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Prosodic Theory and Practice

Parte de: The MIT Press

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Prosody; prosodic theory; prosodic transcription; prosodic phonology; intonation; phonology-phonetic mapping; speech timing; pitch; prosodic boundaries; prosodic prominence; Comparison of scientific theories; the phoneticsphonology interface; the Fujisaki model of speech prosody; Alignment; scaling; interpolation; declination; ToBI; pragmatics; Danish; Stress; formal representation; Melody; phonetic representation; surface phonological representation; underlying phononological representation; automatic analysis; phonological transcription system; ToBI conventions; strengths of the ToBI system; weaknesses of the ToBI system; p-gesture; Articulatory Phonology; coupled oscillator model; speech production; gradience; uptalk; LH accent; phonetic categories; pitch stylization; pitch perception; tonal annotation; automatic prosodic labeling; pitch range normalization; Kiel Intonation Model; German; contour; prominence levels; emphatic accents; British School; kinetic tones; autosegmental-metrical; F0 parametrization; GToBI; exemplar-theoretic intonation; phonetic implementation of pitch accents; Pitch target; prosopheme; parallel encoding; target approximation; communicative function

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