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Physical Review Applied

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Physical Review Applied (PRApplied) publishes high-quality papers that bridge the gap between engineering and physics, and between current and future technologies. PRApplied welcomes papers from both the engineering and physics communities, in academia and industry.
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No detectada desde jun. 2014 / hasta dic. 2023 Physical Review Journals (APS)


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ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

American Physical Society (APS)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Ab initio model of carrier transport in diamond

M. G. C. AlasioORCID; M. ZhuORCID; M. MatsubaraORCID; M. GoanoORCID; E. BellottiORCID

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Annealing reduces Si3N4
S. MittalORCID; K. AdachiORCID; N.E. FrattiniORCID; M.D. UrmeyORCID; S-X. LinORCID; A.L. EmserORCID; C. MetzgerORCID; L.G. TalamoORCID; S. DicksonORCID; D. CarlsonORCID; S.B. Papp; C.A. RegalORCID; K.W. LehnertORCID

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Elongated quantum dot as a distributed charge sensor

S. M. PatomäkiORCID; J. WilliamsORCID; F. BerrittaORCID; C. Lainé; M. A. Fogarty; R. C. C. Leon; J. Jussot; S. Kubicek; A. Chatterjee; B. Govoreanu; F. KuemmethORCID; J. J. L. Morton; M. F. Gonzalez-ZalbaORCID

<jats:p>Increasing the separation between semiconductor quantum dots offers scaling advantages by facilitating gate routing and the integration of sensors and charge reservoirs. Elongated quantum dots have been utilized for this purpose in GaAs heterostructures to extend the range of spin-spin interactions. Here, we study a MOS device where two quantum dot arrays are separated by an elongated quantum dot (340 nm long, 50 nm wide). We monitor charge transitions of the elongated quantum dot by measuring radiofrequency single-electron currents to a reservoir to which we connect a lumped-element resonator. We operate the dot as a single-electron box to achieve charge sensing of remote quantum dots in each array, separated by an edge-to-edge distance of 480 nm. Charge detection on both ends of the elongated dot at a coinciding setpoint demonstrates that the charge states are well distributed across its nominal length, supported by the simulated quantum mechanical electron density. Likewise, we show elongated-peripheral quantum dot tunnel couplings can exceed <a:math xmlns:a="" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><a:mn>20</a:mn><a:mspace width="0.2em"/><a:mi>GHz</a:mi></a:math>, above the electron temperature, fulfilling the requirement for mediated exchange. Our results illustrate how single-electron boxes can be realized with versatile footprints that may enable compact quantum processor layouts, offering distributed charge sensing in addition to the possibility of mediated coupling.</jats:p> <jats:sec> <jats:title/> <jats:supplementary-material> <jats:permissions> <jats:copyright-statement>Published by the American Physical Society</jats:copyright-statement> <jats:copyright-year>2024</jats:copyright-year> </jats:permissions> </jats:supplementary-material> </jats:sec>

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Enhancing antiferromagnetic anisotropic magnetoresistance by substitutional doping

Xiaojuan YuanORCID; Zhenhua Zhang; Rongxin Li; Qifeng LiORCID; Hengguo Lai; Yanrong Song; Yong LiuORCID; Zihan Xu; Zhihong LuORCID; Rui XiongORCID; Wenbing ZhangORCID

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First-principles study of metal-semiconductor contacts and quantum transport simulations for 5.1-nm monolayer MoSi
Zhanhai Li; Jianing Han; Shengguo Cao; Zhenhua ZhangORCID; Xiaoqing Deng

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Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals

Robert N. WolfORCID; Joseph H. PhamORCID; Julian Y. Z. JeeORCID; Alexander RischkaORCID; Michael J. Biercuk

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Insights into the breakdown mechanism of anodic oxide film

Jiping Zhao; Yizhuo Li; Jie Zhu; Jingyi An; Xiangdong Ding; Youlong Xu

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Security analysis of continuous-variable quantum key distribution under limited eavesdropping with practical fiber

Sheng LiuORCID; Lu FanORCID; Zhengyu LiORCID; Qiang Zhou; Yunbo Li; Dong Wang; Dechao ZhangORCID; Yichen ZhangORCID; Han LiORCID

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Minimal-Clifford shadow estimation by mutually unbiased bases

Qingyue Zhang; Qing Liu; You ZhouORCID

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Conductivity freeze-out in isotopically pure Si -28 at millikelvin temperatures

Ben T. McAllister; Zijun C. ZhaoORCID; Jeremy F. Bourhill; Maxim Goryachev; Daniel Creedon; Brett C. Johnson; Michael E. Tobar

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