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Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2006 Workshop Reader: ECOOP 2006 Workshops, Nantes, France, July 3-7, 2006, Final Reports

Mario Südholt ; Charles Consel (eds.)

En conferencia: 20º European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) . Nantes, France . July 3, 2006 - July 7, 2006

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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems

Roland Ducournau; Etienne Gagnon; Chandra Krintz; Philippe Mulet; Jan Vitek; Olivier Zendra

ICOOOLPS’2006 was the first edition of ECOOP-ICOOOLPS workshop. It intended to bring researchers and practitioners both from academia and industry together, with a spirit of openness, to try and identify and begin to address the numerous and very varied issues of optimization. This succeeded, as can be seen from the papers, the attendance and the liveliness of the discussions that took place during and after the workshop, not to mention a few new cooperations or postdoctoral contracts. The 22 talented people from different groups who participated were unanimous to appreciate this first edition and recommend that ICOOOLPS be continued next year. A community is thus beginning to form, and should be reinforced by a second edition next year, with all the improvements this first edition made emerge.

- Programming Languages | Pp. 1-14


Christophe Rhodes; Pascal Costanza; Theo D’Hondt; Arthur Lemmens

This report covers the activities of the 3 European Lisp Workshop. We introduce the motivation for a workshop focussing on languages in the Lisp family, and mention relevant organisational aspects. We summarize the presentations and discussions, including Nick Levine’s keynote talk, and provide pointers to related work and events.

- Programming Languages | Pp. 15-20

Models and Aspects - Handling Crosscutting Concerns in MDSD

Iris Groher; Andrew Jackson; Christa Schwanninger; Markus Völter

This report summarizes the presentations and discussions of the Second Workshop on Models and Aspects – Handling Crosscutting Concerns in MDSD, held in conjunction with the 20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) in Nantes, France on July, 3, 2006. This workshop was motivated by the fact that both Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) and Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) are important new paradigms that both promise to change the way software is developed. While the two approaches are different in many ways – MDSD adds domain-specific abstractions, while AOSD is currently primarily seen as domain independent (de)composition mechanism – they also have many things in common – for example both approaches integrate models on different levels of abstraction and in this transformation step both have a query phase followed by a construction phase. There are many ways that these emerging paradigms may be integrated to achieve the complementary benefits of both AOSD and MDSD. This workshop aimed at exploring new approaches of using both paradigms together to investigate their differences, commonalities and possible interworking to bring new triggers to both technologies.

- Aspects | Pp. 21-25

Aspects, Dependencies, and Interactions

Ruzanna Chitchyan; Johan Fabry; Lodewijk Bergmans

For Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) the topic of Aspects, Dependencies and Interactions is of high importance across the whole range of development activities – from requirements engineering through to language design. Aspect interactions must be adequately addressed all across the software lifecycle if AOSD is to succeed as a paradigm. Thus, this topic must be tackled by the AOSD community as a whole. This first workshop, initiated by AOSD-Europe project, aimed to establish a dedicated forum for discussion of this vital topic and to attract both researchers and practitioners currently engaged with related issues. The workshop has succeeded in initiating a broad community-wide discussion of this topic and has provided an initial overview of perspectives on the state of the art as well as of outstanding issues in this area.

- Aspects | Pp. 26-39

AOSD and Reflection: Benefits and Drawbacks to Software Evolution

Walter Cazzola; Shigeru Chiba; Yvonne Coady; Gunter Saake

Following last two years’ RAM-SE (Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution) workshop at the ECOOP conference, the RAM-SE 2006 workshop was a successful and popular event. As its name implies, the workshop’s focus was on the application of reflective, aspect-oriented and data-mining techniques to the broad field of software evolution. Topics and discussions at the workshop included mechanisms for supporting software evolution, technological limits for software evolution and tools and middleware for software evolution.

The workshop’s main goal was to bring together researchers working in the field of software evolution with a particular interest in reflection, aspect-oriented programming and meta-data. The workshop was organized as a full day meeting, partly devoted to presentation of submitted position papers and partly devoted to panel discussions about the presented topics and other interesting issues in the field. In this way, the workshop allowed participants to get acquainted with each other’s work, and stimulated collaboration. We hope this helped participants in improving their ideas and the quality of their future publications.

The workshop’s proceedings, including all accepted position papers can be downloaded from the workshop’s web site and a post workshop proceeding, including an extension of the accepted paper is published byt the University of Magdeburg.

In this report, we first provide a session-by-session overview of the presentations, and then present our opinions about future trends in software evolution.

- Aspects | Pp. 40-52

Formal Techniques for Java-Like Programs

Davide Ancona; Sophia Drossopoulou; Atsushi Igarashi; Gary T. Leavens; Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter; Elena Zucca

This report gives an overview of the eighth ECOOP Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs. It summarizes the workshop preparation, contributions, debates and conclusions.

- Program Reasoning | Pp. 53-58

Program Analysis for Security and Privacy

Marco Pistoia; Francesco Logozzo

Software security has become more important than ever. Unfortunately, still now, the security of a software system is almost always retrofitted to an afterthought. When security problems arise, understanding and correcting them can be very challenging. On the one hand, the program analysis research community has created numerous static and dynamic analysis tools for performance optimization and bug detection in object-oriented programs. On the other hand, the security and privacy research community has been looking for solutions to automatically detect security problems, privacy violations, and access-control requirements of object-oriented programs. The purpose of the First Program Analysis for Security and Safety Workshop Discussion (PASSWORD 2006), co-located with the Twentieth European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2006), was to bring together members of the academic and industrial communities interested in applying analysis, testing, and verification to security and privacy problems, and to encourage program analysis researchers to see the applicability of their work to security and privacy—an area of research that still needs a lot of exploration. This paper summarizes the discussions and contributions of the PASSWORD workshop.

- Program Reasoning | Pp. 59-68

Object-Oriented Reengineering

Roel Wuyts; Serge Demeyer; Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc; Kim Mens; Stéphane Ducasse

The ability to reengineer object-oriented legacy systems has become a vital matter in today’s software industry. Early adopters of the object-oriented programming paradigm are now facing the problems of transforming their object-oriented “legacy” systems into full-fledged frameworks.

- Software Engineering | Pp. 69-71

Coordination and Adaptation Techniques: Bridging the Gap Between Design and Implementation

Steffen Becker; Carlos Canal; Nikolay Diakov; Juan Manuel Murillo; Pascal Poizat; Massimo Tivoli

Coordination and Adaptation are two key issues when developing complex distributed systems. Coordination focuses on the interaction among software entities. Adaptation focuses on solving the problems that arise when the interacting entities do not match properly. This is the report of the third edition of the WCAT workshop, that took place in Nantes jointly with ECOOP 2006. In this third edition, the topics of interest of the participants covered a large number of fields where coordination and adaptation have an impact: models, requirements identification, interface specification, extra-functional properties, automatic generation, frameworks, middleware, and tools.

- Software Engineering | Pp. 72-86

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Fernando Brito e Abreu; Coral Calero; Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc; Michele Lanza; Houari Sahraoui

The QAOOSE 2006 workshop brought together, for a full day, researchers working on several aspects related to quantitative evaluation of software artifacts developed with the object-oriented paradigm and related technologies. Ideas and experiences were shared and discussed. This report includes a summary of the technical presentations and subsequent discussions raised by them. 12 out of 14 submitted position papers were presented, covering different aspects such as metrics, components, aspects and visualization, evolution, quality models and refactorings. In the closing session the participants were able to discuss open issues and challenges arising from researching in this area, and they also tried to forecast which will be the hot topics for research in the short to medium term.

- Software Engineering | Pp. 87-96