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Genetic and Morphological Variation in Tropical and Temperate Plant Species

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.; HbMad-box genes; conserved domains; gene structures; expression profiles; stress treatments; microsatellite locus; Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; genetic differentiation; breeding population; artificial selection; Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr.; transcripts; transcriptome assembly; simple sequence repeats; transcription factors; cytochrome p450; glycotransferases; metabolic pathway; grafting; pecan; miRNA; graft union; sequencing; edible forest product; forest biology; macro-fungi; non-timber forest products (NTFPs); Pan-Pearl River Delta; allometry; anatomy; Polygonatum odoratum; Polygonatum multiflorum; shape; shoot; endophytes; medicinal plants; pathogen; molecular identification; plant-microbe interaction; gas exchange; chlorophyll fluorescence; growth trait; genetic variation; early selection; pedunculate oak; drought; stress; memory; flushing; autumn leaf senescence; phenological shift; carry-over effect; mangroves; DNA barcoding; species identification; phylogenetic relation; moso bamboo; heat shock factor gene; abiotic stresses; co-expression; yellow-green leaf mutant; transcriptome; antenna protein; photosynthesis; birch; Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen; genetic diversity; population structure; EST-SSR marker; microsatellite marker; rosewood; conservation; Pinus massoniana; introgression hybrid; RNA sequencing; DEGs; reproduction; phenology; leafing out; flowering; senescence; cumulative logistic regression; hawthorn; provenance trial; non-local populations; variance analysis; lime application; understory removal; microbial community; forest management; Eucalyptus; protogyny (PG); protandry (PA); pollen viability; seed success; polyploidy; phosphate solubilizing bacteria; nutrition; oil tea; Lagerstroemia species; simple sequence repeat markers; bulked segregant analysis; creeping trait; plant architecture; climate change; forest biodiversity; plant–environment interactions; plant traits; urbanization

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