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ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which publishes surveys, tutorials, and special reports on all areas of computing research. Volumes are published yearly in four issues appearing in March, June, September, and December.
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No detectada desde mar. 1969 / hasta dic. 2023 ACM Digital Library


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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

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Tabla de contenidos

Business process modeling languages

Hafedh Mili; Guy Tremblay; Guitta Bou Jaoude; Éric Lefebvre; Lamia Elabed; Ghizlane El Boussaidi

<jats:p> Requirements capture is arguably the most important step in software engineering, and yet the most difficult and the least formalized one [Phalp and Shepperd 2000]. Enterprises build information systems to support their <jats:italic>business processes</jats:italic> . Software engineering research has typically focused on the development process, starting with user requirements—if that—with business modeling often confused with software system modeling [Isoda 2001]. Researchers and practitioners in management information systems have long recognized that understanding the business processes that an information system must support is key to eliciting the needs of its users (see e.g., Eriksson and Penker 2000]), but lacked the tools to model such business processes or to relate such models to software requirements. Researchers and practitioners in business administration have long been interested in modeling the processes of organizations for the purposes of understanding, analyzing, and improving such processes [Hammer and Champy 1993], but their models were often too coarse to be of use to software engineers. The advent of ecommerce and workflow management systems, among other things, has led to a convergence of interests and tools, within the broad IT community, for modeling and enabling business processes. In this article we present an overview of business process modeling languages. We first propose a categorization of the various languages and then describe representative languages from each family. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-56

A review of grid authentication and authorization technologies and support for federated access control

Wei Jie; Junaid Arshad; Richard Sinnott; Paul Townend; Zhou Lei

<jats:p>Grid computing facilitates resource sharing typically to support distributed virtual organizations (VO). The multi-institutional nature of a grid environment introduces challenging security issues, especially with regard to authentication and authorization. This article presents a state-of-the-art review of major grid authentication and authorization technologies. In particular we focus upon the Internet2 Shibboleth technologies and their use to support federated authentication and authorization to support interinstitutional sharing of remote grid resources that are subject to access control. We outline the architecture, features, advantages, limitations, projects, and applications of Shibboleth in a grid environment. The evidence suggests that Shibboleth meets many of the demands of the research community in accessing and using grid resources.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-26

A survey of combinatorial testing

Changhai Nie; Hareton Leung

<jats:p>Combinatorial Testing (CT) can detect failures triggered by interactions of parameters in the Software Under Test (SUT) with a covering array test suite generated by some sampling mechanisms. It has been an active field of research in the last twenty years. This article aims to review previous work on CT, highlights the evolution of CT, and identifies important issues, methods, and applications of CT, with the goal of supporting and directing future practice and research in this area. First, we present the basic concepts and notations of CT. Second, we classify the research on CT into the following categories: modeling for CT, test suite generation, constraints, failure diagnosis, prioritization, metric, evaluation, testing procedure and the application of CT. For each of the categories, we survey the motivation, key issues, solutions, and the current state of research. Then, we review the contribution from different research groups, and present the growing trend of CT research. Finally, we recommend directions for future CT research, including: (1) modeling for CT, (2) improving the existing test suite generation algorithm, (3) improving analysis of testing result, (4) exploring the application of CT to different levels of testing and additional types of systems, (5) conducting more empirical studies to fully understand limitations and strengths of CT, and (6) combining CT with other testing techniques.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-29

One step forward

Aline Carneiro Viana; Stephane Maag; Fatiha Zaidi

<jats:p>Wireless self-organizing networks (WSONs) have attracted considerable attention from the network research community; however, the key for their success is the rigorous validation of the properties of the network protocols. Applications of risk or those demanding precision (like alert-based systems) require a rigorous and reliable validation of deployed network protocols. While the main goal is to ensure the reliability of the protocols, validation techniques also allow the establishment of their correctness regarding the related protocols' requirements. Nevertheless, even if different communities have carried out intensive research activities on the validation domain, WSONs still raise new issues for and challenging constraints to these communities. We thus, advocate the use of complementary techniques coming from different research communities to efficiently address the validation of WSON protocols. The goal of this tutorial is to present a comprehensive review of the literature on protocol engineering techniques and to discuss difficulties imposed by the characteristics of WSONs on the protocol engineering community. Following the formal and nonformal classification of techniques, we provide a discussion about components and similarities of existing protocol validation approaches. We also investigate how to take advantage of such similarities to obtain complementary techniques and outline new challenges.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36

