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Socio-Environmental Vulnerability Assessment for Sustainable Management
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
energy from biomass; pellets; wood waste; municipal waste; noise; acoustic space; socio-environmental vulnerability; Support Vector Machines; spatial policy; preventive healthcare; healthcare facilities; decision support system; renewable energy; solar energy radiation; sustainable development; ArcGIS; Tableau; inter-municipal cooperation; cross-sectoral partnerships; place-based and integrated development; sustainable management; integrated planning index; Poland; eco-environmental risk assessment; land use planning; analytical hierarchy process; GIS; mountain region; Nepal; political environment; sustainable tourism; impact; world heritage; Aksu-Jabagly nature reserve; Kazakhstan; R; open-source software; dataset; meteorology; climate; SYNOP; geospatial information; cluster; sustainable economy; SDG implementation; vulnerability and adaptation assessment; climate change; ecological restoration; watershed management; community-based assessment; indigenous peoples; adaptability; socio-ecological system; flood risk; municipality; Nysa Kłodzka sub-basin; local development; municipalities; nature protection; national park; technical infrastructure; questionnaire survey; climate analogues; Factor Analysis on Mixed Data (FAMD); clustering; education; farm management; ecological vulnerability; geospatial analysis; natural environment; society; aging; environmental hazards; periodization; multidimensional statistical analysis; Ward’s method; green infrastructure; technogenic soil; soil water retention; synanthropic flora; urban vegetation; heritage protection; fortified landscape; green roofs; integrated environmental assessment; quality of runoff water; performance system; cycling; cycling routes; slow cities; traffic safety; sustainable mobility; urban planning; water resources; environmental flow; hydropower production; Jiuqu stream; tourism impact; impact perception; stakeholders; assessment; indicators; resource-based economy; mineral resources; n/a
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