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ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which publishes surveys, tutorials, and special reports on all areas of computing research. Volumes are published yearly in four issues appearing in March, June, September, and December.
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No detectada desde mar. 1969 / hasta dic. 2023 ACM Digital Library


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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

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Tabla de contenidos

A survey and analysis of electronic business document standards

Yildiray Kabak; Asuman Dogac

<jats:p>No document standard is sufficient for all purposes because the requirements significantly differ among businesses, industries, and geopolitical regions. On the other hand, the ultimate aim of business document interoperability is to exchange business data among partners without any prior agreements related to the document syntax and semantics. Therefore, an important characteristic of a document standard is its ability to adapt to different contexts, its extensibility, and its customization. The UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) is an important landmark in this direction.</jats:p> <jats:p>In this article, we present a survey and an analysis of some of the prominent UN/CEFACT CCTS-based electronic document standards. We describe their document design principles and discuss how they handle customization and extensibility. We address their industry relevance and the recent efforts for their harmonization and convergence. We conclude by mentioning some emerging efforts for the semantic interoperability of different document standards.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-31

A survey of online failure prediction methods

Felix Salfner; Maren Lenk; Miroslaw Malek

<jats:p>With the ever-growing complexity and dynamicity of computer systems, proactive fault management is an effective approach to enhancing availability. Online failure prediction is the key to such techniques. In contrast to classical reliability methods, online failure prediction is based on runtime monitoring and a variety of models and methods that use the current state of a system and, frequently, the past experience as well. This survey describes these methods. To capture the wide spectrum of approaches concerning this area, a taxonomy has been developed, whose different approaches are explained and major concepts are described in detail.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-42

Location-dependent query processing

Sergio Ilarri; Eduardo Mena; Arantza Illarramendi

<jats:p>The continuous development of wireless networks and mobile devices has motivated an intense research in mobile data services. Some of these services provide the user with context-aware information. Specifically, location-based services and location-dependent queries have attracted a lot of interest.</jats:p> <jats:p>In this article, the existing literature in the field of location-dependent query processing is reviewed. The technological context (mobile computing) and support middleware (such as moving object databases and data stream technology) are described, location-based services and location-dependent queries are defined and classified, and different query processing approaches are reviewed and compared.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-73

Privacy-preserving data publishing

Benjamin C. M. Fung; Ke Wang; Rui Chen; Philip S. Yu

<jats:p> The collection of digital information by governments, corporations, and individuals has created tremendous opportunities for knowledge- and information-based decision making. Driven by mutual benefits, or by regulations that require certain data to be published, there is a demand for the exchange and publication of data among various parties. Data in its original form, however, typically contains sensitive information about individuals, and publishing such data will violate individual privacy. The current practice in data publishing relies mainly on policies and guidelines as to what types of data can be published and on agreements on the use of published data. This approach alone may lead to excessive data distortion or insufficient protection. <jats:italic>Privacy-preserving data publishing</jats:italic> (PPDP) provides methods and tools for publishing useful information while preserving data privacy. Recently, PPDP has received considerable attention in research communities, and many approaches have been proposed for different data publishing scenarios. In this survey, we will systematically summarize and evaluate different approaches to PPDP, study the challenges in practical data publishing, clarify the differences and requirements that distinguish PPDP from other related problems, and propose future research directions. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-53


Wen Gao; Yonghong Tian; Tiejun Huang; Qiang Yang

<jats:p>In recent years, blogging has become an exploding passion among Internet communities. By combining the grassroots blogging with the richness of expression available in video, videoblogs (vlogs for short) will be a powerful new media adjunct to our existing televised news sources. Vlogs have gained much attention worldwide, especially with Google's acquisition of YouTube. This article presents a comprehensive survey of videoblogging (vlogging for short) as a new technological trend. We first summarize the technological challenges for vlogging as four key issues that need to be answered. Along with their respective possibilities, we give a review of the currently available techniques and tools supporting vlogging, and envision emerging technological directions for future vlogging. Several multimedia technologies are introduced to empower vlogging technology with better scalability, interactivity, searchability, and accessability, and to potentially reduce the legal, economic, and moral risks of vlogging applications. We also make an in-depth investigation of various vlog mining topics from a research perspective and present several incentive applications such as user-targeted video advertising and collective intelligence gaming. We believe that vlogging and its applications will bring new opportunities and drives to the research in related fields.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-57

