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Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design I: 8th International Conference, CSCWD 2004, Xiamen, China, May 26-28, 2004. Revised Selected Papers

Weiming Shen ; Zongkai Lin ; Jean-Paul A. Barthès ; Tangqiu Li (eds.)

En conferencia: 8º International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) . Xiamen, China . May 26, 2004 - May 28, 2004

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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Vega Information Grid for Collaborative Computing

Zhiwei Xu; Ning Yang; Huaming Liao

This paper looks at computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) from an information grid viewpoint. We illustrate two collaborative instances in information grid and point out new CSCW requirements. We discuss key pieces of two models in the VEGA-IG (VEGA information grid): model of object and that of subject, which help the achievement of collaborative work and partly solve the difficulties in collaborative work such as unknown participant, dynamic cooperation channel, multi-modal communication, dynamic participants and resources. The two models take loose coupling as their main point and shield many complicated information of the collaborative work. We also discuss two examples of collaborative work in VEGA-IG.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 1-10

Physical Object Icons Buttons Gesture (PIBG): A New Interaction Paradigm with Pen

Guozhong Dai; Hui Wang

Pen-based User Interface (PUI) is becoming more and more popular. This paper presents (the) universal analysis and specification of characters and structure of PUI. PIBG, a new interaction paradigm, is proposed as the framework for PUI. PIBG Toolkit is also developed as a PUI Software Platform. With the goal of high usability, several applications are developed with PIBG Toolkit. PUI provides a method for natural and concordant interaction, which could facilitate the development and applications of collaborative systems.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 11-20

A Novel Method of QoS Based Resource Management and Trust Based Task Scheduling

Junzhou Luo; Peng Ji; Xiaozhi Wang; Ye Zhu

In order to get higher efficiency of resource allocation and task scheduling algorithm in grid computing, this paper, based on the analysis of the related work on grid resource management and task scheduling, presents a QoS based structure for Grid Resource Allocation and Management System (GRAM) and a 2-Phase Trust Based Scheduling Algorithm. It is believed that the proposed algorithms can improve the efficiency and reliability of the operation of the grid system.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 21-32

Learning to Plan the Collaborative Design Process

Flávia Maria Santoro; Marcos R. S. Borges; Neide Santos

A key factor in team collaboration is the process followed by participants. Planning this process helps teams to accomplish their goals. In collaborative design environments, process modeling should be used to make the collaboration explicit. In Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) research, we have observed that most environments do not provide support for the definition of collaborative processes by apprentices and facilitators. This support is very important when the approach is based on project-based learning (PBL). Planning the interactions and the process of a project is a way to stimulate group participants to collaborate, thereby promoting interdependency and commitment between the work and the learning activities. We present a cooperative project-based learning environment that supports facilitators and apprentices in the task of planning their work in order to improve awareness about the “learning-how-to-learn” process.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 33-44

Groupware System Design and the Context Concept

Marcos R. S. Borges; Patrick Brézillon; Jose Alberto Pino; J. -Ch. Pomerol

The concept of context can be advantageously applied to the Computer-Supported Cooperative Work field. The term has traditionally been used in this area without explicit association to context. This paper attempts to clarify the relationship between these two concepts. In particular, a framework is proposed to understand context and awareness as connected to other concepts used in group work as well. The framework is useful to consider some groupware systems from the perspective of context and to obtain some insight on possible improvements for users. Two examples illustrate the application of the framework.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 45-54

Grid Authorization Management Oriented to Large-Scale Collaborative Computing

Changqin Huang; Zhiting Zhu; Xianqing Wang; Deren Chen

In this paper, we propose Subtask-based Authorization Service (SAS) architecture to fully secure a type of application oriented to engineering and scientific computing. We minimize privileges for task by decomposing the parallel task and re-allotting the privileges required for each subtask. Community authorization module describes and applies community policies of resource permission and privilege for resource usage or task management. It separates proxy credentials from identity credentials. We adopt a relevant policy and task management delegation to describe rules for task management. The ultimate privileges are formed by the combination of relevant proxy credential, subtask-level privilege certificate and community policy for this user, as well as they conform to resource policy. To enforce the architecture, we extend the RSL specification and the proxy certificate, modify Globus’s gatekeeper, jobmanager and the GASS library to allow authorization callouts, and evaluate the user’s job management requests and job’s resource request in the context of policies.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 55-66

Research on Network Performance Measurement Based on SNMP

Shufen Liu; Xinjia Zhang; Zhilin Yao

This paper presents our recent research on network performance measurement. From various perspectives, our work focuses on how to obtain the measuring data using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Several models are proposed to measure the network performance effectively. These models are then evaluated and validated through implementations and analysis. The results show advantages of the proposed approach for network performance measurement based on SNMP and potential applications in telecommunication domain.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 67-75

Concepts, Model and Framework of Cooperative Software Engineering

Yong Tang; Yan Pan; Lu Liang; Hui Ma; Na Tang

Recently, the cooperation aspect of distributed teamwork in software engineering has become a hot research topic. This paper first reviews the concepts of cooperative software engineering. Then, a process model for cooperative software engineering is investigated, which forms the starting point for the analysis, structuring, management and synchronization of cooperative software development tasks. Next, universal design principles for an environment to support cooperative software development projects are obtained. The identified design principles serve as the basis for the development of the model. Finally, a typical framework for cooperative software engineering environment is proposed and its key components are described.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 76-85

An Algorithm for Cooperative Learning of Bayesian Network Structure from Data

Jiejun Huang; Heping Pan; Youchuan Wan

Bayesian network is an important and powerful method for representing and reasoning under conditions of uncertainty, and has been widely used in artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering. Structure learning is certainly the most difficult problem in Bayesian network research. In this paper we give an introduction to Bayesian networks, and review the related work on leaning Bayesian networks. Then we discuss the major difficulties in structure learning, and propose an efficient algorithm for cooperative learning of Bayesian network structure from database. The experimental results from a case study prove that such an approach is feasible and robust.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 86-94

Non-violative User Profiling Approach for Website Design Improvement

Jiu Jun Chen; Ji Gao; Song En Sheng

Web user profiles are widely applied to complete the high-quality website design and the personalized web services. One issue in this technology is the study of contradiction between the collection of personal data and the protection of user privacy. In order to alleviate the contradiction, this paper provides a new profiling approach, namely non-violative user profiling, which integrates the non-violative strategy and Markov user model ideas. It can extract more exact information automatically with the participation of web users. It has been implemented in our experimental website to identify the design defects and validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

- CSCW Techniques and Methods | Pp. 95-104