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Journal of Molecular Modeling

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
The Journal of Molecular Modeling focuses on ""hardcore"" modeling, publishing high-quality research and reports. Founded in 1995 as a purely electronic journal, it has adapted its format to include a full-color print edition, and adjusted its aims and scope fit the fast-changing field of molecular modeling, with a particular focus on three-dimensional modeling.

Today, the journal covers all aspects of molecular modeling including life science modeling; materials modeling; new methods; and computational chemistry.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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Institución detectada Período Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada desde ene. 1997 / hasta dic. 2023 SpringerLink


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición


Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

Fast and accurate procedure to perform SCF or DFT calculation for large molecules

Ali H. Pakiari; M. Salarhaji

Palabras clave: Physical and Theoretical Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Computational Theory and Mathematics; Catalysis; Computer Science Applications.

Pp. No disponible

A compact review of progress and prospects of deep learning in drug discovery

Huijun Li; Lin Zou; Jamal Alzobair Hammad Kowah; Dongqiong He; Zifan Liu; Xuejie Ding; Hao Wen; Lisheng Wang; Mingqing Yuan; Xu LiuORCID

Pp. No disponible