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The Working Mind: Meaning and Mental Attention in Human Development

Parte de: The MIT Press

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

cognitive development; endogenous; mental; or executive attention; working memory; mental processes in infancy; task analysis of symbolic processes; processing complexity; theory of constructive operators; neoPiagetian theory; constructivism; consciousness; schemes or schemas; cognitive neuropsychology; intelligence; developmental stages; schemes; theory of development; epistemology; dialectics; abstraction; dialectical constructivism; reality resistances; overdetermination; mental attention; causal theories; equilibration; accommodation; constructivist learning; functional invariants; misleading versus facilitating situations; learning paradox; reflective abstraction; mediation; Piagetian conservation; affect and emotion processes; sensorimotor stages; mental-attention in infancy; emergence of symbolic function; task analysis of infancy tasks; cognitive versus affective schemes; signals versus symbols; consciousness in infants; M-power versus M-demand trade-off; theory of mind; object permanence; semiotics; signalic versus symbolic function; iconic versus indexical function; distal versus proximal object; chimpanzees' symbols; intentionality; types of schemes; scheme learning; sensorimotor versus symbolic executives; hierarchical reinforcement learning; operative schemes; figurative schemes; executive schemes; resistances; expectancies; automatic or effortless attention; type-1 versus type-2 thinking; facilitating versus misleading situations; mental flow; automatic inhibition; internal field factor; mental or effortful attention; affects a

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