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Middleware 2006: ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference, Melbourne, Australia, November 27: December 1, 2006, Proceedings

Maarten van Steen ; Michi Henning (eds.)

En conferencia: 7º ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing (Middleware) . Melbourne, VIC, Australia . November 27, 2006 - December 1, 2006

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Caching Dynamic Web Content: Designing and Analysing an Aspect-Oriented Solution

Sara Bouchenak; Alan Cox; Steven Dropsho; Sumit Mittal; Willy Zwaenepoel

Caching dynamic web content is an effective approach to reduce Internet latency and server load. An ideal caching solution is one that can be added transparently by the developers and provides complete consistency of the cached documents, while minimizing false cache invalidations. In this paper, we design and implement AutoWebCache, a middleware system for adding caching of dynamic content transparently to J2EE server-side applications having a backend database. For this purpose, we first present the principles involved in caching dynamic web content, including our logic to ensure consistency of the cached entries. Thereafter, we demonstrate the use of aspect-oriented (AOP) techniques to implement our system, showing how AOP provides modularity and transparency to the entire process. Further, we evaluate the effectiveness of AutoWebCache in reducing response times of applications, thereby improving throughput. We also analyze the transparency of our system for a general application suite, considering issues such as dynamic web pages aggregating data from multiple sources, presence of insufficiently structured interfaces for exchanging information and the use of application semantics while caching. We use two standard J2EE web benchmark applications, RUBiS and TPC-W, to conduct our experiments and discuss the results obtained.

- Performance I | Pp. 1-21

Non-intrusive Performance Management for Computer Services

Magnus Karlsson; Christos Karamanolis

Networked computer services are increasingly hosted on shared consolidated physical resources (servers, storage, network) in data centers. Thus, some form of resource control is required to ensure contractual performance targets for service customers under dynamic workload and system conditions. This paper proposes a solution for resource control that maximizes the yield of the performance contracts given the available physical resources, while it does not require any modifications to the clients’ and the computing services’ software or hardware. Our approach achieves this by manipulating the flow of requests into the service by using one or more proxies between the clients and the service.

This paper evaluates Proteus, a prototype implementation of the proposed approach, on two different services: a 3-tier e-commerce system and a networked file service. We show that existing proxies for the two respective protocols (HTTP and NFS RPC) can easily be modified to use Proteus to schedule their requests. Once the modified proxies have been deployed, our approach is transparent to clients and services. Moreover, we show that, in contrast to prior art, our solution (1) is stable when workloads and systems change, (2) automatically tunes itself to different services, (3) can enforce flexible quality of service specifications, and (4) correctly detects and reacts to contention of internal service resources.

- Performance I | Pp. 22-41

True and Transparent Distributed Composition of Aspect-Components

Bert Lagaisse; Wouter Joosen

Next-generation middleware must support complex compositions that involve dependencies between multiple components residing in different contexts and locations in the network.

In this paper we present DyMAC, an aspect-oriented middleware platform that offers an aspect-component model to support such complex distributed compositions by means of advanced remote pointcuts, transparent remote advice and distributed instantiation scopes for aspects. The remote pointcuts can evaluate on calls and executions of remote method invocations and can also evaluate on the distributed context. The remote advice can be executed transparently in a remote environment while still respecting the full semantics of existing types of advice, including around advice. The component model unifies aspects and components into one entity with one interaction standard.

To our knowledge, DyMAC middleware is the first AO middleware platform that distributes the concepts of aspect-oriented composition completely and transparently.

- Composition | Pp. 42-61

Policy-Driven Middleware for Self-adaptation of Web Services Compositions

Abdelkarim Erradi; Piyush Maheshwari; Vladimir Tosic

We present our policy-based middleware, called Manageable and Adaptive Service Compositions (MASC), for dynamic self-adaptation of Web services compositions to various changes. MASC integrates and extends our earlier middleware called the Web Services Message Bus (wsBus). In particular, we discuss MASC support for customization of Web services compositions to address business exceptions and wsBus support for correction (fault management) of Web services compositions to improve reliability. We have evaluated the former support on a stock trading case study and the latter support on a supply chain management case study. Our solutions are complementary to the existing approaches and provide: coordination of fault management between SOAP messaging and business process orchestration, greater diversity of monitoring and control constructs, specification of both technical and business aspects used for adaptation decisions, higher level of abstraction easier for use by non-technical people, and externalization of monitoring and adaptation actions from definitions of business processes.

- Composition | Pp. 62-80

Living with Nondeterminism in Replicated Middleware Applications

Joseph Slember; Priya Narasimhan

Application-level nondeterminism can lead to inconsistent state that defeats the purpose of replication as a fault-tolerance strategy. We present Midas, a new approach for living with nondeterminism in distributed, replicated, middleware applications. Midas exploits (i) the static program analysis of the application’s source code prior to replica deployment and (ii) the online compensation of replica divergence even as replicas execute. We identify the sources of nondeterminism within the application, discriminate between actual and superficial nondeterminism, and track the propagation of actual nondeterminism. We evaluate our techniques for the active replication of servers using micro-benchmarks that contain various sources (multi-threading, system calls and propagation) of nondeterminism.

