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ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which publishes surveys, tutorials, and special reports on all areas of computing research. Volumes are published yearly in four issues appearing in March, June, September, and December.
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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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Estados Unidos

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Tabla de contenidos

Impact of random failures and attacks on Poisson and power-law random networks

Clémence Magnien; Matthieu Latapy; Jean-Loup Guillaume

<jats:p>It has appeared recently that the underlying degree distribution of networks may play a crucial role concerning their robustness. Previous work insisted on the fact that power-law degree distributions induce high resilience to random failures but high sensitivity to attack strategies, while Poisson degree distributions are quite sensitive in both cases. Then much work has been done to extend these results.</jats:p> <jats:p>We aim here at studying in depth these results, their origin, and limitations. We review in detail previous contributions in a unified framework, and identify the approximations on which these results rely. We then present new results aimed at clarifying some important aspects. We also provide extensive rigorous experiments which help evaluate the relevance of the analytic results.</jats:p> <jats:p>We reach the conclusion that, even if the basic results are clearly important, they are in practice much less striking than generally thought. The differences between random failures and attacks are not so huge and can be explained with simple facts. Likewise, the differences in the behaviors induced by power-law and Poisson distributions are not as striking as often claimed.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-31

Human activity analysis

J.K. Aggarwal; M.S. Ryoo

<jats:p>Human activity recognition is an important area of computer vision research. Its applications include surveillance systems, patient monitoring systems, and a variety of systems that involve interactions between persons and electronic devices such as human-computer interfaces. Most of these applications require an automated recognition of high-level activities, composed of multiple simple (or atomic) actions of persons. This article provides a detailed overview of various state-of-the-art research papers on human activity recognition. We discuss both the methodologies developed for simple human actions and those for high-level activities. An approach-based taxonomy is chosen that compares the advantages and limitations of each approach.</jats:p> <jats:p>Recognition methodologies for an analysis of the simple actions of a single person are first presented in the article. Space-time volume approaches and sequential approaches that represent and recognize activities directly from input images are discussed. Next, hierarchical recognition methodologies for high-level activities are presented and compared. Statistical approaches, syntactic approaches, and description-based approaches for hierarchical recognition are discussed in the article. In addition, we further discuss the papers on the recognition of human-object interactions and group activities. Public datasets designed for the evaluation of the recognition methodologies are illustrated in our article as well, comparing the methodologies' performances. This review will provide the impetus for future research in more productive areas.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-43

The state of the art in end-user software engineering

Amy J. Ko; Robin Abraham; Laura Beckwith; Alan Blackwell; Margaret Burnett; Martin Erwig; Chris Scaffidi; Joseph Lawrance; Henry Lieberman; Brad Myers; Mary Beth Rosson; Gregg Rothermel; Mary Shaw; Susan Wiedenbeck

<jats:p>Most programs today are written not by professional software developers, but by people with expertise in other domains working towards goals for which they need computational support. For example, a teacher might write a grading spreadsheet to save time grading, or an interaction designer might use an interface builder to test some user interface design ideas. Although these end-user programmers may not have the same goals as professional developers, they do face many of the same software engineering challenges, including understanding their requirements, as well as making decisions about design, reuse, integration, testing, and debugging. This article summarizes and classifies research on these activities, defining the area of End-User Software Engineering (EUSE) and related terminology. The article then discusses empirical research about end-user software engineering activities and the technologies designed to support them. The article also addresses several crosscutting issues in the design of EUSE tools, including the roles of risk, reward, and domain complexity, and self-efficacy in the design of EUSE tools and the potential of educating users about software engineering principles.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-44

Consumer trust in e-commerce web sites

Patricia Beatty; Ian Reay; Scott Dick; James Miller

<jats:p> Trust is at once an elusive, imprecise concept, and a critical attribute that must be engineered into e-commerce systems. Trust conveys a vast number of meanings, and is deeply dependent upon context. The literature on engineering trust into e-commerce systems reflects these ambiguous meanings; there are a large number of articles, but there is as yet no clear theoretical framework for the investigation of trust in e-commerce. <jats:italic>E</jats:italic> -commerce, however, is predicated on trust; indeed, any e-commerce vendor that fails to establish a trusting relationship with their customers is doomed. There is a very clear need for specific guidance on e-commerce system attributes and business operations that will effectively promote consumer trust. To address this need, we have conducted a meta-study of the empirical literature on trust in e-commerce systems. This area of research is still immature, and hence our meta-analysis is qualitative rather than quantitative. We identify the major theoretical frameworks that have been proposed in the literature, and propose a qualitative model incorporating the various factors that have been empirically found to influence consumer trust in e-commerce. As this model is too complex to be of practical use, we explore subsets of this model that have the strongest support in the literature, and discuss the implications of this model for Web site design. Finally, we outline key conceptual and methodological needs for future work on this topic. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-46

Machine transliteration survey

Sarvnaz Karimi; Falk Scholer; Andrew Turpin

<jats:p>Machine transliteration is the process of automatically transforming the script of a word from a source language to a target language, while preserving pronunciation. The development of algorithms specifically for machine transliteration began over a decade ago based on the phonetics of source and target languages, followed by approaches using statistical and language-specific methods. In this survey, we review the key methodologies introduced in the transliteration literature. The approaches are categorized based on the resources and algorithms used, and the effectiveness is compared.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-46