Discrete wavelet transform-based time series analysis and mining

Pimwadee Chaovalit; Aryya Gangopadhyay; George Karabatis; Zhiyuan Chen

<jats:p>Time series are recorded values of an interesting phenomenon such as stock prices, household incomes, or patient heart rates over a period of time. Time series data mining focuses on discovering interesting patterns in such data. This article introduces a wavelet-based time series data analysis to interested readers. It provides a systematic survey of various analysis techniques that use discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) in time series data mining, and outlines the benefits of this approach demonstrated by previous studies performed on diverse application domains, including image classification, multimedia retrieval, and computer network anomaly detection.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-37

The failure detector abstraction

Felix C. Freiling; Rachid Guerraoui; Petr Kuznetsov

<jats:p>A<jats:italic>failure detector</jats:italic>is a fundamental abstraction in distributed computing. This article surveys this abstraction through two dimensions. First we study failure detectors as building blocks to simplify the design of reliable distributed algorithms. In particular, we illustrate how failure detectors can factor out timing assumptions to detect failures in distributed agreement algorithms. Second, we study failure detectors as computability benchmarks. That is, we survey the weakest failure detector question and illustrate how failure detectors can be used to classify problems. We also highlight some limitations of the failure detector abstraction along each of the dimensions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-40

A survey of DHT security techniques

Guido Urdaneta; Guillaume Pierre; Maarten Van Steen

<jats:p>Peer-to-peer networks based on distributed hash tables (DHTs) have received considerable attention ever since their introduction in 2001. Unfortunately, DHT-based systems have been shown to be notoriously difficult to protect against security attacks. Various reports have been published that discuss or classify general security issues, but so far a comprehensive survey describing the various proposed defenses has been lacking. In this article, we present an overview of techniques reported in the literature for making DHT-based systems resistant to the three most important attacks that can be launched by malicious nodes participating in the DHT: (1) the Sybil attack, (2) the Eclipse attack, and (3) routing and storage attacks. We review the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solutions and, in doing so, confirm how difficult it is to secure DHT-based systems in an adversarial environment.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-49

Auctions and bidding

Simon Parsons; Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar; Mark Klein

<jats:p>There is a veritable menagerie of auctions—single-dimensional, multi-dimensional, single-sided, double-sided, first-price, second-price, English, Dutch, Japanese, sealed-bid—and these have been extensively discussed and analyzed in the economics literature. The main purpose of this article is to survey this literature from a computer science perspective, primarily from the viewpoint of computer scientists who are interested in learning about auction theory, and to provide pointers into the economics literature for those who want a deeper technical understanding. In addition, since auctions are an increasingly important topic in computer science, we also look at work on auctions from the computer science literature. Overall, our aim is to identifying what both these bodies of work these tell us about creating electronic auctions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-59

Robot algorithms for localization of multiple emission sources

Kathleen Mcgill; Stephen Taylor

<jats:p>The problem of time-varying, multisource localization using robotic swarms has received relatively little attention when compared to single-source localization. It involves distinct challenges regarding how to partition the robots during search to ensure that all sources are located in minimal time, how to avoid obstacles and other robots, and how to proceed after each source is found. Unfortunately, no common set of validation problems and reference algorithms has evolved, and there are no general theoretical foundations that guarantee progress, convergence, and termination. This article surveys the current multisource literature from the viewpoint of these central questions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-25

What is the future of disk drives, death or rebirth?

Yuhui Deng

<jats:p>Disk drives have experienced dramatic development to meet performance requirements since the IBM 1301 disk drive was announced in 1961. However, the performance gap between memory and disk drives has widened to 6 orders of magnitude and continues to widen by about 50% per year. Furthermore, energy efficiency has become one of the most important challenges in designing disk drive storage systems. The architectural design of disk drives has reached a turning point which should allow their performance to advance further, while still maintaining high reliability and energy efficiency. This article explains how disk drives have evolved over five decades to meet challenging customer demands. First of all, it briefly introduces the development of disk drives, and deconstructs disk performance and power consumption. Secondly, it describes the design constraints and challenges that traditional disk drives are facing. Thirdly, it presents some innovative disk drive architectures discussed in the community. Fourthly, it introduces some new storage media types and the impacts they have on the architecture of the traditional disk drives. Finally, it discusses two important evolutions of disk drives: hybrid disk and solid state disk. The article highlights the challenges and opportunities facing these storage devices, and explores how we can expect them to affect storage systems.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-27