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ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which publishes surveys, tutorials, and special reports on all areas of computing research. Volumes are published yearly in four issues appearing in March, June, September, and December.
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No detectada desde mar. 1969 / hasta dic. 2023 ACM Digital Library


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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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Estados Unidos

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Tabla de contenidos

A Survey of Binary Code Similarity

Irfan Ul Haq; Juan Caballero

<jats:p>Binary code similarityapproaches compare two or more pieces of binary code to identify their similarities and differences. The ability to compare binary code enables many real-world applications on scenarios where source code may not be available such as patch analysis, bug search, and malware detection and analysis. Over the past 22 years numerous binary code similarity approaches have been proposed, but the research area has not yet been systematically analyzed. This article presents the first survey of binary code similarity. It analyzes 70 binary code similarity approaches, which are systematized on four aspects: (1) the applications they enable, (2) their approach characteristics, (3) how the approaches are implemented, and (4) the benchmarks and methodologies used to evaluate them. In addition, the survey discusses the scope and origins of the area, its evolution over the past two decades, and the challenges that lie ahead.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-38

Mobility Trace Analysis for Intelligent Vehicular Networks

Clayson Celes; Azzedine Boukerche; Antonio A. F. Loureiro

<jats:p>Intelligent vehicular networks emerge as a promising technology to provide efficient data communication in transportation systems and smart cities. At the same time, the popularization of devices with attached sensors has allowed the obtaining of a large volume of data with spatiotemporal information from different entities. In this sense, we are faced with a large volume of vehicular mobility traces being recorded. Those traces provide unprecedented opportunities to understand the dynamics of vehicular mobility and provide data-driven solutions. In this article, we give an overview of the main publicly available vehicular mobility traces; then, we present the main issues for preprocessing these traces. Also, we present the methods used to characterize and model mobility data. Finally, we review existing proposals that apply the hidden knowledge extracted from the mobility trace for vehicular networks. This article provides a survey on studies that use vehicular mobility traces and provides a guideline for the proposition of data-driven solutions in the domain of vehicular networks. Moreover, we discuss open research problems and give some directions to undertake them.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-38

Software Testing Effort Estimation and Related Problems

Ilona Bluemke; Agnieszka Malanowska

<jats:p>Although testing effort estimation is a very important task in software project management, it is rarely described in the literature. There are many difficulties in finding any useful methods or tools for this purpose. Solutions to many other problems related to testing effort calculation are published much more often. There is also no research focusing on both testing effort estimation and all related areas of software engineering. To fill this gap, we performed a systematic literature review on both questions. Although our primary objective was to find some tools or implementable metods for test effort estimation, we have quickly discovered many other interesting topics related to the main one. The main contribution of this work is the presentation of the testing effort estimation task in a very wide context, indicating the relations with other research fields. This systematic literature review presents a detailed overview of testing effort estimation task, including challenges and approaches to automating it and the solutions proposed in the literature. It also exhaustively investigates related research topics, classifying publications that can be found in connection to the testing effort according to seven criteria formulated on the basis of our research questions. We present here both synthesis of our finding and the deep analysis of the stated research problems.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-38

Blockchain-empowered Data-driven Networks

Xi Li; Zehua Wang; Victor C. M. Leung; Hong Ji; Yiming Liu; Heli Zhang

<jats:p>The paths leading to future networks are pointing towards a data-driven paradigm to better cater to the explosive growth of mobile services as well as the increasing heterogeneity of mobile devices, many of which generate and consume large volumes and variety of data. These paths are also hampered by significant challenges in terms of security, privacy, services provisioning, and network management. Blockchain, which is a technology for building distributed ledgers that provide an immutable log of transactions recorded in a distributed network, has become prominent recently as the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies and is revolutionizing data storage and processing in computer network systems. For future data-driven networks (DDNs), blockchain is considered as a promising solution to enable the secure storage, sharing, and analytics of data, privacy protection for users, robust, trustworthy network control, and decentralized routing and resource managements. However, many important challenges and open issues remain to be addressed before blockchain can be deployed widely to enable future DDNs. In this article, we present a survey on the existing research works on the application of blockchain technologies in computer networks and identify challenges and potential solutions in the applications of blockchains in future DDNs. We identify application scenarios in which future blockchain-empowered DDNs could improve the efficiency and security, and generally the effectiveness of network services.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-38

