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Título de Acceso Abierto

Computational Social Networks

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Computational Social Networksshowcases refereed papers dealing with all mathematical, computational and applied aspects of social computing. The objective of this journal is to advance and promote the theoretical foundation, mathematical aspects, and applications of social computing. Submissions are welcome which focus on common principles, algorithms and tools that govern network structures/topologies, network functionalities, security and privacy, network behaviors, information diffusions and influence, social recommendation systems which are applicable to all types of social networks and social media.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No requiere desde oct. 2014 / hasta ene. 2022 SpringerLink acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

Idiomas de la publicación

  • inglés

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación