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The EBMT Handbook

Enric Carreras ; Carlo Dufour ; Mohamad Mohty ; Nicolaus Kröger (eds.)

7th ed. 2019.

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Hematology; Transplant Surgery; Blood Transfusion Medicine; Pediatric Surgery; Surgical Oncology

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No requiere 2019 SpringerLink acceso abierto


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Información sobre derechos de publicación

© EBMT and the Author(s) 2019

Tabla de contenidos

Gastrointestinal Complications

Grzegorz W. Basak

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is one of the systems most commonly affected by transplant complications. It is due to the high vulnerability of the gut mucosa composed of dividing cells, which are susceptible to chemotherapy-induced damage, rich vasculature, constant contact with intestinal microflora, and high content of immune-competent cells.

Part VI - Specific Organ Complications Topic leaders: Grzegorz Basak and John Snowden | Pp. 381-386

Haemorrhagic Cystitis and Renal Dysfunction

Simone Cesaro

Haemorrhagic cystitis (HC) is a frequent complication after HSCT. According to the time of occurrence after HSCT, HC is defined as early-onset and late-onset.

Part VI - Specific Organ Complications Topic leaders: Grzegorz Basak and John Snowden | Pp. 387-391

Noninfectious Pulmonary Complications

Enric Carreras; Kenneth R. Cooke

Lung injury occurs frequently following HSCT and significantly contributes to morbidity and mortality in the immediate post transplant period and in the months and years that follow.

Part VI - Specific Organ Complications Topic leaders: Grzegorz Basak and John Snowden | Pp. 393-401

Neurological Complications

Rémy Duléry

Neurological complications after HSCT are frequent and can be highly challenging to manage. The reported incidence ranges from 8% to 65%, depending on types of manifestation included, transplant setting, and patient population

Part VI - Specific Organ Complications Topic leaders: Grzegorz Basak and John Snowden | Pp. 403-407

Skin, Hair and Musculoskeletal Complications

Francis Ayuk; Bipin N. Savani

Nearly every recipient of an allo-HSCT will at some stage develop complications involving the skin and hair. These complications can be grouped in drug-

Part VI - Specific Organ Complications Topic leaders: Grzegorz Basak and John Snowden | Pp. 409-413

Cardiovascular Diseases and Metabolic Syndrome

Diana M. Greenfield; John A. Snowden

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a broad term covering disorders of the heart and blood vessels and includes hypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, heart failure, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and cardiomyopathies

Part VI - Specific Organ Complications Topic leaders: Grzegorz Basak and John Snowden | Pp. 415-420

Endocrine Disorders, Fertility and Sexual Health

Nina Salooja; Zeev Shoham; Jean-Hugues Dalle

Increasing numbers of HSCT are being performed annually and outcomes continue to improve.

Part VI - Specific Organ Complications Topic leaders: Grzegorz Basak and John Snowden | Pp. 421-427

Monitoring Minimal Residual Disease in ALL and AML

Peter Bader; Hermann Kreyenberg; Gert Ossenkoppele

In ALL evaluation of molecular treatment response, assessment of minimal residual disease (MRD) is a substantial independent predictor of outcome, as proven by randomized studies (Conter et al. ; Gökbuget et al.

Part VII - Prevention and Management of Relapse Topic leaders: Peter Bader and Nicolaus Kröger | Pp. 431-436

Prevention and Treatment of Relapse by Drugs

Nicolaus Kröger

Relapse has become the most frequent cause of treatment failure after HSCT (Horowitz et al.

Part VII - Prevention and Management of Relapse Topic leaders: Peter Bader and Nicolaus Kröger | Pp. 437-442

Delayed Transfer of Immune Cells or the Art of Donor Lymphocyte Infusion

J. H. Frederik Falkenburg; Christoph Schmid; Hans Joachim Kolb; Franco Locatelli; Jürgen Kuball

In the context of an allogeneic HSCT, the interplay between host and donor immune cells is considered to be the primary mechanism responsible for graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) reactivity and also able to mediate GVHD (Kolb et al.

Part VII - Prevention and Management of Relapse Topic leaders: Peter Bader and Nicolaus Kröger | Pp. 443-448