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Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design I: 8th International Conference, CSCWD 2004, Xiamen, China, May 26-28, 2004. Revised Selected Papers

Weiming Shen ; Zongkai Lin ; Jean-Paul A. Barthès ; Tangqiu Li (eds.)

En conferencia: 8º International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) . Xiamen, China . May 26, 2004 - May 28, 2004

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Optimistic Locking Concurrency Control Scheme for Collaborative Editing System Based on Relative Position

Qirong Mao; Yongzhao Zhan; Jinfeng Wang

In order to meet the requirements of high responsiveness and unconstrained collaboration in real-time collaborative editing systems, this paper proposes a novel multi-granularity optimistic locking scheme for concurrency control in collaborative editing systems based on relative position. In the proposed scheme, reading lock and editing lock are taken into account, and the start position of locking region and that of operation are relative, and they are not transformed into absolute positions until operations are sent to collaborative sites or locks are added into lock table. Additionally, the granularity of lock can be selected by co-editors optionally, and any co-editor can edit the locking region without being blocked before his/her requested lock is confirmed. The application case study shows that this concurrency control scheme has advantages of high responsiveness, unconstrained collaboration, and good data consistency maintenance.

- Other Related Approaches and Applications | Pp. 406-416

Research on Content-Based Text Retrieval and Collaborative Filtering in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Networks

Shaozi Li; Changle Zhou; Huowang Chen

Hybrid peer-to-peer architectures use special nodes to provide directory services for regions of the network (“regional directory services”). They are a potentially powerful model for developing large-scale networks of complex digital libraries. This paper presents our recent research work on the new content-based text filtering and collaborative filtering based on hybrid P2P (Peer-to-Peer) networks. From various perspectives, our work focuses on how to share the text content and recommend information based on hybrid P2P networks. Several models are proposed toimplementthe content-based text retrieval and collaborative filtering effectively. These models are then evaluated and validated through implementations and analyses. The results show some advantages of the proposed approach for the content-based filtering algorithm based on lexical chain and collaborative filtering algorithm in hybrid P2P network and potential applications in complex digital libraries and distributed information sharing.

- Other Related Approaches and Applications | Pp. 417-426

On the Stochastic Overlay Simulation Network

Ke-Jian Liu; Zhen-Wei Yu; Zhong-Qing Cheng

This paper proposes a method of generating stochastic overlay simulation network with exact average degree (EAD). It discusses regional distribution of stochastic nodes, selection of core nodes and overlay functional nodes, deductions of new formula of the connectivity probability and the convergence of the connection probability, classification strategy of increasing degree, fast connection strategy of stochastic network. Further explanation of the performance of the stochastic overlay simulation network is also presented.

- Other Related Approaches and Applications | Pp. 427-436

Applying Semiotic Analysis to the Design and Modeling of Distributed Multimedia Systems

Mangtang Chan; Kecheng Liu

Semiotics is the study of signs. Application of semiotics in information systems design is based on the notion that information systems are organizations within which agents deploy signs in the form of actions according to a set of norms. An analysis of the relationships among the agents, their actions and the norms would give a better specification of the system. Distributed multimedia systems (DMMS) could be viewed as a system consisted of many dynamic, self-controlled normative agents engaging in complex interaction and processing of multimedia information. This paper reports the work of applying the semiotic approach to the design and modeling of DMMS, with emphasis on using semantic analysis under the semiotic framework. A semantic model of DMMS describing various components and their ontological dependencies is presented, which then serves as a design model and implemented in a semantic database. Benefits of using the semantic database are discussed with reference to various design scenarios.

- Other Related Approaches and Applications | Pp. 437-447

A Rapid Inducing Solid Model Towards Web-Based Interactive Design

Hongming Cai; Yuanjun He; Yong Wu

Web-based interactive design system works ineffectively for mass of data are transferred on narrow bandwidth network. In order to decrease data transferring in CSCW process, a Rapid Inducing Solid Model (RISM) is provided. First, RISM is built to represent the geometric information and operation structure of product. Then based on RISM components which connected to corresponding surface lists, traditional CSG model is extended to construct an operation history tree. Therefore, common operations set and message mechanism could be built to make displaying model work individually to a certain degree. Based on the ACIS geometry engine, a cooperative design system has been implemented for testing. The results show that the model is effective and also provides a new framework for Web applications.

- Other Related Approaches and Applications | Pp. 448-456