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Middleware 2006: ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference, Melbourne, Australia, November 27: December 1, 2006, Proceedings

Maarten van Steen ; Michi Henning (eds.)

En conferencia: 7º ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing (Middleware) . Melbourne, VIC, Australia . November 27, 2006 - December 1, 2006

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Queryll: Java Database Queries Through Bytecode Rewriting

Ming-Yee Iu; Willy Zwaenepoel

When interfacing Java with other systems such as databases, programmers must often program in special interface languages like SQL. Code written in these languages often needs to be embedded in strings where they cannot be error-checked at compile-time, or the Java compiler needs to be altered to directly recognize code written in these languages. We have taken a different approach to adding database query facilities to Java. Bytecode rewriting allows us to add query facilities to Java whose correctness can be checked at compile-time but which don’t require any changes to the Java language, Java compilers, Java VMs, or IDEs. Like traditional object-relational mapping tools, we provide Java libraries for accessing individual database entries as objects and navigating among them. To express a query though, a programmer simply writes code that takes a Collection representing the entire contents of a database, iterates over each entry like they would with a normal Collection, and choose the entries of interest. The query is fully valid Java code that, if executed, will read through an entire database and copy entries into Java objects where they will be inspected. Executing queries in this way is obviously inefficient, but we have a special bytecode rewriting tool that can decompile Java class files, identify queries in the bytecode, and rewrite the code to use SQL instead. The rewritten bytecode can then be run using any standard Java VM. Since queries use standard Java set manipulation syntax, Java programmers do not need to learn any new syntax. Our system is able to handle complex queries that make use of all the basic relational operations and exhibits performance comparable to that of hand-written SQL.

- Databases | Pp. 201-218

Contory: A Middleware for the Provisioning of Context Information on Smart Phones

Oriana Riva

Context-awareness can serve to make ubiquitous applications deployed for mobile devices adaptive, personalized, and accessible in dynamically changing environments. Unfortunately, existing approaches for the provisioning of context information in ubiquitous computing environments rarely take into consideration the resource constraints of mobile devices and the uncertain availability of sensors and service infrastructures. This paper presents the design, prototype implementation, and experimental evaluation of Contory, a middleware specifically designed to accomplish efficient context provisioning on mobile devices. To make context provisioning flexible and adaptive based on dynamic operating conditions, Contory integrates multiple context provisioning strategies, namely internal sensors-based, external infrastructure-based, and distributed provisioning in ad hoc networks. Applications can request context information provided by Contory using a declarative query language which features on-demand, periodic, and event-based context queries. Experimental results obtained in a testbed of smart phones demonstrate the feasibility of our approach and quantify the cost of supporting context provisioning in terms of energy consumption.

- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing | Pp. 219-239

Efficient Semantic Service Discovery in Pervasive Computing Environments

Sonia Ben Mokhtar; Anupam Kaul; Nikolaos Georgantas; Valérie Issarny

Service-oriented architectures, and notably Web Services, are becoming an incontrovertible paradigm for the development of applications in pervasive computing environments, as they enable publishing and consuming heterogeneous networked software and hardware resources. Combined with Semantic Web technologies, in particular ontologies, Web services’ descriptions can be unambiguously and automatically interpreted in open pervasive computing environments, where agreement on a single common syntactic standard for identifying service semantics cannot be assumed. Nevertheless, efficient matching of semantic Web services to effectively automate the discovery and further consumption of networked resources remains an open issue, which is mainly attributable to the costly underlying semantic reasoning. After analyzing the cost of ontology-based semantic reasoning, which is at the heart of the matching process, we propose a solution towards efficient matching of semantic Web services. We have further incorporated our solution into a service discovery protocol aimed at open pervasive computing environments that integrate heterogeneous wireless network technologies (i.e., ad hoc and infrastructure-based networking). Experimental results show that our solution enables better response times than of classical syntactic-based service discovery protocols.

- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing | Pp. 240-259

A Middleware System for Protecting Against Application Level Denial of Service Attacks

Mudhakar Srivatsa; Arun Iyengar; Jian Yin; Ling Liu

Recently, we have seen increasing numbers of denial of service (DoS) attacks against online services and web applications either for extortion reasons, or for impairing and even disabling the competition. These DoS attacks have increasingly targeted the application level. Application level DoS attacks emulate the same request syntax and network level traffic characteristics as those of legitimate clients, thereby making the attacks much harder to be detected and countered. Moreover, such attacks usually target bottleneck resources such as disk bandwidth, database bandwidth, and CPU resources. In this paper we propose server-side middleware to counter application level DoS attacks. The key idea behind our technique is to adaptively vary a client’s priority level, and the relative amount of resources devoted to this client, in response to the client’s past requests in a way that incorporates application level semantics. Application specific knowledge is used to evaluate the cost and the utility of each request and the likelihood that a sequence of requests are sent by a malicious client. Based on the evaluations, a client’s priority level is increased or decreased accordingly. A client’s priority level is used by the server side firewall to throttle the client’s request rate, thereby ensuring that more server side resources are allocated to the legitimate clients. We present a detailed implementation of our approach on the Linux kernel and evaluate it using two sample applications: Apache HTTPD micro-benchmarks and TPCW. Our experiments show that our approach incurs low performance overhead and is resilient to application level DoS attacks.

- Security | Pp. 260-280

Generalized Access Control of Synchronous Communication

Constantin Serban; Naftaly Minsky

The security of modern networked applications, such as the information infrastructure of medical institutions or commercial enterprises, requires increasingly sophisticated access control (AC) that can support global, enterprise-wide policies that are sensitive to the history of interaction. The Law-Governed Interaction (LGI) mechanism supports such policies, but so far only for asynchronous message passing communication. This paper extends LGI to synchronous communication, thus providing advanced control over this important and popular mode of communication. Among the novel characteristics of this control are: the regulation of both the request and the reply, separately, but in a coordinated manner; regulated timeout capability provided to clients, in a manner that takes into account the concerns of their server; and enforcement on both the client and server sides.

