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Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention: MICCAI 2005: 8th International Conference, Palm Springs, CA, USA, October 26-29, 2005, Proceedings, Part I

James S. Duncan ; Guido Gerig (eds.)

En conferencia: 8º International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) . Palm Springs, CA, USA . October 26, 2005 - October 29, 2005

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Computer Graphics; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Imaging / Radiology; Health Informatics

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Support Vector Clustering for Brain Activation Detection

Defeng Wang; Lin Shi; Daniel S. Yeung; Pheng-Ann Heng; Tien-Tsin Wong; Eric C. C. Tsang

In this paper, we propose a new approach to detect activated time series in functional MRI using . We extract Fourier coefficients as the features of fMRI time series and cluster these features by SVC. In SVC, these features are mapped from their original to a very high dimensional . By finding a compact sphere that encloses the mapped features in the kernel space, one achieves a set of cluster boundaries in the feature space. The SVC is an effective and robust fMRI activation detection method because of its advantages in (1) better discovery of real data structure since there is no cluster shape restriction, (2) high quality detection results without explicitly specifying the number of clusters, (3) the stronger robustness due to the mechanism in outlier elimination. Experimental results on simulated and real fMRI data demonstrate the effectiveness of SVC.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 572-579

Inter-frame Motion Correction for MR Thermometry

S. Suprijanto; M. W. Vogel; F. M. Vos; H. A. Vrooman; A. M. Vossepoel

Noninvasive temperature measurement is feasible with MRI to monitor changes in thermal therapy. Phase shift based MR thermometry gives an estimate of the relative temperature variation between thermal and baseline images. This technique is limited, however, when applied on targets under inter-frame motion. Simple image registration and subtraction are not adequate to recover the temperature properly since the phase shift due to temperature changes is corrupted by an unwanted phase shift. In this work, the unwanted phase shift is predicted from the raw registered phase shift map itself. To estimate the unwanted phase shift, a thin plate smoothing spline is fitted to the values the heated region. The spline value the heated area serves as an estimate for the offset. The estimation result is applied to correct errors in the temperature maps of an ex-vivo experiment.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 580-588

Adaptive Multiscale Ultrasound Compounding Using Phase Information

Vicente Grau; J. Alison Noble

The recent availability of real-time three-dimensional echocardiography offers a convenient, low-cost alternative for detection and diagnosis of heart pathologies. However, a complete description of the heart can be obtained only by combining the information provided by different acoustic windows. We present a new method for compounding 3D ultrasound scans acquired from different views. The method uses multiscale information about local structure definition and orientation to weight the contributions of the images. We propose to use image phase to obtain these image characteristics while keeping invariance to image contrast. The monogenic signal provides a convenient, integrated approach for this purpose. We have evaluated our algorithm on synthetic images and heart scans from volunteers, showing it provides a significant improvement in image quality when compared to traditional compounding methods.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 589-596

3D Freehand Ultrasound Reconstruction Based on Probe Trajectory

Pierrick Coupé; Pierre Hellier; Noura Azzabou; Christian Barillot

3D freehand ultrasound imaging is a very attractive technique in medical examinations and intra-operative stage for its cost and field of view capacities. This technique produces a set of non parallel B-scans which are irregularly distributed in the space. Reconstruction amounts to computing a regular lattice volume and is needed to apply conventional computer vision algorithms like registration. In this paper, a new 3D reconstruction method is presented, taking explicitly into account the probe trajectory. Experiments were conducted on different data sets with various probe motion types and indicate that this technique outperforms classical methods, especially on low acquisition frame rate.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 597-604

Self-Calibrating Ultrasound-to-CT Bone Registration

Dean C. Barratt; Graeme Penney; Carolyn S. K. Chan; Mike Slomczykowski; Timothy J. Carter; Philip J. Edwards; David J. Hawkes

We describe a new self-calibrating approach to rigid registration of 3D ultrasound images in which data acquired for registration are used to simultaneously perform a patient-specific update of the calibration parameters of the 3D ultrasound system. Using a self-calibrating implementation of a point-based registration algorithm, and points obtained from ultrasound images of the femurs and pelves of human cadavers, we show that the accuracy of registration to a CT scan is significantly improved compared with a standard algorithm. This new approach provides an effective means of compensating for errors introduced by the propagation of ultrasound through soft tissue, which currently limit the accuracy of conventional methods where the calibration parameters are fixed to values determined preoperatively using a phantom.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 605-612

