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Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
Parte de: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
En conferencia: 24º International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS) . Thessaloniki, Greece . April 14, 2018 - April 20, 2018
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
computer architecture; computer software selection and evaluation; formal logic; formal methods; model checker; model checking; multi core processors; program compilers; programming languages; semantics; software engineering; specifications; state space; verification
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No requiere | 2018 | Directory of Open access Books |
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No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
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ISBN electrónico
Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
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Tabla de contenidos
Permutation Games for the Weakly Aconjunctive -Calculus
Daniel Hausmann; Lutz Schröder; Hans-Peter Deifel
We introduce a natural notion of limit-deterministic parity automata and present a method that uses such automata to construct satisfiability games for the weakly aconjunctive fragment of the -calculus. To this end we devise a method that determinizes limit-deterministic parity automata of size with priorities through limit-deterministic Büchi automata to deterministic parity automata of size and with priorities. The construction relies on limit-determinism to avoid the full complexity of the Safra/Piterman-construction by using partial permutations of states in place of Safra-Trees. By showing that limit-deterministic parity automata can be used to recognize unsuccessful branches in pre-tableaux for the weakly aconjunctive -calculus, we obtain satisfiability games of size with priorities for weakly aconjunctive input formulas of size and alternation-depth . A prototypical implementation that employs a tableau-based global caching algorithm to solve these games on-the-fly shows promising initial results.
- Temporal Logic and Mu-calculus | Pp. 361-378
Symmetry Reduction for the Local Mu-Calculus
Kedar S. Namjoshi; Richard J. Trefler
Model checking large networks of processes is challenging due to state explosion. In many cases, individual processes are isomorphic, but there is insufficient global symmetry to simplify model checking. This work considers the verification of local properties, those defined over the neighborhood of a process. Considerably generalizing earlier results on invariance, it is shown that all local mu-calculus properties, including safety and liveness properties, are preserved by neighborhood symmetries. Hence, it suffices to check them locally over a set of representative process neighborhoods. In general, local verification approximates verification over the global state space; however, if process interactions are outward-facing, the relationship is shown to be exact. For many network topologies, even those with little global symmetry, analysis with representatives provides a significant, even exponential, reduction in the cost of verification. Moreover, it is shown that for network families generated from building-block patterns, neighborhood symmetries are easily determined, and verification over the entire family reduces to verification over a finite set of representative process neighborhoods.
- Temporal Logic and Mu-calculus | Pp. 379-395
Bayesian Statistical Parameter Synthesis for Linear Temporal Properties of Stochastic Models
Luca Bortolussi; Simone Silvetti
Parameterized verification of temporal properties is an active research area, being extremely relevant for model-based design of complex systems. In this paper, we focus on parameter synthesis for stochastic models, looking for regions of the parameter space where the model satisfies a linear time specification with probability greater (or less) than a given threshold. We propose a statistical approach relying on simulation and leveraging a machine learning method based on Gaussian Processes for statistical parametric verification, namely Smoothed Model Checking. By injecting active learning ideas, we obtain an efficient synthesis routine which is able to identify the target regions with statistical guarantees. Our approach, which is implemented in Python, scales better than existing ones with respect to state space of the model and number of parameters. It is applicable to linear time specifications with time constraints and to more complex stochastic models than Markov Chains.
- Temporal Logic and Mu-calculus | Pp. 396-413
2LS: Memory Safety and Non-termination
Viktor Malík; Štefan Martiček; Peter Schrammel; Mandayam Srivas; Tomáš Vojnar; Johanan Wahlang
2LS is a C program analyser built upon the CPROVER infrastructure. 2LS is bit-precise and it can verify and refute program assertions and termination. 2LS implements template-based synthesis techniques, e.g. to find invariants and ranking functions, and incremental loop unwinding techniques to find counterexamples and -induction proofs. New features in this year’s version are improved handling of heap-allocated data structures using a template domain for shape analysis and two approaches to prove program non-termination.
