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Fachlichkeit in Lernwerkstätten: Kind und Sache in Lernwerkstätten

Parte de: Lernen und Studieren in Lernwerkstätten

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Lernwerkstatt; Fachdidaktik; Thema; Fachlichkeit; Pädagogisches Handeln; Lernen; Forschendes Lernen; Selbst gesteuertes Lernen; Pädagogische Intervention; Hochschule; Hochschullehre; Universität; Professionalisierung; Lehramtsstudiengang; Lehrerausbildung; Hochschuldidaktik; Lehrerbildung; Lehramtsstudent; Pädagogik; Primarbereich; Sachunterricht; Mathematikunterricht; Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht; Geschichtsunterricht; Religionsunterricht; Biologieunterricht; Kooperation; Theorie; Konzeption; Lernumgebung; Theorie-Praxis-Beziehung; Labor; Praxisbezug; Unterrichtsentwicklung; Offener Unterricht; Lernprozess; Entdeckendes Lernen; Lehr-Lern-System; Lehrer; Angebot; Methode; Experiment; Schüler; Forschung; Forschungsprozess; Kulturelle Bildung; Ästhetische Bildung; Netzwerk; Inklusion; Interdisziplinarität; Werkstatt; Deutschland; Italien; Österreich; Learning workshop; Specialized didactics; Subject didactics; Learning; Self-directed learning; Higher education institute; Higher education lecturing; University lecturing; University teaching; Academic sector; University; Professionalization; Preservice Teacher Education; Teacher education; Teacher training; University didactics; Teachers' training; Student teachers; Pedagogics; Sciences of education; Primary education; Primary level; Instruction in natural science subjects; Primary school science and social studies; Mathematics lessons; Teaching of mathematics; Natural sciences lessons; Teaching of science; History lessons; Teaching of history; Religious instruction; Teaching of religion; Biology lessons; Teaching of Biology; Cooperation; Theory; Conception; Educational Environment; Learning environment; Theory Practice Relationship; Practice relevance; Learning and teaching development; Teaching improvement; Open teaching; Learning process; Discovery learning; Teacher; Method; Pupil; Pupils; Research; Research process; Cultural education; Aesthetic education; Network; Inclusion; Interdisciplinarity; Germany; Italy; Austria

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