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Integrated STEM and STEM Partnerships: Integrated STEM and STEM Partnerships

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

mathematics professional development; teachers of color; mathematical identities; gender gap; ICT education; human capital; extracurricular STEM activities; in-presence and online education; STEM education; professional development; qualitative; case study; teacher conceptions; high school; research experience; STEM; scientific inquiry; educational reform; teacher preparation; partnership; diverse learners; STEM school; distributed leadership; school administration; microcredential; cybersecurity education; computer science; systems thinking; precollegiate teachers; self-efficacy; coding; integrated STEM; partnerships; interdisciplinary teams; informal education; team building; real-world problems; authentic science; effective collaboration; partnership dimensions; scientific literacy; engineering literacy; integrated STEM curriculum; microbial fuel cell; design-based inquiry; engineering education; pre-service teacher education; social cognitive theory

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