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ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which publishes surveys, tutorials, and special reports on all areas of computing research. Volumes are published yearly in four issues appearing in March, June, September, and December.
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No detectada desde mar. 1969 / hasta dic. 2023 ACM Digital Library


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Editor responsable

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

Probabilistic Rule Learning Systems

Abdus Salam; Rolf Schwitter; Mehmet A. Orgun

<jats:p>This survey provides an overview of rule learning systems that can learn the structure of probabilistic rules for uncertain domains. These systems are very useful in such domains because they can be trained with a small amount of positive and negative examples, use declarative representations of background knowledge, and combine efficient high-level reasoning with the probability theory. The output of these systems are probabilistic rules that are easy to understand by humans, since the conditions for consequences lead to predictions that become transparent and interpretable. This survey focuses on representational approaches and system architectures, and suggests future research directions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-16

Assessing the Performance of Interactive Multiobjective Optimization Methods

Bekir AfsarORCID; Kaisa MiettinenORCID; Francisco Ruiz

<jats:p>Interactive methods are useful decision-making tools for multiobjective optimization problems, because they allow a decision-maker to provide her/his preference information iteratively in a comfortable way at the same time as (s)he learns about all different aspects of the problem. A wide variety of interactive methods is nowadays available, and they differ from each other in both technical aspects and type of preference information employed. Therefore, assessing the performance of interactive methods can help users to choose the most appropriate one for a given problem. This is a challenging task, which has been tackled from different perspectives in the published literature. We present a bibliographic survey of papers where interactive multiobjective optimization methods have been assessed (either individually or compared to other methods). Besides other features, we collect information about the type of decision-maker involved (utility or value functions, artificial or human decision-maker), the type of preference information provided, and aspects of interactive methods that were somehow measured. Based on the survey and on our own experiences, we identify a series of desirable properties of interactive methods that we believe should be assessed.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-27

A Survey of Ambient Intelligence

Rob DunneORCID; Tim Morris; Simon Harper

<jats:p>Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is the application and embedding of artificial intelligence into everyday environments to seamlessly provide assistive and predictive support in a multitude of scenarios via an invisible user interface. These can be as diverse as autonomous vehicles, smart homes, industrial settings, and healthcare facilities—referred to as Ambient Assistive Living. This survey gives an overview of the field; defines key terms; discusses social, cultural, and ethical issues; and outlines the state of the art in AmI technology, and where opportunities for further research exist. We guide the reader through AmI from its inception more than 20 years ago, focussing on the important topics and research achievements of the past 10 years since the last major survey, before finally detailing the most recents research trends and forecasting where this technology is likely to develop. This survey covers domains, use cases, scenarios, and datasets; cultural concerns and usability issues; security, privacy, and ethics; interaction and recognition; prediction and intelligence; and hardware, infrastructure, and mobile devices. This survey serves as an introduction for researchers and the technical layperson into the topic of AmI and identifies notable opportunities for further research.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-27

Self-calibration and Collaborative Localization for UWB Positioning Systems

Matteo RidolfiORCID; Abdil Kaya; Rafael BerkvensORCID; Maarten Weyn; Wout Joseph; Eli De Poorter

<jats:p>Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is a Radio Frequency technology that is currently used for accurate indoor localization. However, the cost of deploying such a system is large, mainly due to the need for manually measuring the exact location of the installed infrastructure devices (“anchor nodes”). Self-calibration of UWB reduces deployment costs, because it allows for automatic updating of the coordinates of fixed nodes when they are installed or moved. Additionally, installation costs can also be reduced by using collaborative localization approaches where mobile nodes act as anchors. This article surveys the most significant research that has been done on self-calibration and collaborative localization. First, we find that often these terms are improperly used, leading to confusion for the readers. Furthermore, we find that in most of the cases, UWB-specific characteristics are not exploited, so crucial opportunities to improve performance are lost. Our classification and analysis provide the basis for further research on self-calibration and collaborative localization in the deployment of UWB indoor localization systems. Finally, we identify several research tracks that are open for investigation and can lead to better performance, e.g., machine learning and optimized physical settings.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-27

Uncertainty-aware Decisions in Cloud Computing

H. M. Dipu Kabir; Abbas Khosravi; Subrota K. Mondal; Mustaneer Rahman; Saeid Nahavandi; Rajkumar Buyya

<jats:p>The rapid growth of the cloud industry has increased challenges in the proper governance of the cloud infrastructure. Many intelligent systems have been developing, considering uncertainties in the cloud. Intelligent approaches with the consideration of uncertainties bring optimal management with higher profitability. Uncertainties of different levels and different types exist in various domains of cloud computing. This survey aims to discuss all types of uncertainties and their effect on different components of cloud computing. The article first presents the concept of uncertainty and its quantification. A vast number of uncertain events influence the cloud, as it is connected with the entire world through the internet. Five major uncertain parameters are identified, which are directly affected by numerous uncertain events and affect the performance of the cloud. Notable events affecting major uncertain parameters are also described. Besides, we present notable uncertainty-aware research works in cloud computing. A hype curve on uncertainty-aware approaches in the cloud is also presented to visualize current conditions and future possibilities. We expect the inauguration of numerous uncertainty-aware intelligent systems in cloud management over time. This article may provide a deeper understanding of managing cloud resources with uncertainties efficiently to future cloud researchers.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-30

