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Analysing Ecological Data

Alain F. Zuur Elena N. Ieno Graham M. Smith

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2007

Cobertura temática

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Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

This book is based on material we have successfully used teaching statistics to undergraduates, postgraduates, post-docs and senior scientists working in the field possibly best described as the ‘environmental sciences’. The required background for these courses, and therefore this book, is some level of ‘familiarity with basic statistics’. This is a very loose phrase, but you should feel reasonably comfortable with concepts such as normal distribution, p-value, correlation, regression and hypothesis testing. Any first-year university undergraduate statistics module should have covered these topics to the depth required.

Pp. 1-6

Data management and software

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

This chapter reviews some statistical programmes with which we have experience and reinforces some ideas of good data management practice.

Pp. 7-16

Advice for teachers

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In this chapter, we discuss our experience in teaching some of the material described in this book. Our first piece of advice is to avoid explaining too many statistical techniques in one course. When we started teaching statistics we tried to teach univariate, multivariate and time series methods in five days to between 8 and 100 biologists and environmental scientists. We did this in the form of in-house courses, open courses and university courses. The audiences in institutional in-house and open courses typically consisted of senior scientist, post-docs, PhD-students and a few brave MSc students. The university courses had between 50 and 100 PhD or MSc students. The courses covered modules from data exploration, regression, generalised linear modelling, generalised additive modelling, multivariate analysis (non-metric multidimensional scaling, principal component analysis, correspondence analysis, canonical correspondence analysis, redundancy analysis) and time series. Although these’ show-me-all’ courses were popular, the actual amount of information that participants were able to fully understand was far less than we had hoped for. It was just too much information for five days (40 hours).

Pp. 17-22


Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

The first step in analysing data is a graphical data exploration asking the following questions:

Pp. 23-48

Linear regression

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In Chapter 4, we used various graphical tools (Cleveland dotplots, boxplots, histograms) to explore the shape of our data (normality), look for the presence of outliers, and assess the need for data transformations. We also discussed more complex methods (coplot, lattice graphs, seatterplot, pairplots, conditional box-plots, conditional histograms) that helped to see the relationships between a single response variable and more than one explanatory variable. This is the essential first step in any analysis that allows the researcher to get a feel for the data before moving on to formal statistical tools such as linear regression.

Pp. 49-77

Generalised linear modelling

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In the linear regression chapter, we analysed the RIKZ data and identified various problems:

Pp. 79-96

Additive and generalised additive modelling

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

When the data under investigation do not show a clear linear relationship, then additive modelling is a suitable alternative to linear regression. Figure 7.1 shows a scatterplot for two variables of the RIKZ data: species richness and grain size. See Chapter 27 for details on these data. A first look at the graph suggests there is a non-linear relationship between richness and grain size. Sites with large grain sizes seem to have a fairly constant but low species richness, with richness increasing as grain size decreases. Applying a linear regression model with richness as the response variable and grain size as the explanatory variable gives residuals showing a clear pattern, indicating a serious model misspecification.

Pp. 97-124

Introduction to mixed modelling

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

This chapter gives a non-technical introduction into mixed modelling. Mixed models are also known as mixed effects models or multilevel models and are used when the data have some sort of hierarchical form such as in longitudinal or panel data, repeated measures, time series and blocked experiments, which can have both fixed and random coefficients together with multiple error terms. It can be an extremely useful tool, but is potentially difficult to understand and to apply. In this chapter, we explain mixed models with random intercept and slope, different variances, and with an auto-correlation structure. In the case study chapters, several examples are presented (Chapters 22, 23, 26, 35 and 37). Some of these chapters are within a linear modelling context, whereas others use smoothing methods leading to additive mixed modelling. In the time series analysis and spatial statistics chapters (16, 17 and 19), temporal and spatial correlation structure is added to the linear regression and smoothing models. All of these techniques can be seen as extensions of mixed modelling.

Pp. 125-142

Univariate tree models

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

A further tool to explore the relationship between a single response variable and multiple explanatory variables is a regression or classification tree (Chambers and Hastie 1992; De’Ath and Fabricus 2000; Fox 2000; Venables and Ripley 2002; Maindonald and Braun 2003). Classification trees are used for the analysis of a nominal response variable, and regression trees for a continuous response variable. Both types of tree models deal better with non-linearity and interaction between explanatory variables than regression, generalised linear models and generalised additive models, and can be used to find interactions missed by other methods. They also indicate the relative importance of different explanatory variables and are useful in analysing residuals from linear regression, GLM or GAM.

Pp. 143-161

Measures of association

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In a multivariate dataset, more than one response variable can be analysed at the same time. In Chapter 4, we used Argentinean zoobenthic data where multiple species were measured at multiple sites with several explanatory variables measured at each sites. Possible underlying questions are as follows:

Pp. 163-187