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VEE Pro: Practical Graphical Programming

Robert B. Angus Thomas E. Hulbert

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005

Tabla de contenidos

The VEE Pro Development Environment

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 1.1-1.15

Preparing and Testing a Program

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 2.1-2.15

Controlling and Communicating to Instruments

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 3.1-3.12

Controlling Real Instruments

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 4.1-4.10

Analyzing and Displaying Test Data

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 5.1-5.12

Manipulating Arrays, To/From Files, and Statistical Parameters

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 6.1-6.14

Working with Records

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 7.1-7.12

Working with Databases and Operator Interfaces

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 8.1-8.14

Creating Spreadsheets and Reports

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 9.1-9.17

Practicing Monitoring via the Vehicle Radiator

Robert B. Angus; Thomas E. Hulbert

In this paper, we propose a new technique for higher circuit speed without increase in leakage current by using active body-bias controlling technique. Conventional body-bias controlling techniques face difficulties, such as long transition time of body voltage and large area penalty. To overcome these issues, we propose a Charge Recycling Active Body-bias Controlled (CRABC) circuit scheme on SOI which enables quick control of body voltage by using simple additional circuit. The SPICE simulation results have shown that CRABC shortens delay time by 20 %, and transition time for controlling body-bias by 98 %.

Pp. 10.1-10.15