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Analysing Ecological Data

Alain F. Zuur Elena N. Ieno Graham M. Smith

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© Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Ordination — First encounter

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

This chapter introduces readers with no experience of ordination methods before to its underlying concepts. If you are at all familiar with ordination, we suggest you may want to go straight to Chapter 12, as the method we use here, Bray-Curtis ordination, is rarely used. However, it is an excellent tool to explain the underlying idea of ordination.

Pp. 189-192

Principal component analysis and redundancy analysis

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In the previous chapter, Bray-Curtis ordination was explained, and more recently developed multivariate techniques were mentioned. Principal component analysis (PCA), correspondence analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA) and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) can be used to analyse data without explanatory variables, whereas canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA) use both response and explanatory variables. In this chapter, we present PCA and RDA, and in the next chapter CA and CCA are discussed.

Pp. 193-224

Correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In Chapter 12, we discussed PCA and RDA. Both techniques are based on the correlation or covariance coefficient. In this chapter, we introduce correspondence analysis (CA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). We start by giving a historical insight into the techniques community ecologists have used most during the last two decades. This chapter is mainly based on Greenacre (1984), Ter Braak (1985, 1986), Ter Braak and Verdonschot (1995), Legendre and Legendre (1998) and Lepš and Šmilauer (2003).

Pp. 225-244

Introduction to discriminant analysis

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In Chapter 12, principal component analysis (PCA) was introduced, which can be applied when you have observations on variables, denoted by to . Recall that the aim of PCA is to create linear combinations of the variables (principal components or axes), such that the first principal component (PC) has maximum variance, the second PC, the second largest variance, etc. The first PC, denoted by , is given by

Pp. 245-258

Principal coordinate analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In Chapter 12, principal component analysis (PCA) was introduced. The visual presentation of the PCA results is by plotting the axes (scores) in a graph. Some books use the phrase’ scores are plotted in a Euclidian space’. What this means is that the scores can be plotted in a Cartesian axes system, another notation is ∣, and the Pythagoras theorem can be used to calculate distances between scores. The problem is that PCA is based on the correlation or covariance coefficient, and this may not always be the most appropriate measure of association. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) is a method that, just like PCA, is based on an eigenvalue equation, but it can use any measure of association (Chapter 10). Just like PCA, the axes are plotted against each other in a Euclidean space, but the PCoA does not produce a biplot (a joint plot of the variables and observations).

Pp. 259-264

Time series analysis — Introduction

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

What makes a time series a time series? The answer to this question is simple, if a particular variable is measured repeatedly over time, we have a time series. It is a misconception to believe that most of the statistical methods discussed earlier in this book cannot be applied on time series. Provided the appropriate steps are made, one can easily apply linear regression or additive modelling on time series. The same holds for principal component analysis or redundancy analysis. The real problem is obtaining correct standard errors, -values, -values and -statistics in linear regression (and related methods), and applying the appropriate permutation methods in RDA to obtain -values. In this chapter, we show how to use some of the methods discussed earlier in this book. For example, generalised least squares (GLS) applied on time series data works like linear regression except that it takes into account auto-orrelation structures in the data. We also discuss a standard time series method, namely auto-regressive integrated moving average models with exogenous variables (ARIMAX). In Chapter 17, more specialised methods to estimate common trends are introduced.

Pp. 265-288

Common trends and sudden changes

Alain F. Zuur; Elena N. Ieno; Graham M. Smith

In this chapter, we start discussing various methods to estimate long-term patterns in time series. We call these patterns ‘trends’, but it should be noted that they are not restricted to being straight lines. Some of the methods can be applied on univariate time series and others require multiple time series. If the data are available on a monthly basis, one should make a distinction between seasonal variation and long-term patterns. In order to do this, the seasonal component needs to be determined and dealt with in some way. We will discuss three methods, of increasing mathematical complexity, for estimating common patterns in time series. In the last section, we discuss a technique that can be used to identify sudden changes.

Pp. 289-320

Analysis and modelling of lattice data

A. A. Saveliev; S. S. Mukharamova; A. F. Zuur

In this chapter we consider statistical techniques for analysing spatial units arranged in a lattice pattern. A lattice structure is created when a landscape or region is divided into sub-areas (Cressie 1993). The sub-areas can also be called cells, units or locations. None of the sub-areas can intersect each other, but each shares a boundary edge with one or more of the other sub-areas. An example of a lattice is shown in Figure 18.1. A lattice is formed if all of the cells have the same form and size. Regular lattices are usually obtained if a region is divided into cells based on a regular grid (e.g., Figure 10.3 for the bird radar data). If a region is divided into cells based on the outlines of natural objects, such as river basins, national boundaries, counties, or postal codes, an lattice results. The lattice shown in Figure 18.1 is an example of an irregular lattice.

Pp. 321-339

Spatially continuous data analysis and modelling

A. A. Saveliev; S. S. Mukharamova; N. A. Chizhikova; R. Budgey; A. F. Zuur

In the previous chapter, we explored techniques to analyse data collected on a lattice. In this chapter, we will consider techniques to model continuous spatial data. The term does not mean that the variable of interest is continuous, but merely that the variable can be measured in any location in the study area. Such continuously distributed variables are widely used in ecology and geoscience. Examples are relief elevation and bathymetry, temperature, moisture, soil nutrients, and subsurface geology. Spatially continuous data are often referred to as (Bailey and Gatrell 1995). The set of statistical techniques that can be used for analysing and modelling this type of data is called .

Pp. 341-372

Univariate methods to analyse abundance of decapod larvae

M. Pan; A. Gallego; S. Hay; E. N. Ieno; G. J. Pierce; A. F. Zuur; G. M. Smith

This chapter illustrates how to decide between the application of parametric models (linear regression models) and non-parametric methods (additive models). The techniques applied in this chapter will use as explanatory variables some abiotic (temperature, salinity) and biotic (algal food biomass, as indicated by chlorophyll a) factors that affect the meroplanktonic larvae. We aim to provide preliminary information about some of the pre-settlement processes and the relative influences of environmental factors and variability. Also, the taxonomic identification of some decapod larvae is often difficult, and processing the samples is time consuming. By using information from the samples already analysed and the other available data, such as how many samples per year we could analyse, we may optimise the number of samples examined to achieve the best outcomes and interpretations. In this chapter we therefore also discuss how some models can be used to optimise the number of samples for further sample analysis in other years.

Pp. 373-388