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Computational Science and Its Applications: ICCSA 2007: International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 26-29, 2007. Proceedings, Part II

Osvaldo Gervasi ; Marina L. Gavrilova (eds.)

En conferencia: 7º International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) . Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . August 26, 2007 - August 29, 2007

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice

YaJun Du; Zheng Pei; HaiMing Li; Dan Xiang; Kai Li

Concept lattice is an important method and technology for data analysis and knowledge discovery, however, in this research field, many researchers focus on two-valued formal context. In this paper, we transform continuous-valued formal context into many-valued formal context first, then on the basis of many-valued formal context, the definition of the equivalence class of single attribute and formal pairs of single attribute are given. We discuss constructing formal concept lattice based on single attribute concepts, uniting concepts, updating concept and adding concepts, all these concepts are generated by union, intersection and equality of objects of formal pairs. At last, we present a fast algorithm for constructing concept lattice and analyze its complexity. It has demonstrated that the algorithm is effective by our experiments.

- Workshop on Information Systems and Information Technologies (ISIT 07) | Pp. 434-447

Measuring the Usability of Software Applications: Metrics for

Amalina Farhi Ahmad Fadzlah; Aziz Deraman

In general, the concept of usability can not be measured but it is related to several usability metrics that can be measured. Focusing on the efficiency factor, this present paper aims to formulate the behaviorness metrics and furthermore giving an overview on how to measure the behaviorness of the product. The model for measuring the usability has been developed in terms to determine the elements in measuring the behaviorness of the software. As adopted from the model, two attributes in measuring the behaviorness of the software: Display Preference and Usage Frequency were claimed to be associated with measuring the Behaviorness of the software applications. These attributes and the metrics used in measuring the behaviorness as well as the formula for measuring the behaviorness of the software applications are also discussed.

- Workshop on Information Systems and Information Technologies (ISIT 07) | Pp. 448-454

An Efficient Information Dissemination for Publish/Subscription System on Grid

Bo-Hyun Seok; Pill-Woo Lee; Eui-Nam Huh; Ki-Moon Choi; Kang-Soo Tae

In ubiquitous environment, with rapid advances being made in sensor technology, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have emerged to collect information from real world. For sharing huge amount of sensor data efficiently with divers users, an information dissemination mechanism is very necessary and important component. In this paper, we have proposed the information dissemination architecture, which is implemented using OGSA-DAI and web services based on Info-D standard, and an efficient matching algorithm, CGIM, for u-health care system. The information dissemination system supports scheduling for both time and event driven delivery and EAQ for 1:1 event and n:1 event handling. From CGIM algorithm, matching time is significantly reduced for information dissemination, and the algorithm allows multiple events with ranged predicates, flexible expression for diverse consumers, and efficient matching and partial optimization on pub/sub system.

- Workshop on Information Systems and Information Technologies (ISIT 07) | Pp. 455-468

On Dynamic Multicast Trees for Stormless Binding Update in Network Mobility

Moonseong Kim; Sungchang Lee; Hyunseung Choo

Mobile IP (MIP) is designed for supporting mobile nodes. The technology does not sufficiently handle twork bility (NEMO). The NEMO Basic Support (NBS) [1] ensures session continuity for all the nodes in a MObile NETwork (MONET). Since the protocol is based on MIP, when used to support multicast for NEMO, it inherits the same fundamental problems as MIP, such as tunnel convergence. Recently, Prefix Delegation (PD)-based multicast [2] has been proposed for the multicast Route Optimization (RO) scheme in NEMO. However, the Binding Update (BU) storm is generated by PD-based multicast, whenever an MR migrates to a new foreign network. In this paper, hence, we propose the multicast RO scheme with stormless BU in NEMO environments.

- Workshop on Information Systems and Information Technologies (ISIT 07) | Pp. 469-478

Authentication Scheme Using Mobile IPv4 in VPN Intranet

Youngsong Mun; Miyoung Kim

VPN Gateway disturbs the Mobile IP operation between Home agent and mobile node when the home agent is located inside the gateway. Originally, the location management specification for Mobile IP is based on open communication without considering the security wall controlled by the well-managed policy. This paper suggests the authentication and key exchange scheme using AAA infrastructure for a mobile node in Internet to access the Home agent behind the VPN gateway. By adding the role of authentication and tunnel processing for each agent or relay entry, the mobile node is able to operate with its Home agent smoothly in security-aware environment.

