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Emerging Issues in Occupational Health Psychology
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
coronary artery disease; mental exertion; physical performance; psychometric properties; multidimensional fatigue inventory; fatigue; reliability and validity; rehabilitation; kindergarten teacher; mindfulness; emotional intelligence (EI); psychological distress; anxiety; depression; emergency; healthcare workers; infectious disease; insomnia; logistic regression; organizational justice; SARS-CoV-2; sleep; biological sex; gender diversity; masculinity traits; femininity traits; work and family demands; work and family conflict; Chinese culture; systematic review; occupational trauma; posttraumatic stress disorder; occupational accident; occupational disease; job crafting; work engagement; perceived work group member status diversity; creativity; diary study; work ability; gender; age; occupational risk; mediation; entrepreneurial team; environmental dynamism; individual innovation; uncertainty reduction theory; information exchange behavior; psychological wellbeing; proactive performance; leader-member exchange; team-member exchange; job characteristics; paradoxical leadership; career resilience; task performance; self-regulation theory; perceived green HRM; green psychological climate; harmonious environmental passion; voluntary workplace green behavior; green creativity; employee well-being; work stress; latent profiles; biomarkers; hormones; cortisol; glycemia; presenteeism; productivity; mental health; technostress; education; dark side; information overload; skepticism; inefficacy; confirmatory factor analysis; affective events; sensitization-satiation effects; job demands-resources model; experience sampling; growth curve modeling; work adjustment; remote work; structural factors; relational factors; contextual factors; COVID-19 pandemic; COVID-19; PTSD; pattern; intrusion; hyperarousal; avoidance; interpersonal conflict; burnout; job satisfaction; service quality; work-unit performance; tourism and hospitality; occupational health and well-being; emotional demands; workload; role ambiguity; multilevel modeling; psychosocial workplace factors; organizational health; healthy leadership; workplace health promotion; qualitative study; trauma; growth; psychological health; workers’ wellbeing; occupational health and safety; n/a
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