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Mobile Information Systems: Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility

Barbara Pernici (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computer Communication Networks; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems; Database Management; Software Engineering

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Basic Concepts

B. Pernici

Palabras clave: Mobile Device; Smart Card; Short Message Service; Business Process Execution Language; General Packet Radio Service.

Part I - Core Technologies for Mobile Information Systems | Pp. 3-23

Reference Architecture and Framework

M. Adorni; F. Arcelli; S. Bandini; L. Baresi; C. Batini; A. Bianchi; D. Bianchini; M. Brioschi; A. Caforio; A. Calì; P. Cappellari; C. Cappiello; T. Catarci; A. Corallo; V. De Antonellis; C. Franza; G. Giunta; A. Limonta; G. Lorenzo; P. Losi; A. Maurino; M. Melideo; D. Micucci; S. Modafferi; E. Mussi; L. Negri; C. Pandolfo; B. Pernici; P. Plebani; D. Ragazzi; C. Raibulet; M. Riva; N. Simeoni; C. Simone; G. Solazzo; F. Tisato; R. Torlone; G. Vizzari; A. Zilli

Palabras clave: Quality Dimension; Smart Card; Context Model; Reference Architecture; Compatibility Class.

Part I - Core Technologies for Mobile Information Systems | Pp. 25-46


D. Ardagna; A. Avenali; L. Baresi; D. Berardi; D. Bianchini; C. Cappiello; M. Comuzzi; V. De Antonellis; F. De Rosa; D. Desideri; C. Francalanci; C. Leporelli; G. Matteucci; A. Maurino; M. Mecella; M. Melchiori; S. Modafferi; E. Mussi; B. Pernici; P. Plebani; D. Presenza

Palabras clave: Component Service; Composite Service; Execution Engine; Candidate Service; Abstract Service.

Part I - Core Technologies for Mobile Information Systems | Pp. 47-80

Middleware and Architectural Reflection

M. Adorni; F. Arcelli; R. Baldoni; R. Beraldi; A. Limonta; M. Locatelli; P. Losi; C. Marchetti; A. Milani; L. Querzoni; C. Raibulet; M. Sarini; C. Simone; F. Tisato; S. Tucci Piergiovanni; A. Virgillito; G. Vizzari

Palabras clave: System Object; Object Group; Synchronous System; Middle Tier; Software Replication.

Part I - Core Technologies for Mobile Information Systems | Pp. 81-114

Adaptive Networks

P. Giacomazzi; A. Lapiana; G. Mulas; L. Musumeci; G. Paltenghi; M. Pizzonia; D. Ragazzi; I. Sartini; G. Verticale

Palabras clave: Time Slot; Medium Access Control; Medium Access Control Protocol; Packet Delay; Medium Access Control Layer.

Part II - Enabling Technologies | Pp. 117-153

Data Management

C. Bolchini; F. A. Schreiber; L. Tanca

Palabras clave: Mobile Device; Smart Card; Portable Device; Semantic Distance; Data Base Management System.

Part II - Enabling Technologies | Pp. 155-175

Low-Power Architectures for Mobile Systems

D. Barretta; L. Breveglieri; P. Maistri; M. Monchiero; L. Negri; A. Pagni; G. Palermo; M. Sami; C. Silvano; O. Villa; R. Zafalon

The starting point for the activities in MAIS concerning hardware architectures might be summarized as follows: extract the most relevant and characteristic requirements on and challenges to the hardware architecture presented by the MAIS applications, and perform an exploration of the architectural design space (at the level of both the individual processing nodes in a network and of the network itself) so as to optimize some particularly relevant figure of merit. Specifically, we have taken performance, power consumption, and robustness of security-oriented modules into account. This allowed us to propose flexible solutions for CPU architectures, whose configuration could be exploited best at run time by the intrinsic characteristics of the applications, and to derive power models and frameworks, both at CPU and at protocol level so as to model and subsequently optimize power consumption locally and at network level. Security was analyzed from, in particular the standpoint of side channel attacks, exploring DFA attacks and examining the effectiveness and cost of some proposed countermeasures.

Palabras clave: Mobile System; Hardware Architecture; Side Channel Attack; Very Long Instruction Word; Instruction Cache.

Part II - Enabling Technologies | Pp. 177-206

Methods and Tools for the Development of Adaptive Applications

R. Torlone; T. Barbieri; E. Bertini; A. Bianchi; M. Billi; D. Bolchini; S. Bruna; L. Burzagli; A. Calì; T. Catarci; S. Ceri; F. Daniel; R. De Virgilio; F. Facca; F. Gabbanini; S. Gabrielli; G. Giunta; P. Graziani; S. Kimani; M. Legnani; L. Mainetti; M. Matera; E. Palchetti; D. Presenza; G. Santucci; L. Sbattella; N. Simeoni

Palabras clave: Mobile Application; Mobile Computing; Context Data; Mobile Client; Context Manager.

Part III - Design of Mobile Information Systems | Pp. 209-247

Development of Services for Mobile Information Systems

D. Ardagna; L. Baresi; C. Batini; M. Brioschi; C. Cappiello; M. Comerio; M. Comuzzi; F. De Paoli; C. Francalanci; S. Grega; A. Maurino; S. Modafferi; N. Simeoni

Palabras clave: Negotiation Process; Graph Transformation; Security Association; Simple Additive Weighting; User Customization.

Part III - Design of Mobile Information Systems | Pp. 249-264

Knowledge-Based Tools for E-Service Profiling and Mining

A. Corallo; G. Lorenzo; G. Solazzo; D. Arnone

Palabras clave: Association Rule; Recommender System; Domain Expert; Service Description; Semantic Annotation.

Part III - Design of Mobile Information Systems | Pp. 265-291