Ultrasound Medical Imaging Techniques

Danilo Avola; Luigi Cinque; Alessio Fagioli; Gianluca Foresti; Alessio MeccaORCID

<jats:p>Ultrasound (US) imaging for medical purposes has been increasing in popularity over the years. The US technology has some valuable strengths, such as it is harmless, very cheap, and can provide real-time feedback. At the same time, it has also some drawbacks that the research in this field is trying to mitigate, such as the high level of noise and the low quality of the images. This survey aims at presenting the advances in the techniques used for US medical imaging. It describes the studies on the different organs that the US uses the most and tries to categorize the research in this field into three groups, i.e., segmentation, classification, and miscellaneous. This latter group includes the works that either provide aid during surgical operations or try to enhance the quality of the acquired US images/volumes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review that analyzes the different techniques exploited on a large selection of body locations (i.e., brain, thyroid, heart, breast, fetal, and prostate) in the three sub-fields of research.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-38

Deep Learning--based Text Classification

Shervin Minaee; Nal Kalchbrenner; Erik Cambria; Narjes Nikzad; Meysam Chenaghlu; Jianfeng Gao

<jats:p>Deep learning--based models have surpassed classical machine learning--based approaches in various text classification tasks, including sentiment analysis, news categorization, question answering, and natural language inference. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of more than 150 deep learning--based models for text classification developed in recent years, and we discuss their technical contributions, similarities, and strengths. We also provide a summary of more than 40 popular datasets widely used for text classification. Finally, we provide a quantitative analysis of the performance of different deep learning models on popular benchmarks, and we discuss future research directions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-40

Cytology Image Analysis Techniques Toward Automation

Shyamali Mitra; Nibaran Das; Soumyajyoti Dey; Sukanta Chakraborty; Mita Nasipuri; Mrinal Kanti Naskar

<jats:p>Cytology is a branch of pathology that deals with the microscopic examination of cells for diagnosis of carcinoma or inflammatory conditions. In the present work, the term cytology is used to indicate solid organ cytology. Automation in cytology started in the early 1950s with an aim to reduce manual efforts in the diagnosis of cancer. The influx of intelligent systems with high computational power and improved specimen collection techniques helped to achieve technological heights in the cytology automation process. In the present survey, we focus on image analysis techniques paving the way to automation in cytology. We take a short tour of 17 types of solid organ cytology to explore various segmentation and/or classification techniques that evolved during the past three decades to automate cytology image analysis. It is observed that most of the works are aligned toward three types of cytology: Cervical, Breast, and Respiratory tract cytology. These are discussed elaborately in the article. Commercial systems developed during the period are also summarized to comprehend the overall growth in respective domains. Finally, we discuss different state-of-the-art methods and related challenges to provide prolific and competent future research directions in bringing cytology-based commercial systems into the mainstream.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-41

Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering

Liping Zhao; Waad Alhoshan; Alessio Ferrari; Keletso J. Letsholo; Muideen A. Ajagbe; Erol-Valeriu Chioasca; Riza T. Batista-Navarro

