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Generative Programming and Component Engineering: 4th International Conference, GPCE 2005, Tallinn, Estonia, September 29: October 1, 2005, Proceedings

Robert Glück ; Michael Lowry (eds.)

En conferencia: 4º International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE) . Tallinn, Estonia . September 29, 2005 - October 1, 2005

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Statically Safe Program Generation with SafeGen

Shan Shan Huang; David Zook; Yannis Smaragdakis

SafeGen is a meta-programming language for writing statically safe generators of Java programs. If a program generator written in SafeGen passes the checks of the SafeGen compiler, then the generator will only generate well-formed Java programs, for any generator input. In other words, statically checking the generator guarantees the correctness of any generated program, with respect to static checks commonly performed by a conventional compiler (including type safety, existence of a superclass, etc.). To achieve this guarantee, SafeGen supports only language primitives for reflection over an existing well-formed Java program, primitives for creating program fragments, and a restricted set of constructs for iteration, conditional actions, and name generation. SafeGen’s static checking algorithm is a combination of traditional type checking for Java, and a series of calls to a theorem prover to check the validity of first-order logical sentences constructed to represent well-formedness properties of the generated program under all inputs. The approach has worked quite well in our tests, providing proofs for correct generators or pointing out interesting bugs.

- Generative Techniques II | Pp. 309-326

A Type System for Reflective Program Generators

Dirk Draheim; Christof Lutteroth; Gerald Weber

In this paper we describe a type system for a generative mechanism that generalizes the concept of generic types by combining it with a controlled form of reflection. This mechanism makes many code generation tasks possible for which generic types alone would be insufficient. The power of code generation features are carefully balanced with their safety, so that we are able to perform static type checks on generator code. This leads to a generalized notion of type safety for generators.

- Generative Techniques II | Pp. 327-341

Sorting Out the Relationships Between Pairs of Iterators, Values, and References

Krister Åhlander

Motivated by a wish to sort an array while simultaneously permuting another array , iteration over (,) is considered.

Traditional solutions to this problem require an adaption of either the algorithm or of the data structure. The generic programming approach described in this paper involves the construction of an iterator adaptor: an iterator pair. The different approaches are implemented in C++ and compared with respect to flexibility and performance.

Our design is also compared with another iterator-based design. When examining our solution, we identify the relationship between a reference type and a value type as an independent abstraction. We find that a valid “reference type” to a value type is not necessarily . The reference pair developed in this paper serves as an example of a reference type which refers to a standard value pair without being a standard reference.

Our understanding of the relationships between iterator pairs, value pairs, and reference pairs, makes our design simpler than the alternative. It is argued that a recognition of these relationships is useful in many other generic programming contexts as well.

- Generative Techniques II | Pp. 342-356

Preprocessing Eden with Template Haskell

Steffen Priebe

Extending a programming language by new language constructs often implies extending its compiler by additional machinery. To reduce the complex interweaving of compiler and extension implementations we present a simple and modular concept of lifting the often needed additional preprocessing out of the base compiler implementation. Avoiding the introduction of standalone tools, this preprocessor framework for extensions of Haskell is designed as a separate portable library of monadic preprocessing functions based on Template Haskell. Additional preprocessing passes expressed in this framework can then much easier be carried along the series of ever advancing base compiler versions. Taking Eden, a parallel programming extension of Haskell, as an example we show that besides achieving improved portability and reusability pass code sizes can be reduced considerably.

- Components and Templates | Pp. 357-372

Syntactic Abstraction in Component Interfaces

Ryan Culpepper; Scott Owens; Matthew Flatt

In this paper, we show how to combine a component system and a macro system. A component system separates the definition of a program fragment from the statements that link it, enabling independent compilation of the fragment. A macro system, in contrast, relies on explicit links among fragments that import macros, since macro expansion must happen at compile time. Our combination places macro definitions inside component signatures, thereby permitting macro expansion at compile time, while still allowing independent compilation and linking for the run-time part of components.

- Components and Templates | Pp. 373-388

Component-Oriented Programming with Sharing: Containment is Not Ownership

Daniel Hirschkoff; Tom Hirschowitz; Damien Pous; Alan Schmitt; Jean-Bernard Stefani

Component-oriented programming yields a tension between higher-order features (deployment, reconfiguration, passivation), encapsulation, and component sharing. We propose a discipline for component-oriented programming to address this issue, and we define a process calculus whose operational semantics embodies this programming discipline. We present several examples that illustrate how the calculus supports component sharing, while allowing strong encapsulation and higher-order primitives.

- Components and Templates | Pp. 389-404

Language Requirements for Large-Scale Generic Libraries

Jeremy Siek; Andrew Lumsdaine

The past decade of experience has demonstrated that the generic programming methodology is highly effective for the design, implementation, and use of large-scale software libraries. The fundamental principle of generic programming is the realization of interfaces for entire sets of components, based on their essential syntactic and semantic requirements, rather than for any particular components. Many programming languages have features for describing interfaces between software components, but none completely support the approach used in generic programming. We have recently developed , a language designed to provide first-class language support for generic programming and large-scale libraries. In this paper, we present an overview of and analyze the interdependence between language features and library design in light of a complete implementation of the Standard Template Library using . In addition, we discuss important issues related to modularity and encapsulation in large-scale libraries and how language support for validation of components in isolation can prevent many common problems in component integration.

- Generic Programming | Pp. 405-421

Mapping Features to Models: A Template Approach Based on Superimposed Variants

Krzysztof Czarnecki; Michał Antkiewicz

Although a feature model can represent commonalities and variabilities in a very concise taxonomic form, features in a feature model are merely symbols. Mapping features to other models, such as behavioral or data specifications, gives them semantics. In this paper, we propose a general template-based approach for mapping feature models to concise representations of variability in different kinds of other models. We show how the approach can be applied to UML 2.0 activity and class models and describe a prototype implementation.

- Generic Programming | Pp. 422-437

Developing Dynamic and Adaptable Applications with CAM/DAOP: A Virtual Office Application

Mónica Pinto; Daniel Jiménez; Lidia Fuentes

CAM/DAOP is a component and aspect based model and platform implemented using Java/RMI and reflective techniques. Using CAM/DAOP we have developed several collaborative applications, where the most relevant one is a Virtual Office application, which allows dispersed users to collaborate as if they were co-located. Attendees of the demonstration will see how to develop dynamic and adaptable applications with CAM/DAOP, from the design through to the implementation phases. We will place emphasis on showing how to adapt the behavior of CAM/DAOP applications at runtime, simply by modifying the architectural information provided during the application development.

- Demonstrations | Pp. 438-441

Metamodeling Made Easy – MetaEdit+ (Tool Demonstration)

Risto Pohjonen

Many current metamodeling environments still require manual programming to build full tool support for the modeling language, especially for language constraints, representational elements and graphical editing tools. Because of this, a considerable part of development resources has to be reserved for secondary assets of the final environment instead of its main vehicle, the modeling language itself. In this demonstration, we present the MetaEdit+ metaCASE tool, and show how metamodeling and tool support for domain-specific modeling languages can be completed without programming. We will describe the metamodeling tool set of MetaEdit+ and explain how conceptual and representational metamodeling is carried out with it. Finally, we will look at the executable modeling environment derived from the metamodel.

- Demonstrations | Pp. 442-446