Implementing statically typed object-oriented programming languages

Roland Ducournau

<jats:p> Object-oriented programming represents an original implementation issue due to its philosophy of making the program behavior depend on the dynamic type of objects. This is expressed by the <jats:italic>late binding</jats:italic> mechanism, aka <jats:italic>message sending</jats:italic> . The underlying principle is that the address of the actually called procedure is not statically determined at compile-time, but depends on the dynamic type of a distinguished parameter known as the <jats:italic>receiver</jats:italic> . A similar issue arises with attributes, because their position in the object layout may also depend on the object's dynamic type. Furthermore, subtyping introduces another original feature (i.e., runtime subtype checks). All three mechanisms need specific implementations and data structures. In static typing, late binding is generally implemented with so-called <jats:italic>virtual function tables</jats:italic> . These tables reduce method calls to pointers to functions via a small fixed number of extra indirections. It follows that object-oriented programming yields some overhead, as compared to the usual procedural languages. </jats:p> <jats:p> The different techniques and their resulting overhead depend on several parameters. First, inheritance and subtyping may be single or multiple, and even a mixing is possible, as in Java and ˙NET which present single inheritance for classes and multiple subtyping for interfaces. Multiple inheritance is a well-known complication. Second, the production of executable programs may involve various schemes, from global compilation, which implies the <jats:italic>closed-world assumption</jats:italic> (CWA), as the whole program is known at compile time, to separate compilation and dynamic loading, where each program unit is compiled and loaded independently of any usage, hence under the <jats:italic>open-world assumption</jats:italic> (OWA). Global compilation is well-known to facilitate optimization. </jats:p> <jats:p>This article reviews the various implementation techniques available in static typing and in the three cases of single inheritance, multiple inheritance, and multiple subtyping. This language-independent survey focuses on separate compilation and dynamic loading, as they represent the most commonly used and the most demanding framework. However, many works have been undertaken in the global compilation framework, mostly for dynamically typed languages, but also applied to the EIFFEL language. Hence, we also examine global techniques and how they can improve implementation efficiency. Finally, mixed frameworks that combine open and closed world assumptions are considered. For instance, just-in-time (JIT) compilers work under provisional CWA, at the expense of possible recompilations. In contrast, we present an experimental compiler-linker, where separate compilation implies the OWA, whereas the whole program is finally linked under the CWA.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-48

Strict intersection types for the Lambda Calculus

Steffen Van Bakel

<jats:p>This article will show the usefulness and elegance of strict intersection types for the Lambda Calculus, that are strict in the sense that they are the representatives of equivalence classes of types in the BCD-system [Barendregt et al. 1983]. We will focus on the essential intersection type assignment; this system is almost syntax directed, and we will show that all major properties hold that are known to hold for other intersection systems, like the approximation theorem, the characterization of (head/strong) normalization, completeness of type assignment using filter semantics, strong normalization for cut-elimination and the principal pair property. In part, the proofs for these properties are new; we will briefly compare the essential system with other existing systems.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-49

Programming wireless sensor networks

Luca Mottola; Gian Pietro Picco

<jats:p>Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are attracting great interest in a number of application domains concerned with monitoring and control of physical phenomena, as they enable dense and untethered deployments at low cost and with unprecedented flexibility.</jats:p> <jats:p>However, application development is still one of the main hurdles to a wide adoption of WSN technology. In current real-world WSN deployments, programming is typically carried out very close to the operating system, therefore requiring the programmer to focus on low-level system issues. This not only distracts the programmer from the application logic, but also requires a technical background rarely found among application domain experts. The need for appropriate high-level programming abstractions, capable of simplifying the programming chore without sacrificing efficiency, has long been recognized, and several solutions have hitherto been proposed, which differ along many dimensions.</jats:p> <jats:p>In this article, we survey the state of the art in programming approaches for WSNs. We begin by presenting a taxonomy of WSN applications, to identify the fundamental requirements programming platforms must deal with. Then, we introduce a taxonomy of WSN programming approaches that captures the fundamental differences among existing solutions, and constitutes the core contribution of this article. Our presentation style relies on concrete examples and code snippets taken from programming platforms representative of the taxonomy dimensions being discussed. We use the taxonomy to provide an exhaustive classification of existing approaches. Moreover, we also map existing approaches back to the application requirements, therefore providing not only a complete view of the state of the art, but also useful insights for selecting the programming abstraction most appropriate to the application at hand.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-51

A survey of comparison-based system-level diagnosis

Elias P. Duarte; Roverli P. Ziwich; Luiz C.P. Albini

<jats:p>The growing complexity and dependability requirements of hardware, software, and networks demand efficient techniques for discovering disruptive behavior in those systems. Comparison-based diagnosis is a realistic approach to detect faulty units based on the outputs of tasks executed by system units. This survey integrates the vast amount of research efforts that have been produced in this field, from the earliest theoretical models to new promising applications. Key results also include the quantitative evaluation of a relevant reliability metric—the diagnosability—of several popular interconnection network topologies. Relevant diagnosis algorithms are also described. The survey aims at clarifying and uncovering the potential of this technology, which can be applied to improve the dependability of diverse complex computer systems.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-56

Geometric distortion measurement for shape coding

Ferdous A. Sohel; Gour C. Karmakar; Laurence S. Dooley; Mohammed Bennamoun

<jats:p>Geometric distortion measurement and the associated metrics involved are integral to the Rate Distortion (RD) shape coding framework, with importantly the efficacy of the metrics being strongly influenced by the underlying measurement strategy. This has been the catalyst for many different techniques with this article presenting a comprehensive review of geometric distortion measurement, the diverse metrics applied, and their impact on shape coding. The respective performance of these measuring strategies is analyzed from both a RD and complexity perspective, with a recent distortion measurement technique based on arc-length-parameterization being comparatively evaluated. Some contemporary research challenges are also investigated, including schemes to effectively quantify shape deformation.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-22