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Hidden Depths: The Origins of Human Connection

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Human demography; Group size; Lithic transfers; Raw material movements; Bonobos; Dog burial; Comfort; Symbolic objects; Symbolism; Mobiliary art; Attachment fluidity; Hypersociability; Human-animal relationships; Dog domestication; Attachment object; Approachability; Approach behaviour; Avoidance behaviour; Androgens; Physiological responses; Cognitive Archaeology; Autism Spectrum Condition; Handaxe; Biface; Neurodiversity; Palaeolithic stone tools; Evolution of neurodiversity; Rock art; Ice age art; Material Culture; Cultural transmission; Emotional commitment; Biopsychosocial approach; Social tolerance; Attachment; Genus Homo; Acheulian; Cultural evolution; Skeletal abnormality; Injury; Illness; Interdependence; Emotional sensitivity; Moral emotions; Evolution of Altruism; Hominins; Upper Palaeolithic; Lower Palaeolithic; Ecological niche; Selective pressure; Behavioural ecology; Wolves; Affective empathy; Cognitive empathy; Theory of mind; Human Cognition; Vulnerability; Evolutionary Psychology; Developmental psychology; Helping behaviours; Social cognition; Social mammals; Human Emotion; Human social collaboration; Generosity; Emotional brain; Social emotions; Comparative behaviour; Evolution; Social carnivores; Primate behavioural ecology; Primate social systems; Human Evolution; Human ancestors; Collaboration; Evolutionary Biology; Emotional vulnerability; Social connection; Decolonisation; Social networks; Middle Palaeolithic; Community resilience; Convergent evolution; Chimpanzee; Origin of modern humans; Social safeness; Wolf domestication; Cherished possessions; Compensatory attachment; Loneliness; Palaeolithic art; Stress reactivity; Bonding hormones; Humans; Hunter-gatherers; Intergroup collaboration; Tolerance; Emotional connection; Autism; Trust; Early Prehistory; Palaeopathology; Origins of healthcare; Human self-domestication; Palaeolithic Archaeology; Social brain; Care-giving; Empathy; Neanderthals; Compassion; Social Connection; Evolution of Emotions; Human Origins; Adaptation; Prehistory

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