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Computer Aided Verification
Hana Chockler ; Georg Weissenbacher (eds.)
En conferencia: 30º International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV) . Oxford, United Kingdom . July 14, 2018 - July 17, 2018
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Logics and Meanings of Programs; Software Engineering; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Simulation and Modeling
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No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
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Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
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© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018
Tabla de contenidos
Semantic Adversarial Deep Learning
Tommaso Dreossi; Somesh Jha; Sanjit A. Seshia
Fueled by massive amounts of data, models produced by machine-learning (ML) algorithms, especially deep neural networks, are being used in diverse domains where trustworthiness is a concern, including automotive systems, finance, health care, natural language processing, and malware detection. Of particular concern is the use of ML algorithms in cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as self-driving cars and aviation, where an adversary can cause serious consequences.
However, existing approaches to generating adversarial examples and devising robust ML algorithms mostly ignore the and of the overall system containing the ML component. For example, in an autonomous vehicle using deep learning for perception, not every adversarial example for the neural network might lead to a harmful consequence. Moreover, one may want to prioritize the search for adversarial examples towards those that significantly modify the desired semantics of the overall system. Along the same lines, existing algorithms for constructing robust ML algorithms ignore the specification of the overall system. In this paper, we argue that the semantics and specification of the overall system has a crucial role to play in this line of research. We present preliminary research results that support this claim.
- Invited Papers | Pp. 3-26
From Programs to Interpretable Deep Models and Back
Eran Yahav
We demonstrate how deep learning over programs is used to provide (preliminary) augmented programmer intelligence. In the first part, we show how to tackle tasks like code completion, code summarization, and captioning. We describe a general path-based representation of source code that can be used across programming languages and learning tasks, and discuss how this representation enables different learning algorithms. In the second part, we describe techniques for extracting interpretable representations from deep models, shedding light on what has actually been learned in various tasks.
- Invited Papers | Pp. 27-37
Formal Reasoning About the Security of Amazon Web Services
Byron Cook
We report on the development and use of formal verification tools within Amazon Web Services (AWS) to increase the security assurance of its cloud infrastructure and to help customers secure themselves. We also discuss some remaining challenges that could inspire future research in the community.
- Invited Papers | Pp. 38-47
Foundations and Tools for the Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts
Ilya Grishchenko; Matteo Maffei; Clara Schneidewind
The recent growth of the blockchain technology market puts its main cryptocurrencies in the spotlight. Among them, Ethereum stands out due to its virtual machine (EVM) supporting smart contracts, i.e., distributed programs that control the flow of the digital currency Ether. Being written in a Turing complete language, Ethereum smart contracts allow for expressing a broad spectrum of financial applications. The price for this expressiveness, however, is a significant semantic complexity, which increases the risk of programming errors. Recent attacks exploiting bugs in smart contract implementations call for the design of formal verification techniques for smart contracts. This, however, requires rigorous semantic foundations, a formal characterization of the expected security properties, and dedicated abstraction techniques tailored to the specific EVM semantics. This work will overview the state-of-the-art in smart contract verification, covering formal semantics, security definitions, and verification tools. We will then focus on EtherTrust [], a framework for the static analysis of Ethereum smart contracts which includes the first complete small-step semantics of EVM bytecode, the first formal characterization of a large class of security properties for smart contracts, and the first static analysis for EVM bytecode that comes with a proof of soundness.
- Tutorials | Pp. 51-78
Layered Concurrent Programs
Bernhard Kragl; Shaz Qadeer
We present layered concurrent programs, a compact and expressive notation for specifying refinement proofs of concurrent programs. A layered concurrent program specifies a sequence of connected concurrent programs, from most concrete to most abstract, such that common parts of different programs are written exactly once. These programs are expressed in the ordinary syntax of imperative concurrent programs using gated atomic actions, sequencing, choice, and (recursive) procedure calls. Each concurrent program is automatically extracted from the layered program. We reduce refinement to the safety of a sequence of concurrent checker programs, one each to justify the connection between every two consecutive concurrent programs. These checker programs are also automatically extracted from the layered program. Layered concurrent programs have been implemented in the verifier which has been successfully used for the verification of several complex concurrent programs.
