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Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2006 Workshop Reader: ECOOP 2006 Workshops, Nantes, France, July 3-7, 2006, Final Reports

Mario Südholt ; Charles Consel (eds.)

En conferencia: 20º European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) . Nantes, France . July 3, 2006 - July 7, 2006

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Architecture-Centric Evolution: New Issues and Trends

Paris Avgeriou; Uwe Zdun; Isabelle Borne

Software evolution has largely been focused on low-level implementation artefacts through refactoring techniques rather than the architectural level. However code-centric evolution techniques have not managed to effectively solve the problems that software evolution entails. Instead a paradigm shift is emerging, where the evolution approaches put software architecture on the spotlight. This shift focuses on effectively documenting and modifying the architectural design decisions during system evolution, while synchronizing them with both the requirements and the implementation. The second workshop on the theme of Architecture-Centric Evolution attempted to explore the issues that such evolution approaches are dealing with, as well as the trends that emerge in this area. The workshop delved into this field, by presenting the latest research advances and by facilitating discussions between experts.

- Architectures and Components | Pp. 97-105

Component-Oriented Programming

Wolfgang Weck; Ralf Reussner; Clemens Szyperski

This report covers the eleventh Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP). WCOP has been affiliated with ECOOP since its inception in 1996. The report summarizes the contributions made by authors of accepted position papers as well as those made by all attendees of the workshop sessions.

- Architectures and Components | Pp. 106-116

Fractal Component-Based Software Engineering

Thierry Coupaye; Jean-Bernard Stefani

This article is a report on the 5th international workshop devoted to the Fractal component model that took place the 4th of July 2006 in Nantes, France, as an ECOOP workshop. Prior to that, the article provides some background on the Fractal project and previous Fractal workshops for readers who are not familiar with Fractal.

- Architectures and Components | Pp. 117-129

Object Technology for Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive Computing: Language Constructs and Infrastructures

Holger Mügge; Pascal Cherrier; Wolfgang De Meuter; Éric Tanter

This report summarizes the main activities held during the second workshop on object-technology for Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive Computing held at ECOOP 2006. The workshop covered topics varying from low-level considerations such as garbage collection and object migration, via programming language infrastructure such as reflection and context-oriented programming, to engineering applications using maturing techniques such as aspects.

- Applications | Pp. 130-140

Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing Today

Kei Davis; Jörg Striegnitz

In this section we attempt to motivate the appropriateness of an ongoing workshop series on parallel/high-performance object-oriented scientific computing, give a brief history of the workshop series, and state our current working purview via the current abstract.

- Applications | Pp. 141-145

Tenth Workshop on Pedagogies and Tools for the Teaching and Learning of Object Oriented Concepts

Jürgen Börstler

This report summarizes the results of the tenth workshop on pedagogies and tools for the teaching and learning of object-oriented concepts. The focus of this year’s workshop was on examples, modelling and abstraction. Participants agreed that carefully developed scaffolded examples are a key element for learning to program. For the teaching of modelling and abstraction this area, however, seems badly neglected. The workshop gathered 12 participants, all from academia, from 10 different countries.

- Applications | Pp. 146-156