A Hand-Held Probe for Vibro-Elastography

Hassan Rivaz; Robert Rohling

Vibro-elastography is a new medical imaging method that identifies the mechanical properties of tissue by measuring tissue motion in response to a multi-frequency external vibration source. Previous research on vibro-elastography used ultrasound to measure the tissue motion and system identification techniques to identify the tissue properties. This paper describes a hand-held probe with a combined vibration source and ultrasound transducer. The design uses a vibration absorption system to counter-balance the reaction forces from contact with the tissue. Simulations and experiments show a high level of vibration absorption. The first elastograms from the probe are also shown.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 613-620

Real-Time Quality Control of Tracked Ultrasound

Emad M. Boctor; Iulian Iordachita; Gabor Fichtinger; Gregory D. Hager

The overwhelming majority of intra-operative hazard situations in tracked ultrasound (US) systems are attributed to failure of registration between tracking and imaging coordinate frames. We introduce a novel methodology for real-time in-vivo quality control of tracked US systems, in order to capture registration failures during the clinical procedure. In effect, we dynamically recalibrate the tracked US system for rotation, scale factor, and in-plane position offset up to a scale factor. We detect any unexpected change in these parameters through capturing discrepancies in the resulting calibration matrix, thereby assuring quality (accuracy and consistency) of the tracked system. No phantom is used for the recalibration. We perform the task of quality control in the background, transparently to the clinical user while the subject is being scanned. We present the concept, mathematical formulation, and experimental evaluation in-vitro. This new method can play an important role in guaranteeing accurate, consistent, and reliable performance of tracked ultrasound.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 621-630

Fully Truncated Cone-Beam Reconstruction on Pi Lines Using Prior CT

Krishnakumar Ramamurthi; Norbert Strobel; Rebecca Fahrig; Jerry L. Prince

C-arms are well suited for obtaining cone-beam projections intra-operatively. Due to the compact size of the detector used, the data are usually truncated within the field of view. As a result, direct application of a standard cone-beam reconstruction algorithm gives rise to undesirable artifacts and incorrect values in the reconstructed image volume. When prior information such as a pre-operative CT scan is available, fully truncated cone-beam projections can be used to recover the change within a small region of interest without such artifacts. A method for integrating prior CT is developed using the concept of pi-lines and tested on real flat-panel and simulated cone-beam data.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 631-638

C-arm Calibration – Is it Really Necessary?

Ameet Jain; Ryan Kon; Yu Zhou; Gabor Fichtinger

C-arm fluoroscopy is modelled as a perspective projection, the parameters of which are estimated through a calibration procedure. It has been universally accepted that precise intra-procedural calibration is a prerequisite for accurate quantitative C-arm fluoroscopy guidance. Calibration, however, significantly adds to system complexity, which is a major impediment to clinical practice. We challenge the status quo by questioning the assumption that precise intra-procedural calibration is really necessary. We derived theoretical bounds for the sensitivity of 3D measurements to mis-calibration. Experimental results corroborated the theory in that mis-calibration in the focal spot by as much as 50  still allows for tracking with an accuracy of 0.5  in translation and 0.65 in rotation, and such mis-calibration does not impose any additional error on the reconstruction of small objects.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 639-646

Laser Needle Guide for the Sonic Flashlight

David Wang; Bing Wu; George Stetten

We have extended the real-time tomographic reflection display of the Sonic Flashlight to a laser guidance system that aims to improve safety and accuracy of needle insertion, especially for deep procedures. This guidance system is fundamentally different from others currently available. Two low-intensity lasers are mounted on opposite sides of a needle aimed parallel to the needle. The needle is placed against a notch in the Sonic Flashlight mirror such that the laser beams reflect off the mirror to create bright red spots on the flat panel display. Due to diffuse reflection from these spots, the virtual image created by the flat panel display contains the spots, identifying the projected destination of the needle at its actual location in the tissue. We have implemented our design and validated its performance, identifying several areas for potential improvement.

- Imaging Systems – Visualization | Pp. 647-653