Compiling for reconfigurable computing

João M. P. Cardoso; Pedro C. Diniz; Markus Weinhardt

<jats:p>Reconfigurable computing platforms offer the promise of substantially accelerating computations through the concurrent nature of hardware structures and the ability of these architectures for hardware customization. Effectively programming such reconfigurable architectures, however, is an extremely cumbersome and error-prone process, as it requires programmers to assume the role of hardware designers while mastering hardware description languages, thus limiting the acceptance and dissemination of this promising technology. To address this problem, researchers have developed numerous approaches at both the programming languages as well as the compilation levels, to offer high-level programming abstractions that would allow programmers to easily map applications to reconfigurable architectures. This survey describes the major research efforts on compilation techniques for reconfigurable computing architectures. The survey focuses on efforts that map computations written in imperative programming languages to reconfigurable architectures and identifies the main compilation and synthesis techniques used in this mapping.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-65

A survey on the design, applications, and enhancements of application-layer overlay networks

Jinu Kurian; Kamil Sarac

<jats:p>This article presents a survey of recent advancements in application-layer overlay networks. Some of the most important applications that have been proposed for overlays include multicast, QoS support, denial-of-service (DoS) defense, and resilient routing. We look at some of the important approaches proposed for these applications and compare the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. We also examine some of the enhancements that have been proposed in overlay topology design, enhanced routing performance, failure resistance, and the issues related to coexistence of overlay and native layers in the Internet. We conclude the article with a comment on the purist vs pluralist argument of overlay networks that has received much debate recently. Finally, we propose a new deployment model for service overlays that seeks to interpose between these two approaches.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-34

Protein-to-protein interactions

Mario Cannataro; Pietro H. Guzzi; Pierangelo Veltri

<jats:p> Studying proteins and their structures has an important role for understanding protein functionalities. Recently, due to important results obtained with proteomics, a great interest has been given to <jats:italic>interactomics</jats:italic> , that is, the study of protein-to-protein interactions, called PPI, or more generally, interactions among macromolecules, particularly within cells. Interactomics means studying, modeling, storing, and retrieving protein-to-protein interactions as well as algorithms for manipulating, simulating, and predicting interactions. PPI data can be obtained from biological experiments studying interactions. Modeling and storing PPIs can be realized by using graph theory and graph data management, thus graph databases can be queried for further experiments. PPI graphs can be used as input for data-mining algorithms, where raw data are binary interactions forming interaction graphs, and analysis algorithms retrieve biological interactions among proteins (i.e., PPI biological meanings). For instance, predicting the interactions between two or more proteins can be obtained by mining interaction networks stored in databases. In this article we survey modeling, storing, analyzing, and manipulating PPI data. After describing the main PPI models, mostly based on graphs, the article reviews PPI data representation and storage, as well as PPI databases. Algorithms and software tools for analyzing and managing PPI networks are discussed in depth. The article concludes by discussing the main challenges and research directions in PPI networks. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36

A survey of confidential data storage and deletion methods

Sarah M. Diesburg; An-I Andy Wang

<jats:p>As the amount of digital data grows, so does the theft of sensitive data through the loss or misplacement of laptops, thumb drives, external hard drives, and other electronic storage media. Sensitive data may also be leaked accidentally due to improper disposal or resale of storage media. To protect the secrecy of the entire data lifetime, we must have confidential ways to store and delete data. This survey summarizes and compares existing methods of providing confidential storage and deletion of data in personal computing environments.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-37

A taxonomy of sequential pattern mining algorithms

Nizar R. Mabroukeh; C. I. Ezeife

<jats:p>Owing to important applications such as mining web page traversal sequences, many algorithms have been introduced in the area of sequential pattern mining over the last decade, most of which have also been modified to support concise representations like closed, maximal, incremental or hierarchical sequences. This article presents a taxonomy of sequential pattern-mining techniques in the literature with web usage mining as an application. This article investigates these algorithms by introducing a taxonomy for classifying sequential pattern-mining algorithms based on important key features supported by the techniques. This classification aims at enhancing understanding of sequential pattern-mining problems, current status of provided solutions, and direction of research in this area. This article also attempts to provide a comparative performance analysis of many of the key techniques and discusses theoretical aspects of the categories in the taxonomy.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-41