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Computer Aided Verification
Hana Chockler ; Georg Weissenbacher (eds.)
En conferencia: 30º International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV) . Oxford, United Kingdom . July 14, 2018 - July 17, 2018
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Logics and Meanings of Programs; Software Engineering; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Simulation and Modeling
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No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018
Tabla de contenidos
Eager Abstraction for Symbolic Model Checking
Kenneth L. McMillan
We introduce a method of abstraction from infinite-state to finite-state model checking based on eager theory explication and evaluate the method in a collection of case studies.
- Model Checking | Pp. 191-208
Fast Numerical Program Analysis with Reinforcement Learning
Gagandeep Singh; Markus Püschel; Martin Vechev
We show how to leverage reinforcement learning (RL) in order to speed up static program analysis. The key insight is to establish a correspondence between concepts in RL and those in analysis: a state in RL maps to an abstract program state in analysis, an action maps to an abstract transformer, and at every state, we have a set of sound transformers (actions) that represent different trade-offs between precision and performance. At each iteration, the agent (analysis) uses a policy learned offline by RL to decide on the transformer which minimizes loss of precision at fixpoint while improving analysis performance. Our approach leverages the idea of online decomposition (applicable to popular numerical abstract domains) to define a space of new approximate transformers with varying degrees of precision and performance. Using a suitably designed set of features that capture key properties of abstract program states and available actions, we then apply Q-learning with linear function approximation to compute an optimized context-sensitive policy that chooses transformers during analysis. We implemented our approach for the notoriously expensive Polyhedra domain and evaluated it on a set of Linux device drivers that are expensive to analyze. The results show that our approach can yield massive speedups of up to two orders of magnitude while maintaining precision at fixpoint.
- Program Analysis Using Polyhedra | Pp. 211-229
A Direct Encoding for NNC Polyhedra
Anna Becchi; Enea Zaffanella
We present an alternative Double Description representation for the domain of NNC (not necessarily closed) polyhedra, together with the corresponding Chernikova-like conversion procedure. The representation uses no slack variable at all and provides a solution to a few technical issues caused by the encoding of an NNC polyhedron as a closed polyhedron in a higher dimension space. A preliminary experimental evaluation shows that the new conversion algorithm is able to achieve significant efficiency improvements.
- Program Analysis Using Polyhedra | Pp. 230-248
What’s Hard About Boolean Functional Synthesis?
S. Akshay; Supratik Chakraborty; Shubham Goel; Sumith Kulal; Shetal Shah
Given a relational specification between Boolean inputs and outputs, the goal of Boolean functional synthesis is to synthesize each output as a function of the inputs such that the specification is met. In this paper, we first show that unless some hard conjectures in complexity theory are falsified, Boolean functional synthesis must generate large Skolem functions in the worst-case. Given this inherent hardness, what does one do to solve the problem? We present a two-phase algorithm, where the first phase is efficient both in terms of time and size of synthesized functions, and solves a large fraction of benchmarks. To explain this surprisingly good performance, we provide a sufficient condition under which the first phase must produce correct answers. When this condition fails, the second phase builds upon the result of the first phase, possibly requiring exponential time and generating exponential-sized functions in the worst-case. Detailed experimental evaluation shows our algorithm to perform better than other techniques for a large number of benchmarks.
- Synthesis | Pp. 251-269
Counterexample Guided Inductive Synthesis Modulo Theories
Alessandro Abate; Cristina David; Pascal Kesseli; Daniel Kroening; Elizabeth Polgreen
Program synthesis is the mechanised construction of software. One of the main difficulties is the efficient exploration of the very large solution space, and tools often require a user-provided syntactic restriction of the search space. We propose a new approach to program synthesis that combines the strengths of a counterexample-guided inductive synthesizer with those of a theory solver, exploring the solution space more efficiently without relying on user guidance. We call this approach CEGIS(), where is a first-order theory. In this paper, we focus on one particular challenge for program synthesizers, namely the generation of programs that require non-trivial constants. This is a fundamentally difficult task for state-of-the-art synthesizers. We present two exemplars, one based on Fourier-Motzkin (FM) variable elimination and one based on first-order satisfiability. We demonstrate the practical value of CEGIS() by automatically synthesizing programs for a set of intricate benchmarks.