<jats:p> Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering (NLP4RE) is an area of research and development that seeks to apply natural language processing (NLP) techniques, tools, and resources to the requirements engineering (RE) process, to support human analysts to carry out various linguistic analysis tasks on textual requirements documents, such as detecting language issues, identifying key domain concepts, and establishing requirements traceability links. This article reports on a mapping study that surveys the landscape of NLP4RE research to provide a holistic understanding of the field. Following the guidance of systematic review, the mapping study is directed by five research questions, cutting across five aspects of NLP4RE research, concerning the state of the literature, the state of empirical research, the research focus, the state of tool development, and the usage of NLP technologies. Our main results are as follows: (i) we identify a total of 404 primary studies relevant to NLP4RE, which were published over the past 36 years and from 170 different venues; (ii) most of these studies (67.08%) are solution proposals, assessed by a laboratory experiment or an example application, while only a small percentage (7%) are assessed in industrial settings; (iii) a large proportion of the studies (42.70%) focus on the requirements analysis phase, with quality defect detection as their central task and requirements specification as their commonly processed document type; (iv) 130 NLP4RE tools (i.e., RE specific NLP tools) are extracted from these studies, but only 17 of them (13.08%) are available for download; (v) 231 different NLP technologies are also identified, comprising 140 NLP techniques, 66 NLP tools, and 25 NLP resources, but most of them—particularly those novel NLP techniques and specialized tools—are used infrequently; by contrast, commonly used NLP technologies are traditional analysis techniques (e.g., POS tagging and tokenization), general-purpose tools (e.g., Stanford CoreNLP and GATE) and generic language lexicons (WordNet and British National Corpus). The mapping study not only provides a collection of the literature in NLP4RE but also, more importantly, establishes a structure to frame the existing literature through categorization, synthesis and conceptualization of the main theoretical concepts and relationships that encompass both RE and NLP aspects. Our work thus produces a <jats:italic>conceptual framework</jats:italic> of NLP4RE. The framework is used to identify research gaps and directions, highlight technology transfer needs, and encourage more synergies between the RE community, the NLP one, and the software and systems practitioners. Our results can be used as a starting point to frame future studies according to a well-defined terminology and can be expanded as new technologies and novel solutions emerge. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-41

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Divya Saxena; Jiannong Cao

<jats:p>Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is a novel class of deep generative models that has recently gained significant attention. GANs learn complex and high-dimensional distributions implicitly over images, audio, and data. However, there exist major challenges in training of GANs, i.e., mode collapse, non-convergence, and instability, due to inappropriate design of network architectre, use of objective function, and selection of optimization algorithm. Recently, to address these challenges, several solutions for better design and optimization of GANs have been investigated based on techniques of re-engineered network architectures, new objective functions, and alternative optimization algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing survey that has particularly focused on the broad and systematic developments of these solutions. In this study, we perform a comprehensive survey of the advancements in GANs design and optimization solutions proposed to handle GANs challenges. We first identify key research issues within each design and optimization technique and then propose a new taxonomy to structure solutions by key research issues. In accordance with the taxonomy, we provide a detailed discussion on different GANs variants proposed within each solution and their relationships. Finally, based on the insights gained, we present promising research directions in this rapidly growing field.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-42

User Response Prediction in Online Advertising

Zhabiz Gharibshah; Xingquan Zhu

<jats:p>Online advertising, as a vast market, has gained significant attention in various platforms ranging from search engines, third-party websites, social media, and mobile apps. The prosperity of online campaigns is a challenge in online marketing and is usually evaluated by user response through different metrics, such as clicks on advertisement (ad) creatives, subscriptions to products, purchases of items, or explicit user feedback through online surveys. Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of studies using computational approaches, including machine learning methods, for user response prediction. However, existing literature mainly focuses on algorithmic-driven designs to solve specific challenges, and no comprehensive review exists to answer many important questions. What are the parties involved in the online digital advertising eco-systems? What type of data are available for user response prediction? How do we predict user response in a reliable and/or transparent way? In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of user response prediction in online advertising and related recommender applications. Our essential goal is to provide a thorough understanding of online advertising platforms, stakeholders, data availability, and typical ways of user response prediction. We propose a taxonomy to categorize state-of-the-art user response prediction methods, primarily focusing on the current progress of machine learning methods used in different online platforms. In addition, we also review applications of user response prediction, benchmark datasets, and open source codes in the field.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-43