- Tutorials | Pp. 79-102
Propositional Dynamic Logic for Higher-Order Functional Programs
Yuki Satake; Hiroshi Unno
We present an extension of propositional dynamic logic called HOT-PDL for specifying temporal properties of higher-order functional programs. The semantics of HOT-PDL is defined over Higher-Order Traces (HOTs) that model execution traces of higher-order programs. A HOT is a sequence of events such as function calls and returns, equipped with two kinds of pointers inspired by the notion of justification pointers from game semantics: one for capturing the correspondence between call and return events, and the other for capturing higher-order control flow involving a function that is passed to or returned by a higher-order function. To allow traversal of the new kinds of pointers, HOT-PDL extends PDL with new path expressions. The extension enables HOT-PDL to specify interesting properties of higher-order programs, including stack-based access control properties and those definable using dependent refinement types. We show that HOT-PDL model checking of higher-order functional programs over bounded integers is decidable via a reduction to modal -calculus model checking of higher-order recursion schemes.
- Model Checking | Pp. 105-123
Syntax-Guided Termination Analysis
Grigory Fedyukovich; Yueling Zhang; Aarti Gupta
We present new algorithms for proving program termination and non-termination using syntax-guided synthesis. They exploit the symbolic encoding of programs and automatically construct a formal grammar for symbolic constraints that are used to synthesize either a termination argument or a non-terminating program refinement. The constraints are then added back to the program encoding, and an off-the-shelf constraint solver decides on their fitness and on the progress of the algorithms. The evaluation of our implementation, called , shows that although the formal grammar is limited to the syntax of the program, in the majority of cases our algorithms are effective and fast. Importantly, is competitive with state-of-the-art on a wide range of terminating and non-terminating benchmarks, and it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art on proving non-termination of a class of programs arising from large-scale Event-Condition-Action systems.
- Model Checking | Pp. 124-143
Model Checking Quantitative Hyperproperties
Bernd Finkbeiner; Christopher Hahn; Hazem Torfah
Hyperproperties are properties of sets of computation traces. In this paper, we study quantitative hyperproperties, which we define as hyperproperties that express a bound on the number of traces that may appear in a certain relation. For example, quantitative non-interference limits the amount of information about certain secret inputs that is leaked through the observable outputs of a system. Quantitative non-interference thus bounds the number of traces that have the same observable input but different observable output. We study quantitative hyperproperties in the setting of HyperLTL, a temporal logic for hyperproperties. We show that, while quantitative hyperproperties can be expressed in HyperLTL, the running time of the HyperLTL model checking algorithm is, depending on the type of property, exponential or even doubly exponential in the quantitative bound. We improve this complexity with a new model checking algorithm based on model-counting. The new algorithm needs only logarithmic space in the bound and therefore improves, depending on the property, exponentially or even doubly exponentially over the model checking algorithm of HyperLTL. In the worst case, the new algorithm needs polynomial space in the size of the system. Our Max#Sat-based prototype implementation demonstrates, however, that the counting approach is viable on systems with nontrivial quantitative information flow requirements such as a passcode checker.
- Model Checking | Pp. 144-163
Exploiting Synchrony and Symmetry in Relational Verification
Lauren Pick; Grigory Fedyukovich; Aarti Gupta
Relational safety specifications describe multiple runs of the same program or relate the behaviors of multiple programs. Approaches to automatic relational verification often compose the programs and analyze the result for safety, but a naively composed program can lead to difficult verification problems. We propose to exploit relational specifications for simplifying the generated verification subtasks. First, we maximize opportunities for synchronizing code fragments. Second, we compute symmetries in the specifications to reveal and avoid redundant subtasks. We have implemented these enhancements in a prototype for verifying -safety properties on Java programs. Our evaluation confirms that our approach leads to a consistent performance speedup on a range of benchmarks.
- Model Checking | Pp. 164-182
JBMC: A Bounded Model Checking Tool for Verifying Java Bytecode
Lucas Cordeiro; Pascal Kesseli; Daniel Kroening; Peter Schrammel; Marek Trtik
We present a bounded model checking tool for verifying Java bytecode, which is built on top of the CPROVER framework, named (JBMC). JBMC processes Java bytecode together with a model of the standard Java libraries and checks a set of desired properties. Experimental results show that JBMC can correctly verify a set of Java benchmarks from the literature and that it is competitive with two state-of-the-art Java verifiers.
- Model Checking | Pp. 183-190