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Generative Programming and Component Engineering: 4th International Conference, GPCE 2005, Tallinn, Estonia, September 29: October 1, 2005, Proceedings

Robert Glück ; Michael Lowry (eds.)

En conferencia: 4º International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE) . Tallinn, Estonia . September 29, 2005 - October 1, 2005

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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Shadow Programming: Reasoning About Programs Using Lexical Join Point Information

Pengcheng Wu; Karl Lieberherr

The expressiveness of AspectJ’s dynamic join point model has been shown in many useful applications, while the static join point model (also called ) has been studied less. We propose a notion of shadow programming that exposes a program’s adapted lexical shadow information to compile time language constructs to enable customized static analysis and more expressive join point selection mechanisms. In particular, within the framework of the AspectJ language and compiler, we have designed and implemented two compile time language constructs, called and respectively, to show how the lexical shadow information can be used.

- Aspect-Oriented Programming | Pp. 141-156

Generalized Type-Based Disambiguation of Meta Programs with Concrete Object Syntax

Martin Bravenboer; Rob Vermaas; Jurgen Vinju; Eelco Visser

In meta programming with concrete object syntax, object-level programs are composed from fragments written in concrete syntax. The use of small program fragments in such quotations and the use of meta-level expressions within these fragments (anti-quotation) often leads to ambiguities. This problem is usually solved through explicit disambiguation, resulting in considerable syntactic overhead. A few systems manage to reduce this overhead by using type information during parsing. Since this is hard to achieve with traditional parsing technology, these systems provide specific combinations of meta and object languages, and their implementations are difficult to reuse. In this paper, we generalize these approaches and present a method for introducing concrete object syntax without explicit disambiguation. The method uses scannerless generalized-LR parsing to parse meta programs with embedded object-level fragments, which produces a forest of all possible parses. This forest is reduced to a tree by a disambiguating type checker for the meta language. To validate our method we have developed embeddings of several object languages in Java, including AspectJ and Java itself.

- Meta-programming and Transformation | Pp. 157-172

A Versatile Kernel for Multi-language AOP

Éric Tanter; Jacques Noyé

Being able to define and use different aspect languages, including domain-specific aspect languages, to cleanly modularize concerns of a software system represents a valuable perspective. However, combining existing tools leads to unpredictable results, and proposals for experimentation with and integration of aspect languages mostly fail to deal with composition satisfactorily and to provide convenient abstractions to implement new aspect languages. This paper exposes the architecture of a and its Java implementation, Reflex. On top of basic facilities for behavioral and structural transformation, Reflex provides composition handling, including detection of interactions, and language support via a lightweight plugin architecture. We present these facilities and illustrate composition of aspects written in different aspect languages.

- Meta-programming and Transformation | Pp. 173-188

Semi-inversion of Guarded Equations

Torben Æ Mogensen

An of a program is a program that takes the output of the original program and produces its input. A of a program is a program that takes some of the input and some of the output of the original program and produces the remaining input and output. Inversion is, hence, a special case of semi-inversion.

We propose a method for inverting and semi-inverting programs written as guarded equations. The semi-inversion process is divided into four phases: Translation of equations into a relational form, refining operators, determining evaluation order for each equation of the semi-inverted functions and translation of semi-inverted functions back to the original syntax. In cases where the method fails to semi-invert a program, it can suggest which additional parts of the programs input or output are needed to make it work.

- Meta-programming and Transformation | Pp. 189-204

A Generative Programming Approach to Interactive Information Retrieval:Insights and Experiences

Saverio Perugini; Naren Ramakrishnan

We describe the application of generative programming to a problem in interactive information retrieval. The particular interactive information retrieval problem we study is the support for ‘out of turn interaction’ with a website – how a user can communicate input to a website when the site is not soliciting such information on the current page, but will do so on a subsequent page. Our solution approach makes generous use of program transformations (partial evaluation, currying, and slicing) to delay the site’s current solicitation for input until after the user’s out-of-turn input is processed. We illustrate how studying out-of-turn interaction through a generative lens leads to several valuable insights: (i) the concept of a web dialog, (ii) an improved understanding of web taxonomies, and (iii) new web interaction techniques and interfaces. These notions allow us to cast the design of interactive (and responsive) websites in terms of the underlying dialog structure and, further, suggest a simple implementation strategy with a clean separation of concerns. We also highlight new research directions opened up by the generative programming approach to interactive information retrieval such as the idea of web interaction axioms.

