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Scientific detectors for astronomy 2005: Explorers of the Photon Odyssey

Jenna E. Beletic ; James W. Beletic ; Paola Amico (eds.)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer 2006

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MONSOON Image Acquisition System Project Successes and Realities

Peter Moore; Gustavo Rahmer

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 607-614

MONSOON Image Acquisition System Configuration

Gustavo Rahmer; Peter C. Moore

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 615-620

Current Status of the OSIRIS-GTC Instrument Control System

Enrique Joven; José V. Gigante; Marta Aguiar; José C. López-Ruiz; Alberto Herrera; Guillermo A. Herrera; Ángeles Pérez; Jordi Cepa; Francis Beigbeder

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 621-626

EMIR Detector Data Acquisition Electronics

José Javier Diaz; Fernando Gago; Pablo López; Francis Beigbeder; Francisco Garzón; Jesús Patrón

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 627-632

Improved Control Electronics for OSIRIS-GTC Commercial Tunable Filters

José V. Gigante; Guillermo A. Herrera; José L. Rasilla; Enrique Joven; Marta Aguiar; Alberto Herrera; José C. López; Victor Gonz´lez; Fernando Gago; Ángeles Pérez; M. Rodríguez Valido; Jordi Cepa

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 633-638

A Dedicated Controller for Adaptive Optics L3CCD Developments

Jean-Luc Gach; Philippe Balard; Olivier Boissin; Mark Downing; Philippe Feautrier; Christian Guillaume; Eric Stadler

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 639-644

Characterization of the OPA350 Operational Amplifier at Cryogenic Temperatures

Fernando Gago; José Javier Diaz; Francisco Garzón; Jesús Patrón

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 645-650

A Simple Technique for the Suppression of Line Frequency Noise in IR Array Systems

Bruce Atwood; Jerry A. Mason; Daniel Pappalardo

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 651-654

SCUBA-2 CCD-Style Imaging for the JCMT

Maureen Ellis

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 655-660

The Astronomical Array Control & Acquisition System at NAOC

Zhaowang Zhao; Binxun Ye

The Earth is the most geologically active of the terrestrial planets and it has retained the poorest sample of the record of hypervelocity impact by interplanetary bodies throughout geologic time. Although the surviving sample of impact structures is small, the terrestrial impact record has played a major role in understanding and constraining cratering processes, as well as providing important ground-truth information on the three dimensional lithological and structural character of impact structures (). Recently, there has been a growing awareness in the earth-science community that impact is also potentially important as a stochastic driving force for changes to the terrestrial environment. This has stemmed largely from: the discovery of chemical and physical evidence for the involvement of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary and the associated mass extinction event (e.g. ; ; ), and their relation to the Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (), the recognition of the resource potential of impact structures, some of which are related to world-class ore deposits, both spatially and genetically (; ), and the recognition of the potentially disastrous consequences of impacts for human civilization ().

Section VII - Electronics | Pp. 661-668