- Management I | Pp. 81-100

Trading Off Resources Between Overlapping Overlays

Brian F. Cooper

Many different overlays with different properties have been proposed. Rather than using one overlay for all applications, it is likely that multiple overlapping overlays will be deployed on the same computing resources for different purposes. We present an architecture, called ODIN-S, for mediating the resources used by overlapping overlays. We can specify priorities for different overlays, and then allow ODIN-S to allocate computation and bandwidth across the network to respect priorities. The key features of ODIN-S include a common middleware runtime supporting multiple overlay logics, and “filters” for throttling, ordering and dropping messages in order to manage resources. We present experimental results that demonstrate ODIN-S’s ability to manage resources between different types of overlapping overlays.

- Management I | Pp. 101-120

Efficient Probabilistic Subsumption Checking for Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems

Aris M. Ouksel; Oana Jurca; Ivana Podnar; Karl Aberer

Efficient subsumption checking, deciding whether a subscription or publication is covered by a set of previously defined subscriptions, is of paramount importance for publish/subscribe systems. It provides the core system functionality—matching of publications to subscriber needs expressed as sub-scriptions—and additionally, reduces the overall system load and generated traffic since the covered subscriptions are not propagated in distributed environments. As the subsumption problem was shown previously to be co-NP complete and existing solutions typically apply pairwise comparisons to detect the subsumption relationship, we propose a ‘Monte Carlo type’ probabilistic algorithm for the general subsumption problem. It determines whether a publication/subscription is covered by a disjunction of subscriptions in (  ), where is the number of subscriptions, is the number of distinct attributes in subscriptions, and is the number of tests performed to answer a subsumption question. The probability of error is problem-specific and typically very small, and sets an upper bound on . Our experimental results show significant gains in term of subscription set reduction which has favorable impact on the overall system performance as it reduces the total computational costs and networking traffic. Furthermore, the expected theoretical bounds underestimate algorithm performance because it performs much better in practice due to introduced optimizations, and is adequate for fast forwarding of subscriptions in case of high subscription rate.

- Publish/Subscribe Technology | Pp. 121-140

Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Content-Based Publish/Subscribe

Alex King Yeung Cheung; Hans-Arno Jacobsen

Distributed content-based publish/subscribe systems to date suffer from performance degradation and poor scalability caused by uneven load distributions typical in real-world applications. The reason for this shortcoming is due to the lack of a load balancing solution, which have rarely been studied in the context of publish/subscribe. This paper proposes a load balancing solution specific to distributed content-based publish/subscribe systems that is distributed, dynamic, adaptive, transparent, and accommodates heterogeneity. The solution consists of three key contributions: a load balancing framework, a novel load estimation algorithm, and three offload strategies. Experimental results show that the proposed load balancing solution is efficient with less than 1.5% overhead, effective with at least 91% load estimation accuracy, and capable of distributing all of the system’s load originating from an edge point of the network.

- Publish/Subscribe Technology | Pp. 141-161

Decentralized Message Ordering for Publish/Subscribe Systems

Cristian Lumezanu; Neil Spring; Bobby Bhattacharjee

We describe a method to order messages across groups in a publish/subscribe system without centralized control or large vector timestamps. We show that our scheme is —little state is required; that it is —the maximum message load is limited by receivers; and that it —the paths messages traverse to be ordered are not made much longer than necessary. Our insight is that only messages to groups that overlap in membership can be observed to arrive out of order: sequencing messages to these groups is sufficient to provide a consistent order, and when publishers subscribe to the groups to which they send, this message order is a causal order.

- Publish/Subscribe Technology | Pp. 162-179

DBFarm: A Scalable Cluster for Multiple Databases

Christian Plattner; Gustavo Alonso; M. Tamer Özsu

In many enterprise application integration scenarios, middleware has been instrumental in taking advantage of the flexibility and cost efficiency of clusters of computers. Web servers, application servers, platforms such as CORBA, J2EE or .NET, message brokers, and TP-Monitors, just to mention a few examples, are all forms of middleware that exploit and are built for distributed deployment. The one piece in the puzzle that largely remains a centralized solution is the database. There is, of course, much work done on scaling and parallelizing databases. In fact, several products support deployment on clusters. Clustered databases, however, place the emphasis on single applications and target very large databases. By contrast, the middleware platforms just mentioned use clustered deployment not only for scalability but also for efficiently supporting multiple concurrent applications. In this paper we tackle the problem of clustered deployment of a database engine for supporting multiple applications. In the database case, multiple applications imply multiple and different database instances being used concurrently. In the paper we show how to build such a system and demonstrate its ability to support up to 300 different databases without loss of performance.

- Databases | Pp. 180-200