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An Experimental Study on Adhesive or Anti-adhesive, Bio-inspired Experimental Nanomaterials

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Cobertura temática: Nanotecnología  

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An exploratory study of cultural understanding in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) reading in Argentina

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Autores/as: Melina Porto ; Miguel Angel Montezanti ; Michael Byram ; Henry Widdowson ; Ana María Morra ; Carina Viviana Kaplan

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2011 Memoria Académica (SNRD) acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Educación - Lenguas y literatura  

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An exploratory study of cultural understanding in English as a foreign language reading in Argentina

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Autores/as: Melina Porto ; Miguel Ángel Montezanti ; Michael Byram ; Carina Kaplan ; Henry Widdowson ; Ana María Morra

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2011 SEDICI: Repositorio Institucional de la UNLP (SNRD) acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Educación  

The general aim of this study is to describe and comprehend how the specific population investigated in this context, college students at Universidad Nacional de La Plata in Argentina, comprehended the cultural content of literary narrative texts in EFL reading.

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An extended mixture model for the simultaneous treatment of short and long scale interfaces

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Autores/as: Santiago Márquez Damián ; Norberto Marcelo Nigro ; Patricio Bohorquez Rodríguez de Medina ; Mariano Ignacio Cantero ; Jorge D'Elia ; Axel Larreteguy ; Mario Alberto Storti

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2013 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto
The study of multi-phase models is a field of great interest in industry and academia. Multi-phase flows are present in hydraulics, petrochemical industry, oceanography, siderurgy, atomic energy and many other human activities. This field is far from being completely understood and the available tools are still in a developing stage. Nowadays the only general models for this kind of problems are the Direct Numerical Simulation or other models based in the physics of fluids. In this scenario, the aim of this thesis is to develop a new model based on the Volume of Fluid method and the Mixture Model in order to solve multi-phase flows with different interface scales and the transition among them. The interface scale is characterized by a measure of the grid, which acts as a geometrical filter and is related with the accuracy in the solution. This coupled model allows to reduce the grid requirements for a given accuracy. Having this objective in mind, a generalization of the Algebraic Slip Mixture Model is proposed to solve problems involving short and long scale interfaces in an unified framework. This model is implemented using the OpenFOAMR(R) libraries to generate a state-of-the-art solver capable to solve large problems in High Performance Computing facilities. In addition several other contributions were made regarding to the conceptualization of the Mixture Model, the development of a new Riemann-free solver used to solve mixture problems and a set of tools to help in the implementation process.

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An Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti

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Cobertura temática: Historia y arqueología  

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An Historical Geography of Tourism in Victoria, Australia Case Studies

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Cobertura temática: Geografía social y económica  

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An Imaginary Trio: King Solomon, Jesus, and Aristotle

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Cobertura temática: Humanidades y artes - Filosofía, ética y religión  

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An imperfect representative democracy political income redistribution in Latin America

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Autores/as: Ezequiel Molina ; Walter Cont ; Natalia Porto ; Ricardo Bebczuk

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2009 SEDICI: Repositorio Institucional de la UNLP (SNRD) acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Economía y negocios  

Although several papers in the political economy literature suggest a positive relationship between income inequality and redistribution, the data for Latin America does not support this claim. Countries with more income inequality also have less redistribution. This paper explores how the degree of imperfection in the political institutions influences equilibrium redistributive tax rates and income distributions. A citizen-candidate model is developed (Osborne and Slivinski, 1996 and Besley and Coate, 1997) in which candidates face a cost for representing other citizens in politics. Political-economic equilibria for diferent degrees of imperfection of the political system are derived and compared. In particular, two distinct cases are found. Countries where the cost of entry to politics is low can have higher redis tribution and lower inequality if the median run as a candidate or ,when there is a two candidate equilibria, redistribution and inequality could go either way. On the other hand, countries where the cost of entry is high will not be able to translate the will of the people into political action and will end up with little redistribution and high levels of inequality.

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An Index to Reproductions of Paintings by Twentieth-Century Chinese Artists

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Autores/as: Ellen Johnston Laing

ISBNs: 978-0-89264-126-0 (impreso) 978-0-47290-148-7 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 1998 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Sociología - Artes  

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An Index to Reproductions of Paintings by Twentieth-Century Chinese Artists

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Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Ciencias sociales - Sociología