- Security | Pp. 281-300

FMware: Middleware for Efficient Filtering and Matching of XML Messages with Local Data

K. Selçuk Candan; Mehmet E. Dönderler; Yan Qi; Jaikannan Ramamoorthy; Jong W. Kim

XML message filtering systems are used for sifting through real-time messages to support business data mining and reporting. An XML message filtering system needs to (a) process registered filter predicates on multiple distributed real-time streams and (b) match and validate the filter results with local data to identify the relevant data that can be used for higher-level processing. Although efficient real-time filtering schemes exists, the phase of the operation where filter results have to be matched against local data to select those matches that are relevant to the particular task remains to be expensive as it requires expensive join operations. In this paper, we present an efficient middleware () for filtering and matching XML messages against locally available data. The proposed operator relies on a novel cluster-domain matching scheme to reduce the cost of the process. We analytically study the cost of the proposed middleware and experimentally show that it adaptively reduces the number of local data accesses and provides large savings in matching time with respect to cluster-unaware matching.

- Datamining Techniques | Pp. 301-321

Synergy: Sharing-Aware Component Composition for Distributed Stream Processing Systems

Thomas Repantis; Xiaohui Gu; Vana Kalogeraki

Many emerging on-line data analysis applications require applying continuous query operations such as correlation, aggregation, and filtering to data streams in real-time. Distributed stream processing systems allow in-network stream processing to achieve better scalability and quality-of-service (QoS) provision. In this paper we present , a distributed stream processing middleware that provides sharing-aware component composition. Synergy enables efficient reuse of both data streams and processing components, while composing distributed stream processing applications with QoS demands. Synergy provides a set of fully distributed algorithms to discover and evaluate the reusability of available data streams and processing components when instantiating new stream applications. For QoS provision, Synergy performs QoS impact projection to examine whether the shared processing can cause QoS violations on currently running applications. We have implemented a prototype of the Synergy middleware and evaluated its performance on both PlanetLab and simulation testbeds. The experimental results show that Synergy can achieve much better resource utilization and QoS provision than previously proposed schemes, by judiciously sharing streams and processing components during application composition.

- Datamining Techniques | Pp. 322-341

Enforcing Performance Isolation Across Virtual Machines in Xen

Diwaker Gupta; Ludmila Cherkasova; Rob Gardner; Amin Vahdat

Virtual machines (VMs) have recently emerged as the basis for allocating resources in enterprise settings and hosting centers. One benefit of VMs in these environments is the ability to multiplex several operating systems on hardware based on dynamically changing system characteristics. However, such multiplexing must often be done while observing per-VM performance guarantees or service level agreements. Thus, one important requirement in this environment is effective performance isolation among VMs. In this paper, we address performance isolation across virtual machines in Xen [1]. For instance, while Xen can allocate fixed shares of CPU among competing VMs, it does not currently account for work done on behalf of individual VMs in device drivers. Thus, the behavior of one VM can negatively impact resources available to other VMs even if appropriate per-VM resource limits are in place.

In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of a set of primitives implemented in Xen to address this issue. First, accurately measures per-VM resource consumption, including work done on behalf of a particular VM in Xen’s driver domains. Next, our scheduler accounts for aggregate VM resource consumption in allocating CPU. Finally, limits the total amount of resources consumed in privileged and driver domains based on administrator-specified limits. Our performance evaluation indicates that our mechanisms effectively enforce performance isolation for a variety of workloads and configurations.

- Performance II | Pp. 342-362

Low-Overhead Message Tracking for Distributed Messaging

Seung Jun; Mark Astley

As enterprise applications rely increasingly on commodity messaging middleware, message tracking has become instrumental in testing and run-time monitoring. However, building an effective message tracking system is challenging because of the large scale and high message rate of enterprise-wide applications. To address this challenge, we consider the case of message tracking for distributed messaging middleware. We desire to record the origin, path, and destination of every application message while imposing low overhead with respect to latency, memory and storage. To achieve our goal, we propose a tunable approximation approach based on Bloom filter “histories.” Our approach is tunable in the sense that more accurate audit trails may be provided at the expense of storage space, or, conversely, storage overhead is reduced for applications requiring less accurate audit trails. We describe the design of the system and demonstrate its utility by analyzing the performance of a prototype implementation.

- Performance II | Pp. 363-381

Utility-Driven Proactive Management of Availability in Enterprise-Scale Information Flows

Zhongtang Cai; Vibhore Kumar; Brian F. Cooper; Greg Eisenhauer; Karsten Schwan; Robert E. Strom

Enterprises rely critically on the timely and sustained delivery of information. To support this need, we augment information flow middleware with new functionality that provides high levels of availability to distributed applications while at the same time maximizing the utility end users derive from such information. Specifically, the paper presents utility-driven ‘proactive availability-management’ techniques to offer (1) information flows that dynamically self-determine their availability requirement based on high-level utility specifications, (2) flows that can trade recovery time for performance based on the ‘perceived’ stability of and failure predictions (early alarm) for the underlying system, and (3) methods, based on real-world case studies, to deal with both transient and non-transient failures. Utility-driven ‘proactive availability-management’ is integrated into information flow middleware and used with representative applications. Experiments reported in the paper demonstrate middleware capability to self-determine availability guarantees, to offer improved performance versus a statically configured system, and to be resilient to a wide range of faults.

- Management II | Pp. 382-403