- Generative Techniques I | Pp. 205-220

Optimizing Marshalling by Run-Time Program Generation

Barış Aktemur; Joel Jones; Samuel Kamin; Lars Clausen

Saving the internal data of an application in an external form is called . A generic marshaller is difficult to optimize because the format of the data that will be marshalled is unknown at the time the marshaller is implemented. On the other hand, efficient marshallers can be written for specific kinds of data. In this paper we use run-time program generation (RTPG) to produce specialized marshallers. We use Jumbo, a Java compiler supporting programmer-specified RTPG. We show that RTPG is easily employable. Speedups in order of magnitude can be achieved in some cases. We study the case where the data consist of a large number of objects of a single class and the case where there are objects of many classes. In the latter case, “just-in-time” heuristics allow us to limit RTPG costs and gain considerable speedups.

- Generative Techniques I | Pp. 221-236

Applying a Generative Technique for Enhanced Genericity and Maintainability on the J2EE Platform

Yang Jun; Stan Jarzabek

One of the themes in building reusable and maintainable software is identifying similarities and designing generic solutions to unify similarity patterns. In this paper, we analyze capabilities of J2EE to effectively unify similarity patterns found in Web Portals (WP). Our experimentation involved a family of WPs to support information sharing and team collaboration, built by our industry partner. While J2EE provides useful mechanisms for reuse of common services across components, we found its limitations in systematic across-the-board reuse in application domain-specific areas. To solve these problems, we applied a generative programming (GP) technique of XVCL on top of J2EE. By unifying similarity patterns, we increased the clarity of portal’s conceptual structure as perceived by developers, reducing also the size of the original J2EE WP by 61%. Our solution enhanced traceability of information that mattered during changes. Based on that we hypothesized that XVCL-enhanced J2EE WP would be easier to maintain than the original J2EE WP. In the paper, we describe our solution and evaluate its engineering merits in both quantitative and qualitative ways.

- Generative Techniques I | Pp. 237-255

Multi-stage Programming with Functors and Monads: Eliminating Abstraction Overhead from Generic Code

Jacques Carette; Oleg Kiselyov

With Gaussian Elimination as a representative family of numerical and symbolic algorithms, we use multi-stage programming, monads and Ocaml’s advanced module system to demonstrate the complete elimination of the abstraction overhead while avoiding any inspection of the generated code. We parameterize our Gaussian Elimination code to a great extent (over domain, matrix representations, determinant tracking, pivoting policies, result types, etc) at no run-time cost. Because the resulting code is generated just right and not changed afterwards, we enjoy MetaOCaml’s guaranty that the generated code is well-typed. We further demonstrate that various abstraction parameters (aspects) can be made orthogonal and compositional, even in the presence of name-generation for temporaries and other bindings and “interleaving” of aspects. We also show how to encode some domain-specific knowledge so that “clearly wrong” compositions can be statically rejected by the compiler when processing the generator rather than the generated code.

- Multi-stage Programming | Pp. 256-274

Implicitly Heterogeneous Multi-stage Programming

Jason Eckhardt; Roumen Kaiabachev; Emir Pašalić; Kedar Swadi; Walid Taha

Previous work on semantics-based multi-stage programming (MSP) language design focused on designs, where the generating and the generated languages are the same. Homogeneous designs simply add a hygienic quasi-quotation and evaluation mechanism to a base language. An apparent disadvantage of this approach is that the programmer is bound to both the expressivity and performance characteristics of the base language. This paper proposes a practical means to avoid this by providing specialized translations from subsets of the base language to different target languages. This approach preserves the homogeneous “look” of multi-stage programs, and, more importantly, the static guarantees about the generated code. In addition, compared to an explicitly heterogeneous approach, it promotes reuse of generator source code and systematic exploration of the performance characteristics of the target languages.

To illustrate the proposed approach, we design and implement a translation to a subset of C suitable for numerical computation, and show that it preserves static typing. The translation is implemented, and evaluated with several benchmarks. The implementation is available in the online distribution of MetaOCaml.

- Multi-stage Programming | Pp. 275-292

Source-Level Optimization of Run-Time Program Generators

Samuel Kamin; Barış Aktemur; Philip Morton

We describe our efforts to use source-level rewriting to optimize run-time program generators written in Jumbo, a run-time program generation system for Java. Jumbo is a compiler written in style, which brings the advantage that any program fragment can be abstracted out and compiled to an intermediate form. These forms can be put together at run-time to build complete programs. This principle provides a high level of flexibility in writing program generators. However, this comes at the price of inefficient run-time compilation. Using source-level transformations, we optimize the run-time generation of byte code from fragments, achieving speedups of 5–15%. We discuss the optimization process and give several examples.

- Generative Techniques II | Pp. 293-308