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Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design I: 8th International Conference, CSCWD 2004, Xiamen, China, May 26-28, 2004. Revised Selected Papers

Weiming Shen ; Zongkai Lin ; Jean-Paul A. Barthès ; Tangqiu Li (eds.)

En conferencia: 8º International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) . Xiamen, China . May 26, 2004 - May 28, 2004

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Online Collaborative Design Within a Web-Enabled Environment

Daizhong Su; Jiansheng Li; Shuyan Ji

A Web-enabled environment (WEE) for online collaboration has been developed which combines appropriate communications and interconnectivity tools to allow designers to interactively communicate over the Internet in real time, regardless of their IT platforms. The detailed structure of the WEE is presented, followed by description of the key techniques for online collaborative design within the WEE: remote execution of large size executable programs, data file exchange between different CAD systems, and data sharing in real time with distant users.

- Collaborative Design and Manufacturing, and Enterprise Collaboration | Pp. 211-220

C-Superman: A Web-Based Synchronous Collaborative CAD/CAM System

Weiwei Liu; Laishui Zhou; Haijun Zhuang

Distributed synchronous collaborative design and manufacturing is considered as an important aspect of collaborative design and manufacturing in network environments, and is gaining more and more attention. In this paper, C-Superman, a Web-Based synchronous collaborative system is presented. Then, system implementation mode, system architecture and function modules are described. Furthermore, some key technologies such as session communication and data transmission, concurrent control and consistency maintenance, cooperative awareness in remote environments and load balancing are addressed.

- Collaborative Design and Manufacturing, and Enterprise Collaboration | Pp. 221-229

Developing a Multidisciplinary Approach of Concurrent Engineering

Heming Zhang; David Chen

This paper presents an industrial application to implement concurrent engineering in a railway rolling stock manufacturer in China. To extend the application towards a knowledge-based distributed collaborative design system, some theoretical thoughts and conceptual considerations about a human centred approach based on knowledge interactions between stakeholders and learning are outlined. Future relevant research to develop multidisciplinary design approach is also discussed.

- Collaborative Design and Manufacturing, and Enterprise Collaboration | Pp. 230-241

Hardware/Software Co-design Environment for Hierarchical Platform-Based Design

Zhihui Xiong; Sikun Li; Jihua Chen; Maojun Zhang

To facilitate the design of SoC (System-on-a-Chip), we present a hardware/software co-design environment called HSCDE. In this paper, some critical techniques related to HSCDE are revealed, including Platform-Based SoC modeling technology and ant algorithm based hardware/software partitioning technology. HSCDE environment divides SoC hardware/software co-design processes into three design levels, and it also supports the mappings among these design levels by two design mapping processes. Experimental results show that HSCDE effectively supports hierarchical Platform-Based SoC hardware/software co-design methodology, and further statistics reveal that an average of 10%~25% revisions on platform templates are required to get a new SoC design.

- Collaborative Design and Manufacturing, and Enterprise Collaboration | Pp. 242-251

A Computer Supported Collaborative Dynamic Measurement System

Peng Gong; Dongping Shi; Hui Li; Hai Cao; Zongkai Lin

This paper presents our recent research work on collaborative dynamic measurement. The main purpose of this research is to design the structure, function and working model of a collaborative dynamic measurement system. This paper first introduces the concept of Computer Supported Collaborative Dynamic Measurement System (CSCDMS) which includes the working model of collaborative measurement group, CSCWMS structure, and collaborative dynamic measurement data processing. The primary objective of CSCDMS is to share the distributed data resources, to reduce the cost and increase the measuring accuracy under the working model of dynamic measurement data processing. The systematic analysis shows that the working efficiency of Collaborative Dynamic Measurement System is much higher than that of the isolated dynamic measurement system.

- Collaborative Design and Manufacturing, and Enterprise Collaboration | Pp. 252-259

A Collaborative Management and Training Model for Smart Switching System

Xiaoping Liao; Xinfang Zhang; Jian Miao

In order to reduce the training cost and improve the efficiency of using the Smart Switching System (SSS) of electric power substations, this paper proposes a collaborative management and training model for Smart Switching System using the ASP (application service provider) mode. The proposed model facilitates the communication between system user companies and the system provider. It allows a user company to evaluate the Smart Switching System and train its engineers over the Internet during the process of purchasing and deployment of the system.

- Collaborative Design and Manufacturing, and Enterprise Collaboration | Pp. 260-269

A Web-Based Fuzzy-AHP Method for VE Partner Selection and Evaluation

Jian Cao; Feng Ye; Gengui Zhou

In view of inconsistency of the judgment matrix obtained by pairwise comparison between increasing alternatives in virtual enterprise (VE) partner selection and evaluation problem by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a new Web-based fuzzy-AHP method is proposed, in which the priority weights of decision criteria at every hierarchy are identified by the AHP and attribute-values of every alternative are determined by the fuzzy relation matrix, then they are converged to the solution. An prototype system based on this method has been developed, and a case study is used to demonstrate its practicability and effectiveness. The results indicate that the proposed method makes it easier for decision-makers to arrive at a consensus decision, obtain fair and reasonable conclusions and examine the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives in terms of each criterion. In addition, this method is suited to eliminating the drawbacks of existing traditional partner selection approaches or other AHP-based methods.

- Collaborative Design and Manufacturing, and Enterprise Collaboration | Pp. 270-278

A Method of Network Simplification in a 4PL System

He Zhang; Xiu Li; Wenhuang Liu

In fourth party logistics (4PL), network optimization needs to synthesize the entire possible 3PL vendors to provide integrated logistics schemes, which can meet all the requirements of customers. Since there are knapsack constraints and un-knapsack constraints, the computational burden is considered to be a problem and a modest computation is required. In this paper, a 4PL optimization network-model is established and a two-process method is suggested for simplifying the corresponding 4PL network. An example is provided and some analysis is given after the calculation.

- Collaborative Design and Manufacturing, and Enterprise Collaboration | Pp. 279-288

Using Augmented Reality Technology to Support the Automobile Development

Jürgen Fründ; Jürgen Gausemeier; Carsten Matysczok; Rafael Radkowski

Today a high-quality automotive design is one essential factor for the success of a new automobile. The increasing safety, comfort and communication functionalities require coherent visibility and design and handling concepts to avoid irritations of the driver. As a consequence prototypes are used in the automobile industry within the design phases of new cars. This paper describes some examples about how the technology augmented reality can be used to support the automobile development process. In particular we use augmented reality for the completion of rudimentary prototypes. These prototypes consist of only a few real parts. Here the technology of augmented reality can be used for the completion of the prototype. The developed applications complete real automobile prototypes by virtual components to show design variants or to support design reviews. The evaluation of the applications was done at Volkswagen AG.

- Virtual Reality and Applications | Pp. 289-298

Real-Time Selective Scene Transfer

Min Tang; Zheng-ming Ying; Shang-ching Chou; Jin-xiang Dong

Applications like cooperative CAD and virtual touring on the Web need to transfer a scene consisting of models and textures from one computer to another. The scene may be very large, and the time to transfer the whole scene is significant. During transferring, the user has to wait until the whole scene is downloaded to the local machine. We propose a new approach to estimate the visual importance of each object or even of each polygon and a method that will selectively transfer the models and textures in the scene. In this way, we can reduce user-waiting time while keeping the image quality the user can see.

- Virtual Reality and Applications | Pp. 299-308