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Trustworthy Global Computing: Second Symposium, TGC 2006, Lucca, Italy, November 7-9, 2006, Revised Selected Papers

Ugo Montanari ; Donald Sannella ; Roberto Bruni (eds.)

En conferencia: 2º International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC) . Lucca, Italy . November 7, 2006 - November 9, 2006

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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Project AEOLUS: An Overview

Christos Kaklamanis

In this paper we give a short overview of the IST FET Integrated Project FP6-015964 AEOLUS “Algorithmic Principles for Building Efficient Overlay Computers” which is funded by the European Union as part of the Proactive Initiative on Global Computing. We present the motivation and our long-term vision behind it and its objectives. We also give a short description of the research workplan and current activities.

- FP6 Project Overviews | Pp. 1-9

MOBIUS: Mobility, Ubiquity, Security

Gilles Barthe; Lennart Beringer; Pierre Crégut; Benjamin Grégoire; Martin Hofmann; Peter Müller; Erik Poll; Germán Puebla; Ian Stark; Eric Vétillard

Through their global, uniform provision of services and their distributed nature, global computers have the potential to profoundly enhance our daily life. However, they will not realize their full potential, unless the necessary levels of trust and security can be guaranteed.

The goal of the MOBIUS project is to develop a Proof Carrying Code architecture to secure global computers that consist of Java-enabled mobile devices. In this progress report, we detail its objectives and provide a snapshot of the project results during its first year of activity.

- FP6 Project Overviews | Pp. 10-29

Process Calculi for Service-Oriented Computing

Martin Wirsing; Rocco De Nicola; Stephen Gilmore; Matthias Hölzl; Roberto Lucchi; Mirco Tribastone; Gianlugi Zavattaro

The IST-FET Integrated Project aims at developing a novel comprehensive approach to the engineering of service-oriented software systems where foundational theories, techniques and methods are fully integrated in a pragmatic software engineering approach. Process calculi and logical methods serve as the main mathematical basis of the approach.

In this paper we give first a short overview of and then focus on process calculi for service-oriented computing. The Service Centered Calculus SCC is a general purpose calculus which enriches traditional process calculi with an explicit notion of session; the Service Oriented Computing Kernel SOCK is inspired by the Web services protocol stack and consists of three layers for service description, service engines, and the service network; Performance Evaluation Process Algebra (PEPA) is an expressive formal language for modelling distributed systems which we use for quantitative analysis of services. The calculi and the analysis techniques are illustrated by a case study in the area of distributed e-learning systems.

- FP6 Project Overviews | Pp. 30-50

Global Grids – Making a Case for Self-organization in Large-Scale Overlay Networks

Torsten Eymann; Werner Streitberger; Sebastian Hudert

Grid computing has recently become an important paradigm for managing computationally demanding applications, composed of a collection of services. The dynamic discovery of services, and the selection of a particular service instance providing the best value out of the discovered alternatives, poses a complex multi-attribute n:m allocation decision problem, which is often solved using a centralized resource broker. To manage complexity, this article proposes a two-layered architecture for service discovery in such Application Layer Networks (ALN). The first layer consists of a service market in which complex services are translated to a set of basic services, which are distinguished by price and availability. The second layer provides an allocation of services to appropriate resources in order to enact the specified services. This framework comprises the foundations for a later comparison of centralized and decentralized market mechanisms for allocation of services and resources in ALNs and Grids in general.

- FP6 Project Overviews | Pp. 51-68

Software of the Future Is the Future of Software?

