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Cooperative/Collaborative Learning
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
peer-regulation; self-regulation; peer monitoring; workbook guidance; mobile science centre; semi-formal learning; hands-on learning; intrinsic motivation; autonomy in group learning; classroom management; culturally responsive education; cooperative learning; relationships; engagement; inclusivity; diversity; newly arrived; refugee; collaboration; inquiry-based science; discourse; dialogue; professional learning and development; teacher; authentic science; integrated STEM; astronomy; partnership and collaboration; interdisciplinary; differentiating instruction; pre-collegiate classrooms; real-world connections; peer assessment; schools; universities; effects; how to; typology; theory; model; peer tutoring; reading comprehension; paired reading; high school; secondary school; face-to-face promotive interaction; cooperative practice; peer support; peer learning; innovative practices; pedagogical transformation; 21st century skills; mixed methods; social comparison; resource interdependence; competence; elementary school; cooperative/collaborative learning; small group learning; peer collaboration; classroom-based talk; student interaction; mathematics; elementary schools; problem-solving strategies; pedagogy in Indonesia; teacher voice; qualitative research; informal cooperative learning; online learning; synchronous participation; small group discussions; case study; higher education; Japan; COVID-19; cross-disciplinary student teams; conflicts; stereotypes; leadership; friction of ideas; problem-based projects; grouping; group work; Ethiopia; management; civil engineering; lived experience
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