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Snow Sports Trauma and Safety: Conference Proceedings of the International Society for Skiing Safety. 21st Volume
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
skiing; snow sports; trauma; safety; kinematics; epidemiology
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No requiere | 2018 | Directory of Open access Books |
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No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
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ISBN impreso
ISBN electrónico
Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
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Tabla de contenidos
Solar Energetic Particles and Space Weather: Science and Applications
Olga E. Malandraki; Norma B. Crosby
This chapter provides an overview on solar energetic particles (SEPs) and their association to space weather, both from the scientific as well as from the applications perspective. A historical overview is presented on how SEPs were discovered in the 1940s and how our understanding has increased and evolved since then. Current state-of-the-art based on unique measurements obtained in the 3-dimensional heliosphere (e.g. by the Ulysses, ACE, STEREO spacecraft) and their analysis is also presented. Key open questions on SEP research expected to be answered in view of future missions that will explore the solar corona and inner heliosphere are highlighted. This is followed by an introduction to why SEPs are studied, describing the risks that SEP events pose on technology and human health. Mitigation strategies for solar radiation storms as well as examples of current SEP forecasting systems are reviewed, in context of the two novel real-time SEP forecasting tools developed within the EU H2020 HESPERIA project.
Pp. 1-26
Eruptive Activity Related to Solar Energetic Particle Events
Karl-Ludwig Klein
Solar energetic particle events are associated with solar activity, especially flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In this chapter a basic introduction is presented to the nature of flares and CMEs. Since both are manifestations of evolving magnetic fields in the solar corona, the chapter starts with a qualitative description of the magnetic structuring and electrodynamic coupling of the solar atmosphere. Flares and the radiative manifestations of energetic particles, i.e. bremsstrahlung, gyrosynchrotron and collective plasma emission of electrons, and nuclear gamma-ray emission are briefly presented. Observational evidence on the particle acceleration region in flares is given, as well as a very elementary qualitative overview of acceleration processes. Then CMEs, their origin and their association with shock waves are discussed, and related particle acceleration processes are briefly described.
Pp. 27-43
Particle Acceleration Mechanisms
Rami Vainio; Alexandr Afanasiev
This chapter provides a short tutorial review on particle acceleration in dynamic electromagnetic fields under scenarios relevant to the problem of particle acceleration in the solar corona and solar wind during solar eruptions. It concentrates on fundamental aspects of the acceleration process and refrains from presenting detailed modeling of the specific conditions in solar eruptive plasmas. All particle acceleration mechanisms (in the solar corona) are related to electric fields that can persist in the highly conductive plasma: either electrostatic (or potential) or inductive related to temporally variable magnetic fields through Faraday’s law. Mechanisms involving both kinds of fields are included in the tutorial.
Pp. 45-61
Charged Particle Transport in the Interplanetary Medium
Angels Aran; Neus Agueda; Alexandr Afanasiev; Blai Sanahuja
The scenario and fundamentals of the physics of charged particle interplanetary transport are briefly introduced. Relevant characteristics of solar energetic particle (SEP) events and of the interplanetary magnetic field are described. Next, the motion of a charged particle and the main assumptions leading to the description of the focused and diffusive particle transport equations utilised in the next chapters are discussed. Finally, two different models are applied to interpret SEP events.
Pp. 63-78
Cosmic Ray Particle Transport in the Earth’s Magnetosphere
R. Bütikofer
The transport of the cosmic ray particles in the Earth’s magnetic field must be considered for cosmic ray investigations based on cosmic ray measurements in the geomagnetosphere. The motion of charged particles in a magnetic field is defined by the Lorentz force. The trajectories of cosmic ray particles are curved by the Earth’s magnetic field. In a first approximation the geomagnetic field can be described by a dipole magnetic field. For a more accurate description the geomagnetic magnetic field is divided into two parts: the inner part generated by an internal dynamo and the outer part induced by different current systems in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. Models have been developed that describe the inner and the outer magnetic field. The computations of the propagation of the cosmic ray particles in the Earth’s magnetosphere are made with computer programs based on numerical integration of the equation of motion. For the specification of geomagnetic effects on cosmic ray particles the concept of cutoff rigidities and of asymptotic directions have been introduced.
Pp. 79-94
Ground-Based Measurements of Energetic Particles by Neutron Monitors
R. Bütikofer
Since the International Geophysical Year (IGY) in 1957/58, the worldwide network of neutron monitors is the standard instrument to investigate the variations of the cosmic ray flux near Earth (11-year modulation of the galactic cosmic rays, Forbush decreases, solar cosmic ray events) in the GeV range. The ensemble of neutron monitors together with the geomagnetic field acts as a giant spectrometer and enables to deduce information about the primary cosmic ray spectrum near Earth in the energy range ∼ 500 MeV to ∼ 15 GeV. For the interpretation of the ground-based neutron monitor measurements, the transport of the cosmic rays in the Earth’s magnetic field as well as the transport in the Earth’s atmosphere and the detection efficiency of the secondary nucleons by the neutron monitors must be known. The Neutron Monitor Data Base (NMDB) developed in 2008/09 enables a rapid accessibility to the data of the worldwide neutron monitor network. A considerable number of neutron monitor stations send their data to NMDB in real-time which enables the operation of space weather applications based on neutron monitor data.