- 7th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) | Pp. 417-421
YOGAR-CBMC: CBMC with Scheduling Constraint Based Abstraction Refinement
Liangze Yin; Wei Dong; Wanwei Liu; Yunchou Li; Ji Wang
This paper presents the Y- tool for verification of multi-threaded C programs. It employs a scheduling constraint based abstraction refinement method for bounded model checking of concurrent programs. To obtain effective refinement constraints, we have proposed the notion of , and have devised two graph-based algorithms over EOG for counterexample validation and refinement generation. The experiments in SV-COMP 2017 show the promising results of our tool.
- 7th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) | Pp. 422-426
CPA-BAM-Slicing: Block-Abstraction Memoization and Slicing with Region-Based Dependency Analysis
Pavel Andrianov; Vadim Mutilin; Mikhail Mandrykin; Anton Vasilyev
Our submission to SV-COMP’18 is a composite tool based on software verification framework CPA and static analysis platform F-C. The base verifier uses a combination of predicate and explicit value analysis with block-abstraction memoization as the CPA-BAM-BnB tool presented at SV-COMP’17. In this submission we augment the verifier on reachability verification tasks with a slicer that is able to remove those statements that are irrelevant to the reachability of error locations in the analysed program. The slicer is based on context-sensitive flow-insensitive separation analysis with typed polymorphic regions and simple dependency analysis with transitive closures. The resulting analysis preserves reachability modulo possible non-termination while removing enough irrelevant code to achieve considerable speedup of the main analysis. The slicer is implemented as a F-C plugin.
- 7th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) | Pp. 427-431
InterpChecker: Reducing State Space via Interpolations
Zhao Duan; Cong Tian; Zhenhua Duan; C.-H. Luke Ong
InterpChecker is a tool for verifying safety properties of C programs. It reduces the state space of programs throughout the verification via two new kinds of interpolations and associated optimization strategies. The implementation builds on the open-source, configurable software verification tool, CPAChecker.
- 7th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) | Pp. 432-436
Map2Check Using LLVM and KLEE
Rafael Menezes; Herbert Rocha; Lucas Cordeiro; Raimundo Barreto
Map2Check is a bug hunting tool that automatically checks safety properties in C programs. It tracks memory pointers and variable assignments to check user-specified assertions, overflow, and pointer safety. Here, we extend Map2Check to: (i) simplify the program using Clang/LLVM; (ii) perform a path-based symbolic execution using the KLEE tool; and (iii) transform and instrument the code using the LLVM dynamic information flow. The SVCOMP’18 results show that Map2Check can be effective in generating and checking test cases related to memory management of C programs.
- 7th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) | Pp. 437-441
Symbiotic 5: Boosted Instrumentation
Marek Chalupa; Martina Vitovská; Jan Strejček
The fifth version of significantly improves instrumentation capabilities that the tool uses to participate in the category . It leverages an extended pointer analysis re-designed for instrumenting programs with memory safety errors, and staged instrumentation reducing the number of inserted function calls that track or check the memory state. Apart from various bugfixes, we have ported (including the external symbolic executor ) to 3.9 and improved the generation of violation witnesses by providing values of some variables.
- 7th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) | Pp. 442-446
Ultimate Automizer and the Search for Perfect Interpolants
Matthias Heizmann; Yu-Fang Chen; Daniel Dietsch; Marius Greitschus; Jochen Hoenicke; Yong Li; Alexander Nutz; Betim Musa; Christian Schilling; Tanja Schindler; Andreas Podelski
is a software verifier that generalizes proofs for traces to proofs for larger parts for the program. In recent years the portfolio of proof producers that are available to has grown continuously. This is not only because more trace analysis algorithms have been implemented in but also due to the continuous progress in the SMT community. In this paper we explain how dynamically selects trace analysis algorithms and how the tool decides when proofs for traces are “good” enough for using them in the abstraction refinement.
- 7th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) | Pp. 447-451