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Physical Review Applied

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Physical Review Applied (PRApplied) publishes high-quality papers that bridge the gap between engineering and physics, and between current and future technologies. PRApplied welcomes papers from both the engineering and physics communities, in academia and industry.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde jun. 2014 / hasta dic. 2023 Physical Review Journals (APS)


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

American Physical Society (APS)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Quantum Gate for a Kerr Nonlinear Parametric Oscillator Using Effective Excited States

Taro KanaoORCID; Shumpei Masuda; Shiro Kawabata; Hayato GotoORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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Optimal Configuration of Proton-Therapy Accelerators for Relative-Stopping-Power Resolution in Proton Computed Tomography

Alexander T. HerrodORCID; Alasdair WinterORCID; Serena PsoroulasORCID; Tony Price; Hywel L. Owen; Robert B. Appleby; Nigel Allinson; Michela Esposito

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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Parallel Electromagnetically Induced Transparency near Ground-State Cooling of a Trapped-Ion Crystal

Jie ZhangORCID; Man-Chao Zhang; Yi Xie; Chun-Wang Wu; Bao-Quan Ou; Ting Chen; Wan-Su Bao; Paul HaljanORCID; Wei Wu; Shuo Zhang; Ping-Xing Chen

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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Gap Distance Between Pearl Chains in Acoustic Manipulation

Thierry BaaschORCID; Wei QiuORCID; Thomas Laurell

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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Asymmetric Localization of Light by Second-Harmonic Generation

Hamed Ghaemi-Dizicheh; Amir Targholizadeh; Baofeng Feng; Hamidreza RamezaniORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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Modeling of Multimodal Scattering by Conducting Bodies in Quantum Optics: The Method of Characteristic Modes

Gregory Ya. SlepyanORCID; Dmitri MogilevtsevORCID; Ilay Levie; Amir BoagORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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Robust and Programmable Logic-In-Memory Devices Exploiting Skyrmion Confinement and Channeling Using Local Energy Barriers

Naveen SisodiaORCID; Johan Pelloux-PrayerORCID; Liliana D. Buda-Prejbeanu; Lorena Anghel; Gilles Gaudin; Olivier BoulleORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Inertial-Amplified Mechanical Resonators for the Mitigation of Ultralow-Frequency Vibrations

Zhen DongORCID; Ping ShengORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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Mutual Synchronization of Constriction-Based Spin Hall Nano-Oscillators in Weak In-Plane Magnetic Fields

Hamid MazraatiORCID; Shreyas Muralidhar; Seyyed Ruhollah Etesami; Mohammad Zahedinejad; Seyed Amir Hossein Banuazizi; Sunjae Chung; Ahmad A. Awad; Roman Khymyn; Mykola Dvornik; Johan Åkerman

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Charge-Induced Artifacts in Nonlocal Spin-Transport Measurements: How to Prevent Spurious Voltage Signals

Frank VolmerORCID; Timo BisswangerORCID; Anne Schmidt; Christoph StampferORCID; Bernd BeschotenORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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