Pp. 95-111
HESPERIA Forecasting Tools: Real-Time and Post-Event
Marlon Núñez; Karl-Ludwig Klein; Bernd Heber; Olga E. Malandraki; Pietro Zucca; Johannes Labrens; Pedro Reyes-Santiago; Patrick Kuehl; Evgenios Pavlos
Within the HESPERIA Horizon 2020 project, two novel real-time tools to predict Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events were developed. The HESPERIA UMASEP-500 tool makes real-time predictions using a lag-correlation between the soft X-ray (SXR) flux and high-energy differential proton fluxes of the GOES satellite network. We found that the use of proton data alone allowed this tool to make predictions before any Neutron Monitor (NM) station’s alert. The performance of this tool for predicting Ground Level Enhancement (GLE) events for the period 2000–2016 may be summarized as follows: the probability of detection (POD) was 53.8%, the false alarm ratio (FAR) was 30%, and the average warning time (AWT) to the first NM station’s alert was 8 min. The developed HESPERIA REleASE tool makes real-time predictions of the proton flux-time profiles of 30–50 MeV protons at L1 and is based on electron intensity measurements of energies from 0.25 to 1 MeV and their intensity changes. The performance was tested by using all historic ACE/EPAM and SOHO/EPHIN data from 2009 until 2016 and has shown that the forecast tools have a low FAR (∼30%) and a high POD (63%). Furthermore, two methods using historical data were explored for predicting SEP events and compared. The UMASEP-10mw tool was developed for predicting >10 MeV SEP events using microwave data. The time derivative of the soft X-rays (SXR) was replaced by the microwave flux density. It was found that the use of SXRs and microwave data produced the same POD (∼78%) with the most notable difference being that the use of microwave data does not yield any false alarm. Furthermore, a study was carried out on the possibility for the microwave emissions to be used to predict the spectral hardness of the SEP event and important results were deduced.
Pp. 113-131
X-Ray, Radio and SEP Observations of Relativistic Gamma-Ray Events
Karl-Ludwig Klein; Kostas Tziotziou; Pietro Zucca; Eino Valtonen; Nicole Vilmer; Olga E. Malandraki; Clarisse Hamadache; Bernd Heber; Jürgen Kiener
The rather frequent occurrence, and sometimes long duration, of -ray events at photon energies above 100 MeV challenges our understanding of particle acceleration processes at the Sun. The emission is ascribed to pion-decay photons due to protons with energies above 300 MeV. We study the X-ray and radio emissions and the solar energetic particles (SEPs) in space for a set of 25 -ray events. They are accompanied by strong SEP events, including, in most cases where the parent activity is well-connected, protons above 300 MeV. Signatures of energetic electron acceleration in the corona accompany the impulsive and early post-impulsive -ray emission. -ray emission lasting several hours accompanies in general the decay phase of long-lasting soft X-ray bursts and decametric-to-kilometric type II bursts. We discuss the impact of these results on the origin of the -ray events.
Pp. 133-155
Modelling of Shock-Accelerated Gamma-Ray Events
Alexandr Afanasiev; Angels Aran; Rami Vainio; Alexis Rouillard; Pietro Zucca; David Lario; Suvi Barcewicz; Robert Siipola; Jens Pomoell; Blai Sanahuja; Olga E. Malandraki
Solar -ray events recently detected by the /LAT instrument at energies above 100 MeV have presented a puzzle for solar physicists as many of such events were observed lasting for many hours after the associated flare/coronal mass ejection (CME) eruption. Data analyses suggest the -ray emission originate from decay of pions produced mainly by interactions of high-energy protons deep in the chromosphere. Whether those protons are accelerated in the associated flare or in the CME-driven shock has been under active discussion. In this chapter, we present some modelling efforts aimed at testing the shock acceleration hypothesis. We address two -ray events: 2012 January 23 and 2012 May 17 and approach the problem by, first, simulating the proton acceleration at the shock and, second, simulating their transport back to the Sun.
Pp. 157-177
Inversion Methodology of Ground Level Enhancements
B. Heber; N. Agueda; R. Bütikofer; D. Galsdorf; K. Herbst; P. Kühl; J. Labrenz; R. Vainio
While it is believed that the acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) is powered by the release of magnetic energy at the Sun, the nature, and location of the acceleration are uncertain, i.e. the origin of the highest energy particles is heavily debated. Information about the highest energy SEPs relies on observations by ground-based Neutron Monitors (NMs). SEPs with energies above 500 MeV entering the Earth’s atmosphere will lead to an increase of the intensities recorded by NMs on the ground, also known as Ground Level Event or Ground Level Enhancement (GLE). A Fokker-Planck equation well describes the interplanetary transport of near relativistic electrons and protons. An NM is an integral counter defined by its yield function. From the observations of the NM network, the additional solar cosmic ray characteristics (intensity, spectrum, and anisotropy) in the energy range 500 MeV can be assessed. If the interplanetary magnetic field outside the Earth magnetosphere is known (see Sect. ) a computation chain can be set up in order to calculate the count rate increase of an NM for a delta injection at the Sun along the magnetic field line that connects the Sun with the Earth (Sect. ). By this computations, we define a set of Green’s functions that can be fitted to an observed GLE to determine the injection time profile. If the latter is compared to remote sensing measurements like radio observations conclusions of the most probable acceleration process can be drawn.
Pp. 179-199