- Synthesis | Pp. 270-288
Synthesizing Reactive Systems from Hyperproperties
Bernd Finkbeiner; Christopher Hahn; Philip Lukert; Marvin Stenger; Leander Tentrup
We study the reactive synthesis problem for hyperproperties given as formulas of the temporal logic HyperLTL. Hyperproperties generalize trace properties, i.e., sets of traces, to of traces. Typical examples are information-flow policies like noninterference, which stipulate that no sensitive data must leak into the public domain. Such properties cannot be expressed in standard linear or branching-time temporal logics like LTL, CTL, or CTL. We show that, while the synthesis problem is undecidable for full HyperLTL, it remains decidable for the , , and the fragments. Beyond these fragments, the synthesis problem immediately becomes undecidable. For universal HyperLTL, we present a semi-decision procedure that constructs implementations and counterexamples up to a given bound. We report encouraging experimental results obtained with a prototype implementation on example specifications with hyperproperties like symmetric responses, secrecy, and information-flow.
- Synthesis | Pp. 289-306
Reactive Control Improvisation
Daniel J. Fremont; Sanjit A. Seshia
Reactive synthesis is a paradigm for automatically building correct-by-construction systems that interact with an unknown or adversarial environment. We study how to do reactive synthesis when part of the specification of the system is that its behavior should be . Randomness can be useful, for example, in a network protocol fuzz tester whose output should be varied, or a planner for a surveillance robot whose route should be unpredictable. However, existing reactive synthesis techniques do not provide a way to ensure random behavior while maintaining functional correctness. Towards this end, we generalize the recently-proposed framework of (CI) to add reactivity. The resulting framework of provides a natural way to integrate a randomness requirement with the usual functional specifications of reactive synthesis over a finite window. We theoretically characterize when such problems are realizable, and give a general method for solving them. For specifications given by reachability or safety games or by deterministic finite automata, our method yields a polynomial-time synthesis algorithm. For various other types of specifications including temporal logic formulas, we obtain a polynomial-space algorithm and prove matching -hardness results. We show that all of these randomized variants of reactive synthesis are no harder in a complexity-theoretic sense than their non-randomized counterparts.
- Synthesis | Pp. 307-326
Constraint-Based Synthesis of Coupling Proofs
Aws Albarghouthi; Justin Hsu
is a classical technique for proving properties about pairs of randomized algorithms by carefully (or ) two probabilistic executions. In this paper, we show how to automatically construct such proofs for probabilistic programs. First, we present -, an abstraction describing two correlated program executions. Second, we show how properties of -coupled postconditions can imply various probabilistic properties of the original programs. Third, we demonstrate how to reduce the proof-search problem to a purely logical of the form , making probabilistic reasoning unnecessary. We develop a prototype implementation to automatically build coupling proofs for probabilistic properties, including uniformity and independence of program expressions.
- Synthesis | Pp. 327-346
Controller Synthesis Made Real: Reach-Avoid Specifications and Linear Dynamics
Chuchu Fan; Umang Mathur; Sayan Mitra; Mahesh Viswanathan
We address the problem of synthesizing provably correct controllers for linear systems with reach-avoid specifications. Our solution uses a combination of an open-loop controller and a tracking controller, thereby reducing the problem to smaller tractable problems. We show that, once a tracking controller is fixed, the reachable states from an initial neighborhood, subject to any disturbance, can be over-approximated by a sequence of ellipsoids, with sizes that are independent of the open-loop controller. Hence, the open-loop controller can be synthesized independently to meet the reach-avoid specification for an initial neighborhood. Exploiting several techniques for tightening the over-approximations, we reduce the open-loop controller synthesis problem to satisfiability over quantifier-free linear real arithmetic. The overall synthesis algorithm, computes a tracking controller, and then iteratively covers the entire initial set to find open-loop controllers for initial neighborhoods. The algorithm is sound and, for a class of robust systems, is also complete. We present , a tool implementing this synthesis algorithm, and we show that it scales to several high-dimensional systems with complex reach-avoid specifications.
- Synthesis | Pp. 347-366
Synthesis of Asynchronous Reactive Programs from Temporal Specifications
Suguman Bansal; Kedar S. Namjoshi; Yaniv Sa’ar
Asynchronous interactions are ubiquitous in computing systems and complicate design and programming. Automatic construction of asynchronous programs from specifications (“synthesis”) could ease the difficulty, but known methods are complex, and intractable in practice. This work develops substantially simpler synthesis methods. A direct, exponentially more compact automaton construction is formulated for the reduction of asynchronous to synchronous synthesis. Experiments with a prototype implementation of the new method demonstrate feasibility. Furthermore, it is shown that for several useful classes of temporal properties, automaton-based methods can be avoided altogether and replaced with simpler Boolean constraint solving.
- Synthesis | Pp. 367-385