- Workshop on Information Systems and Information Technologies (ISIT 07) | Pp. 479-488

Implementation and Attacks Analysis of a Honeypot

Cláudia J. Barenco Abbas; L. Javier García Villalba; Victoria López López

This paper describes the deployment of a honeypot by configuring a unique machine as part of the Distributed Honeypots Project. This work presents all the tools needed to implement the honeypot environment, as well as the configuration itself. Afterwards, the collected data and the attacks analysis are presented. At the end, final statements are made and future works are suggested.

- Workshop on Internet Communications Security (WICS 07) | Pp. 489-502

An Enhanced One-Round Pairing-Based Tripartite Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol

Meng-Hui Lim; Sanggon Lee; Youngho Park; Hoonjae Lee

A tripartite authenticated key agreement protocol is generally designed to accommodate the need of three specific entities in communicating over an open network with a shared secret key, which is used to preserve confidentiality and data integrity. Since Joux proposed the first pairing-based one-round tripartite key agreement protocol in 2000, numerous authenticated protocols have been proposed after then. However, most of them have turned out to be flawed due to their inability in achieving some desirable security attributes. In 2005, Lin-Li had identified the weaknesses of Shim’s protocol and subsequently proposed their improved scheme by introducing an extra verification process. In this paper, we prove that Lin-Li’s improved scheme remains insecure due to its susceptibility to the insider impersonation attack. Based on this, we propose an enhanced scheme which will not only conquer their defects, but also preserves the desired security attributes of a key agreement protocol.

- Workshop on Internet Communications Security (WICS 07) | Pp. 503-513

Integrating Identity Based Cryptography with Cryptographically Generated Addresses in Mobile IPv6

Zhen Cao; Hui Deng; Yuanchen Ma; Po Hu

This paper proposes a mechanism to secure the mobile IPv6 networks by integrating identity based cryptosystem with cryptographically generated address. Based on an in-depth analysis of attacks and countermeasures in the CGA-based protocols, this paper gives an analysis of the so called ”unauthentic key attacks”, and presents a mechanism to solve this problem by integrating an IBC scheme called Combined Public Key (CPK) with CGA. Both the deployment considerations and performance analysis of this IBC-CGA scheme are present in the paper.

- Workshop on Internet Communications Security (WICS 07) | Pp. 514-525

Supporting Mobility in GKM over Ad-Hoc Network Using a Decentralized and Spontaneous Algorithm

Juan Hernández-Serrano; Josep Pegueroles; Miguel Soriano

Recently there have been a noticeable growth of ad-hoc environments with peer-to-peer relations. Such environments decentralize the services in order to share their cost between their members. As a result, a decentralized security scheme for the group members must be also provided. Group Key Management (GKM) deals with the responsibility of providing privacy and group authentication in group communications, but until now it is based either in centralized solutions, useless for peer-to-peer groups, or in contributory key schemes, that require a known group size. We propose a GKM algorithm targeted to ad-hoc environments that it is decentralized and allows members to only know their one-hop neighbors. Moreover our presented algorithm can deal with the potential mobility of the ad-hoc devices.

- Workshop on Internet Communications Security (WICS 07) | Pp. 526-539

Using Adaptative Encryption for Ubiquitous Environments

Antonio Izquierdo; Joaquin Torres; Jose M. Sierra; Mildrey Carbonell

One of the most important issues for ubiquitous computing is the problem of encrypting content in the devices, as the heterogeneity in the devices nature, capabilities, mobility and necessities make it very difficult to find a solution that may be applied to all of these devices for the encryption and decryption of data. Although this is an important issue in today’s computing, there are not proposals that suit the specific needs of the ubiquitous devices regarding power consumption and computing capabilities, as well as flexibility. In this paper we show how adaptative encryption is the base for encryption of the stored data in ubiquitous environments.

- Workshop on Internet Communications Security (WICS 07) | Pp. 540-548