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Technologies for Business Information Systems

Witold Abramowicz ; Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Information Storage and Retrieval; IT in Business; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); e-Commerce/e-business; Database Management

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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Información sobre derechos de publicación

© Springer 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Conceptual Modelling for Grid Computing: Applying Collaborative Reference Modelling

Jan vom Brocke; Oliver Thomas; Christian Buddendick

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 1-11

Approaches for Business Process Model Complexity Metrics

Volker Gruhn; Ralf Laue

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 13-24

Characterization and Tool Supported Selection of Business Process Modeling Methodologies

Roland Kaschek; Roman Pavlov; VladimirA. A. Shekhovtsov; Sergiy Zlatkin

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 25-37

A Framework for Utilizing Preferred Work Practice for Business Process Evolution

Ruopeng Lu; Shazia Sadiq; Guido Governatori

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 39-50

On the Suitability of the Pi-Calculus for Business Process Management

Frank Puhlmann

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 51-62

Variability Modeling and Product Derivation in E-Business Process Families

Arnd Schnieders; Frank Puhlmann

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 63-74

Investigation of Reporting Tools for Cadastre Information Systems

Dariusz Kró; Jacek Oleksy; Malgorzata Podyma; Michał Szymański; Bogdan Trawiński

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 75-85

Internet Supported Mass Enrollment to High Schools

Andrzej P. Urbanski

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 87-95

Dealing with Administrative Discretions in E-Government: The Citizen Consultation Model

Wanchai Varavithya; Vatcharaporn Esichaikul

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 97-108

Examples of Situation Spaces in Context-aware Business Solutions

Jerzy Bartoszek; Grażyna Brzykcy

Articles about the pendulum in four journals devoted to the teaching of physics and one general science teaching journal (along with other miscellaneous articles from other journals) are listed in three broad categories — types of pendulums, the contexts in which these pendulums are used in physics teaching at secondary or tertiary levels and a miscellaneous category. A brief description of the sub-categories used is provided.

Pp. 109-119