Paola Inverardi

Software in the near ubiquitous future (Softure) will need to cope with variability, as software systems get deployed on an increasingly large diversity of computing platforms and operates in different execution environments. Heterogeneity of the underlying communication and computing infrastructure, mobility inducing changes to the execution environments and therefore changes to the availability of resources and continuously evolving requirements require software systems to be adaptable according to the context changes. Softure should also be reliable and meet the user’s performance requirements and needs. Moreover, due to its pervasiveness, Softure must be dependable, which is made more complex given the highly dynamic nature of service provision. Supporting the development and execution of Softure systems raises numerous challenges that involve languages, methods and tools for the systems thorough design and validation in order to ensure dependability of the self-adaptive systems that are targeted. However these challenges, taken in isolation are not new in the software domain. In this paper I will discuss some of these challenges, what is new and possible solutions making reference to the approach undertaken in the IST PLASTIC project for a specific instance of Softure focused on software for Beyond 3G (B3G) networks.

- Keynote Speakers | Pp. 69-85

An Algorithmic Theory of Mobile Agents

Evangelos Kranakis; Danny Krizanc

Mobile agents are an extension of multiagent systems in which the agents are provided with the ability to move from node to node in a distributed system. While it has been shown that mobility can be used to provide simple, efficient, fault-tolerant solutions to a number of problems in distributed computing, mobile agents have yet to become common in mainstream applications. One of the reasons for this may be the lack of an algorithmic theory which would provide a framework in which different approaches can be analyzed and the limits of mobile agent computing explored. In this paper we attempt to provide such an algorithmic theory.

- Keynote Speakers | Pp. 86-97

Spatial-Behavioral Types, Distributed Services, and Resources

Luís Caires

We develop a notion of spatial-behavioral typing suitable to discipline interactions in service-based systems modeled in a distributed object calculus. Our type structure reflects a resource aware model of behavior, where a parallel composition type operator expresses resource independence, a sequential composition type operator expresses implicit synchronization, and a modal operator expresses resource ownership. Soundness of our type system is established using a logical relations technique, building on a interpretation of types as properties expressible in a spatial logic.

- Types to Discipline Interactions | Pp. 98-115

Integration of a Security Type System into a Program Logic

Reiner Hähnle; Jing Pan; Philipp Rümmer; Dennis Walter

Type systems and program logics are often conceived to be at opposing ends of the spectrum of formal software analyses. In this paper we show that a flow-sensitive type system ensuring non-interference in a simple while language can be expressed through specialised rules of a program logic. In our framework, the structure of non-interference proofs resembles the corresponding derivations in a recent security type system, meaning that the algorithmic version of the type system can be used as a proof procedure for the logic. We argue that this is important for obtaining uniform proof certificates in a proof-carrying code framework. We discuss in which cases the interleaving of approximative and precise reasoning allows us to deal with delimited information release. Finally, we present ideas on how our results can be extended to encompass features of realistic programming languages like Java.

- Types to Discipline Interactions | Pp. 116-131

PRISMA: A Mobile Calculus with Parametric Synchronization

Roberto Bruni; Ivan Lanese

We present PRISMA, a parametric calculus that can be instantiated with different interaction policies, defined as synchronization algebras with mobility of names (SAMs). We define both operational semantics and observational semantics of PRISMA, showing that the second one is compositional SAM. We give examples based on heterogeneous SAMs, a case study on Fusion Calculus and some simple applications. Finally, we show that basic categorical tools can help to relate and to compose SAMs and PRISMA processes in an elegant way.

- Calculi for Distributed Systems | Pp. 132-149

On Bisimulation Proofs for the Analysis of Distributed Abstract Machines

Damien Pous

We illustrate the use of recent, non-trivial proof techniques for weak bisimulation by analysing a generic framework for the definition of distributed abstract machines based on a message-passing implementation. The definition of the framework comes from previous works on a specific abstract machine; however, its new presentation, as a parametrised process algebra, makes it suitable for a wider range of calculi.

A first version of the framework can be analysed using the standard bisimulation up to expansion proof technique. We show that in a second, optimised version, rather complex behaviours appear, for which more sophisticated techniques, relying on termination arguments, are necessary to establish behavioural equivalence.

- Calculi for Distributed Systems | Pp. 150-166