Application Layer Denial-of-Service Attacks and Defense Mechanisms

Nikhil Tripathi; Neminath Hubballi

<jats:p> Application layer <jats:bold>Denial-of-Service (DoS)</jats:bold> attacks are generated by exploiting vulnerabilities of the protocol implementation or its design. Unlike volumetric DoS attacks, these are stealthy in nature and target a specific application running on the victim. There are several attacks discovered against popular application layer protocols in recent years. In this article, we provide a structured and comprehensive survey of the existing application layer DoS attacks and defense mechanisms. We classify existing attacks and defense mechanisms into different categories, describe their working, and compare them based on relevant parameters. We conclude the article with directions for future research. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-33

Principal Component Analysis

Felipe L. Gewers; Gustavo R. Ferreira; Henrique F. De Arruda; Filipi N. Silva; Cesar H. Comin; Diego R. Amancio; Luciano Da F. Costa

<jats:p>Principal component analysis (PCA) is often applied for analyzing data in the most diverse areas. This work reports, in an accessible and integrated manner, several theoretical and practical aspects of PCA. The basic principles underlying PCA, data standardization, possible visualizations of the PCA results, and outlier detection are subsequently addressed. Next, the potential of using PCA for dimensionality reduction is illustrated on several real-world datasets. Finally, we summarize PCA-related approaches and other dimensionality reduction techniques. All in all, the objective of this work is to assist researchers from the most diverse areas in using and interpreting PCA.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-34

A Survey of Software Log Instrumentation

Boyuan Chen; Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang

<jats:p>Log messages have been used widely in many software systems for a variety of purposes during software development and field operation. There are two phases in software logging: log instrumentation and log management. Log instrumentation refers to the practice that developers insert logging code into source code to record runtime information. Log management refers to the practice that operators collect the generated log messages and conduct data analysis techniques to provide valuable insights of runtime behavior. There are many open source and commercial log management tools available. However, their effectiveness highly depends on the quality of the instrumented logging code, as log messages generated by high-quality logging code can greatly ease the process of various log analysis tasks (e.g., monitoring, failure diagnosis, and auditing). Hence, in this article, we conducted a systematic survey on state-of-the-art research on log instrumentation by studying 69 papers between 1997 and 2019. In particular, we have focused on the challenges and proposed solutions used in the three steps of log instrumentation: (1) logging approach; (2) logging utility integration; and (3) logging code composition. This survey will be useful to DevOps practitioners and researchers who are interested in software logging.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-34

Recommendations on Statistical Randomness Test Batteries for Cryptographic Purposes

Elena Almaraz Luengo; Luis Javier García Villalba

<jats:p>Security in different applications is closely related to the goodness of the sequences generated for such purposes. Not only in Cryptography but also in other areas, it is necessary to obtain long sequences of random numbers or that, at least, behave as such. To decide whether the generator used produces sequences that are random, unpredictable and independent, statistical checks are needed. Different batteries of hypothesis tests have been proposed for this purpose.</jats:p> <jats:p>In this work, a survey of the main test batteries is presented, indicating their pros and cons, giving some guidelines for their use and presenting some practical examples.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-34

A Comprehensive Survey of Neural Architecture Search

Pengzhen RenORCID; Yun Xiao; Xiaojun Chang; Po-yao Huang; Zhihui Li; Xiaojiang Chen; Xin Wang

<jats:p> Deep learning has made substantial breakthroughs in many fields due to its powerful automatic representation capabilities. It has been proven that neural architecture design is crucial to the feature representation of data and the final performance. However, the design of the neural architecture heavily relies on the researchers’ prior knowledge and experience. And due to the limitations of humans’ inherent knowledge, it is difficult for people to jump out of their original thinking paradigm and design an optimal model. Therefore, an intuitive idea would be to reduce human intervention as much as possible and let the algorithm automatically design the neural architecture. <jats:italic> <jats:bold>Neural Architecture Search</jats:bold> </jats:italic> ( <jats:bold>NAS</jats:bold> ) is just such a revolutionary algorithm, and the related research work is complicated and rich. Therefore, a comprehensive and systematic survey on the NAS is essential. Previously related surveys have begun to classify existing work mainly based on the key components of NAS: search space, search strategy, and evaluation strategy. While this classification method is more intuitive, it is difficult for readers to grasp the challenges and the landmark work involved. Therefore, in this survey, we provide a new perspective: beginning with an overview of the characteristics of the earliest NAS algorithms, summarizing the problems in these early NAS algorithms, and then providing solutions for subsequent related research work. In addition, we conduct a detailed and comprehensive analysis, comparison, and summary of these works. Finally, we provide some possible future research directions. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-34