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Behavior of Shelter Animals

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

dog; food aggression; food guarding; resource guarding; shelter; behavior; adoption; return rate; attachment behavior; shelter dog; foster dog; disinhibited attachment; attachment style; scent marking; urination; urinary posture; defecation; ground scratching; animal shelter; human-animal interactions; individual differences; behavioural assays; behavioural syndromes; companion animal; Felis silvestris catus; shelter cats; human-cat relation; dog behaviour prediction; dog behaviour problems; dog behaviour assessment; canines; animal shelters; dog post-adoption behaviour; heart rate variability; stress; arousal; lavender; dog appeasing pheromone (DAP); music; behavioral evaluation; owner surrender; dog behaviour; behaviour problems; behaviour assessment; shelters; predict; home behaviour; hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal; cortisol; glucocorticoid; social buffering; enrichment; early-life stress; animal welfare; on-leash walk; canine behavioural assessment; leash tension; behaviour; verbal cue; body gesture; human-dog interaction; dogs; welfare; human-animal interaction; activity

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