzy connectedness tree algorithm also includes automated extraction of the vessel centerlines, which is a promising approach for creating curved plane reformat (CPR) images along arteries’ long axes.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 311-318

Mixtures of Gaussians on Tensor Fields for DT-MRI Segmentation

Rodrigo de Luis-García; Carlos Alberola-López

In this paper, an original approach for the segmentation of tensor fields is proposed. Based on the modeling of the data by means of Gaussian mixtures directly in the tensor domain, this technique presents a wide range of applications in medical image processing, particularly for Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DT-MRI). The performance of the segmentation method proposed is shown through the segmentation of the corpus callosum from a dataset of 32 DT-MRI volumes. Comparison with a recent and related segmentation approach is favorable to our method, showing its capability for the automatic extraction of anatomical structures in the white matter.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 319-326

Soft Level Set Coupling for LV Segmentation in Gated Perfusion SPECT

Timo Kohlberger; Gareth Funka-Lea; Vladimir Desh

We present a new segmentation approach for the myocardium in gated and non-gated perfusion SPECT images. To this end, we represent the epi- and endocardium by separate signed distance functions and couple them by a soft constraint to give explicit control over the wall thickness. By an explicit modeling of the basal plane, the volume of the blood pool as well as the myocardium are determinable. Furthermore, prior shape information is incorporated by applying a kernel density estimation on a number of expert segmentations in a low-dimensional PCA subspace. Thereby, information along the time axis is fully taken into account by employing 4-dimensional embedding functions.

- General Medical Image Computing - I | Pp. 327-334